Be my coalburning teenage sister

>be my coalburning teenage sister
>get pregnant by a stupid nigger
>decide to keep the baby, and try and work things out with the ape who is its father
>fuck up your relationship with your family in the process, ending whatever chances you had at getting an actual education
>now working two jobs, struggling to make ends meet, as your deadbeat "boyfriend" sits on his ass all day eating KFC
>surprise, surprise ... pregnant again!
>Jayquan pressures you into aborting this one, saying that you can't afford it and he wants to work on the child you already have
>end up fucking traumatized from a quack inserting a tube into your vagina and ripping your unborn child's limbs from its bloody body
>come and find out that he pushed for an abortion because he had a side chick who he fucked and got pregnant too with his filthy nigger dick

A tale of women's empowerment and multiracialism in our wonderful American society, everyone. Hope you enjoyed.

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Did that really happen to your sister?

I feel sorry for people who ruin their lives like that

>Traumatized by tube insertion into vage

Bruh I'm pretty sure Daquan already traumatized that shit.

Also, if your dad is too much of a faggot to take charge then you should have beaten some sense into her. This is equally your fault as it is your dad's.

I hope your family has severed all ties with her.

Kind of curious if you've ever told her off for being a retarded race traitor.

sounds like a grand old time desu. Did you at least get to use the remains for a stew?

The real question you need to ask is "does he shart in the Mart?"

>traumatized from a quack inserting a tube into your vagina and ripping your unborn child's limbs from its bloody body
>he's against abortion especially for mixed babies
It was the only part of the story I supported

Oh gosh

James is a nigger

10/10 hope she got aids

sounds like you got redpilled the hard way.

You are the real bigger you Mexicuck.

Guaranteed that she liked "bad boys." I no longer feel anything for women who do, deep down they know it's only fun because of the risks and deep down they know playing those risks enough times will get them in shit.

Like, they're getting what they paid for: an exciting life. Enjoy the show, OP, that's all you can do as her brother. From here on in she's a single mother.

what kind of brother are you? why'd you let your sister do that? are you a fucking sissy?


user i'm sorry but you'll have to kill your sister it's the only way

>yfw he was right all along

Because this story has NEVER been played out between lower class white people. NEVER.

It's not that whites never do it. It's that blacks often do. One day you'll graduate and see the real world.

How do these idiotic people get pregnant during sex? Like the odds of getting pregnant are already only like 30% during peak ovulation (compared to like 5% the rest of the time). Couple that with using the pull out method (because Jamal is too poor to buy a condom) which in itself is 96% effective as long as you actually pull your dick out before you cum (73% effective if you don't always use it correctly according to planned parenthood).

With that in mind, how the fuck do people still get pregnant? Do they just cum in their girlfriends and hope for the best without pulling out? What the fuck

Use black babies as fuel just like Britain does

A black abortion is more profitable than 90% of black people will ever be to the state.

And this applies to white folks too, I've seen an ungodly amount of attractive white girls on tinder who were 18-23 years old that had one or more children

Because they don't care.

Blacks and mestizos literally have higher fertility rate.

r-selected races man. You subject r-selected africans to the welfare state and you get niggers. Abortion is literally the only thing keeping them in check.

Combine abortions and homicide below the age of 30, you're talking about a native African American population that is below replacement rate. Literally below native European whites. White conservatives (which may include """"""""white""""""""""" Hispanics) are breeding above replacement rate.

The only increases in the black American population come from immigration which is quite high.

I mean abortion is evil, and it's murder. Don't get me wrong. The fact of the matter is that if you are willing to murder your child because you're too reckless to wear a condom or use birth control then you don't deserve to have one and have no business raising one.

Burn the coal, pay the toll, as they say.

Subhumans/niggers have a drastically high pregnancy rate even with contraception readily available, because they don't have the IQ to use them. The main method of birth control for niggers is abortion, you just need to look at the figures.

If only both blights upon genomic capital had been terninated; I hope that bitch suffers maximally for being involved with a savage feral ape -- her multifarious suffering is causality's penalty -- I would attain so much pleasure if I could cut the womb out of the bitch! Disgusting filth deserves much worse.

Risk taking behaviour is common amongst impulsive people who don't value their own intelligence. Finishing in a girl is a risk in itself and has appeal or excitement for that reason alone, so it's likely he did it deliberately. In fact, he was probably only cheating on his "baby momma" through the same risk taking impulse, it was fun for him to push the boundaries.

I think the other issue is taking risks constantly and expecting the same rush each time gets boring, it's why extreme sporters always step it up with better things. This could be why he allowed himself to get caught with the other girl or why he deliberately impregnated two girls. The risk taking feeling became hollow, so he attempted to spark it by initiating the consequences.

Yes, this is literally how low intelligence people think. To make themselves feel fulfilled, they turn their lives into soap operas.

Nice try, but fatherlessness and teen pregnancy is more common among blacks. Again, from the woman's perspective it's all about playing the risks. A gangbangin hard tuff gai black man is more exciting than an innocuous white guy earning his engineering degree, despite anyone with a foresight that extends 5 years being easily able to determine the safer investment.

If I were a chick, I'd fuck only brogrammers and brogineers. Good pay for a sugar daddy and they work out, so they're eye candy. Like I give a fuck if he's "boring." Then again, I'm making the assumption I'd still be relatively intelligent as a chick.

Found the small penis Indian.