You do not need an Assault Weapon that kills multiple innocent victims

You do not need an Assault Weapon that kills multiple innocent victims.

With a cell phone, you can call the police at any time of the day, you need to call the police, and be safe like civilized countries such as England and Mexico. (Nations where handguns and assault weapons are banned, for safety)

How do you keep the nigger at bay for the 20 minutes it takes the cops to get there?

Its funny cuz pic is Mexico guys.

I guarantee if you drove up in an ice cream truck he would have stopped for some cones.

Guess I'm going to Mexico, the land of safety.

Really tosses the noggin nuggets around.

>20 minutes

lol more like 20 hours.

Wait, I'm a white ally, and I've been told the cops are racist...

That shit was pretty horrific. Also, some white meth heads did it. Awful story, if only he had a way to protect his family. It was so bad that Conneticucks wanted to reinstate the death penalty.


You need an fully automatic assault weapon to keep the Cartel from burning down your village as the government hides in their bunkers in the capitol.

>Be a rich Libtard soccer mommie
>Nogunz because Libtard
>Killers invade your home
>Helpless because nogunz
>Killer takes you to bank
>Sends you into bank
>You go into bank
>You have escaped the killer and you are in the perfect safety of the bank
>So you withdraw your money,
>Get back in the car with the killer
>He takes you back you your house and rapes and kills you.

Will we ever understand the libtard mind user?

Nope, it takes a sick mind to embrace liberalism. I have a few guns and that shit would never happen at my home. Criminals tend to run away when the target isn't a soft liberal.

It's time for America to enter the civilized world and finally be safe, like the rest of the world who have recognized the need for gun control.

And you have yet to post a dead body picture from America.

Your faggotry knows no bounds.

>when seconds matter
police are only minutes away

how the fuck does he live with himself?

I would have died trying to save my family, Idgaf if they put a bullet in my head, I'm not gonna play nice prisoner while they rape my family

jesus fuck I'm mad now

People called 911 from Pulse Nightclub
Police busted out a wall 3 hours later
People called (911) from Bataclan
Police busted in hours later

A vaguely remember a documentary on this

Chill out, it won't happen to your family because you aren't a cuck. Rest easy so you can sleep tonight and be productive tomorrow, unlike some faggot liberal who will sleep until noon after correcting the record all night.

>Mexicans do money killing people
>Mexicans kill the killers
>Mexicans realize killing is good
>Mexicans start killing for money
>Mexicans are now the killers
I hate mayan blood, we solve anything with killing that's subhuman Sup Forums was right







They hit him in the head with a bat while he was asleep, then tied him up. There was nothing he could have done to save them.





Those are cartel people that already had guns though, even the second pic tells you that they are from a rival cartel.




K postin





>what is population density


The police here generally/usually don't release any images like you see from gun-control paradise countries like Memexico and Sweden.

If you have the images of the raped and killed corpses of the petit women please by all memes post them. I'll be waiting.....




Just ban cities than bro.

It's measured per capita bro

It doesn't matter whether they had guns or not. Guns are illegal.

Lewis and Clark had one of these



Nah, your logic is flawed, retard.












Start a thread and dump these images there. It's not that I disagree with you, just that you aren't contributing to the discussion.



I'd give my cake to that QT, desu

I know you're just baiting, but I find it funny that you can indeed own a gun in Mexico.
It's just that you can only have it in your home, and there's one single gun store in the whole country, and the criminals are armed while you can do fuck all about it.









Thanks Canadabro. I've been looking for material like this for a while, greatly appreciated.






Even if he wasn't shitposting it's pretty much useless at this point to argue with genuine idiots like OP.




And you are?

I only need to buy lots of guns to shoot little paper targets way up in the mountains ;)


I mean... I guess according to the comic they're dating, but no woman would date such a low beta male.

tell your parents to go back to were they meet chairo and use a condom.

fucking waste of space of a chilango subhuman,

votas por el peje verdad?

No hay pedo niño todavia te faltan 40 años mas de trabajar para mi para jubilarte, pinche animal iletrado.


I'm so glad that image made it to social media.


handguns are not banned in mexico.

get your fuckign facts straight faggot and get off pol now that you can



>There was nothing he could have done to save them.

>sleeping through your house's alarm system going off
>not sleeping with a gun in the nightstand

Yeah, nothing he could have done.

