This study shows that even Indians from poor working-class backgrounds blow Europeans out of the water educationally. Why are you guys just so genetically stupid?
This study shows that even Indians from poor working-class backgrounds blow Europeans out of the water educationally. Why are you guys just so genetically stupid?
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If they're so smart then why can't they poo in the loo?
I wish you the best India, hopefully you guys remove kebab and revive Buddhism.
I hate saying it but its actually true to an extent. When I did a semester at MIT, every grad student and their lab partner were Indian.
Reading out a list of EE students at MIT was like reading some sort of magic spell out loud
70% of India is rural.
Indus Valley Civilization had running water and toilets when Europoors were hardly different from apes.
Cool, why only a semester?
Nobody cares about what happened thousands of years ago. Why can't you poo in the loo RIGHT NOW?
Let's be honest, whites and Indians come from the same Indo-European genetic stock. I'm surprised Indians and whites don't get along more considering our opinions on race, culture, and degeneracy are extremely similar.
>The top 5% of a racial group does well on standardized tests.
>top 5%
Nigga, I already very clearly said why. 70% of India is rural and hence poos in field. India had been a socialist economy from its birth to the 1990s, over 2 decades after China had already liberalized its economy. Hard to come back from Britbong savages literally looting anything and everything they could, destroying your economy, leeching your resources, creating over a dozen artificial famines, and then 60 years of socialism right after.
The whole "every fucking european in india trying to colonize india" probably has something to do with it.
Not talking about any animosity, just a general atmosphere of uneasy discomfort.
>top 5%
Indians here are almost always from farming or middle-class merchant communities in India.
Have we given up entirely, deciding for a maximum shitposting route?
More sense and direction than Nehru's socialism I guess.
Which part of India are you from?
The poor ones don't get to go to school
Residing in Mumbai, from the South.
>Capable of mart-sharting
Only Americans have body mass enormous enough to be incapable of feeling/noticing a steady flow of McDonalds discharge oozing our our asscracks while we shop for XXXXXXL t-shirts and cargo shorts at the Mart.
Europoors don't have enough food to shart + their government-required buttplugs don't permit it
I have a lot of respect for Indians. Both Persians and Indians are accomplished model minorities in the USA. Also, our cultures have a close origin (i.e., Avesta and Rig Veda use a lot of the same terminology).
t. Iranian American
No one is debating indians aren't intelligent, there's plenty of indian doctors and scientists and engineers. Its just that you're filthy street shitters and lack social awareness.
Why is the IQ of India so mediocre then? I've always thought that Indians are smart genetically but are we just getting the god-tier ones migrating or like what
Because we thrive in mediocrity. Can't expect excellence if you're told "yeah whatever it's fine".
Thank you. Also, by the way, the Parsi Zoroastrians have been incredibly influential in modern India.
Indian national IQ has been artificially depressed by colonial and socialist famines, poverty, and disease. The only reason China's national IQ seems high is its government controlled all the IQ studies coming out of the country. I'd imagine China's actual national IQ is probably around 90, but will gradually rise alongside incomes and improvements in quality of life.
When you're an ugly brown manlet all you have is to be smart. Obviously sampling an immigrant population from a shithole the entire population is competing to escape from is going to give you some higher than average intelligence results. The fact of the matter is that if they were actually smart at the genetic level then their country wouldn't be a shithole they were trying to escape from in the first place.
Also, remember the "how can she slap" guy? This is what he looks like now. Income and quality of life does wonders for a person's looks.
Can't put it better than Wikipedia.
>The Parsis have made considerable contributions to the history and development of India, all the more remarkable considering their small numbers.
People like Homi J. Bhabha and the entire Tata family have played a huge role in India's development.
so you are using being conquered as an excuse for why India is still a shithole, and who was it who conquered you but the exact same race of people you now claim to be smarter than? This is why you are retarded.
Bro, do you know anything about history? The British got absolutely assblasted in India in all of its first three wars against the Kingdom of Mysore. They were so handily defeated that the Kingdom of Mysore had actually captured their generals.
So how did the British finally win in the fourth war, you ask? Because they allied with other Indian kingdoms and hired Indian mercenaries, which they then went on to fuck over.
Indians conquered themselves because India wasn't a nation-state with a national identity. Sad but that's how it worked out.
Pic related.
If colonialism is why India is a shithole then why does colonialism make basically evry other place better? White people leave thigns better than we found it
t. Africa
I think there's a better chance that Indians grow out of religion, than the rivival of Buddhism.
Indian Buddhism isn't very agressive, whereas the Hindus are.
>File name: white Americans.jpg
>Indians grow out of religion
Except that it isn't even religion for us, it's much more than that. You can't replace Sanatana dharma from the Indian way of life because everything is related to it.
Learn to shit in a toilet now, Pajeet.
Check out this beautiful blue-eyed white master race sheila
>Learn to have hemorrhoids, Pajeet
Living in rural areas does not excuse the lack of not using a toilet.
At least build outhouses with septic tanks or something you forever squatting darkslav
It actually does.
These are people who find it hard economically enough to have paint applied on the walls of their house.
No way in hell they're gonna build an entire system where the alternative is to simply walk a couple hundred metre and finish the whole business.
I feel like it will be hard for India to really become any kind of power with China in its current state.
What do Indians think of the Chinese?
There's an ancient text that prescribes rules for villages; it still implicitly guides villages today. It states that a person should defecate far away from one's own home to prevent disease and pollution. These villagers think loos would actually bring more disease, unfortunately.
They're not smarter. They simply cheat more.
There's anger, mostly.
I'm personally more depressed than angry about the whole thing. India and China working together could've been great.
Regardless, hopefully China will realize it can't be a king all by itself, especially at the cost of antagonizing everyone around.
A FUCKING _______ ______
May they diminish one another.
Well it's certainly detrimental to us.
Indians in India are wary of the Chinese, because China has a few border disputes with India and it's a close ally of Pakistan. China consistently goes to Pakistan's rescue diplomatically, because it makes billions off Pakistan's natural resources in places like Balochistan, and gets to use Pakistan as a proxy against India. Not to mention China gets the added benefits of selling its military equipment to a country that's almost completely isolated by the rest of the international community.
Unfortunately China keeps bullying its neighbors, claiming resource-rich waters and lands, etc. Not many people can side with China when it seems so self-interested.
What about the Iranis?
yah without persians like me your country would be doomed culturally and turned worse thank us and giv us your hot woman
You're not really a good diplomat, huh?
It is often considered cruel to prolong the life of a terminally ill, suffering animal, rather than euthanize it.
I like Indians. I have a lot of respect with how they preserved their Indo-European myths for such a long time.
I don't get all of this hatred for Indians. Hating on Muslims makes sense but why Indians?
Ever worked with them?
Yeah, from what I gather, most of the persecuted Zoroastrians settled in Mumbai; and when the city rose to become the major economic hub of India, they did extremely well for themselves.
Pretty sure it's mockery than outright hatred.
Well the UK has a huge cultural stake in India's failure. They know as India emerges economically, the looting, destruction, and atrocities perpetrated by their heroes like Churchill will become common knowledge.
Yeah, global economy has led to more suffering than good.
The age of Ashoka the Greats has come to an end, sadly. Ashoka the Great was the best king of all time -- and this is coming from a Persian.
Read Ashoka the Great's quotes:
"Wherever medical herbs suitable for humans or animals are not available, I have had them imported and grown. Wherever medical roots or fruits are not available I have had them imported and grown. Along roads I have had wells dug and trees planted for the benefit of humans and animals."
"Respect for mother and father is good, generosity to friends, acquaintances, relatives, Brahmans and ascetics is good, not killing living beings is good, moderation in spending and moderation in saving is good"
They did it to Iran too in the famine of 1917-1919.
We live in the Kali Yuga...
One more Ashoka the Great quote:
"Dhamma is good, but what constitutes Dhamma? (It includes) little evil, much good, kindness, generosity, truthfulness and purity. I have given the gift of sight in various ways. To two-footed and four-footed beings, to birds and aquatic animals, I have given various things including the gift of life. And many other good deeds have been done by me."
I wonder how everything would've turned out if India had been an isolated country.
Instead of the plain region through modern Pakistan, a semicircle of mountains.
For most Americans, they see Indians as a threat because of our visa system. Indians and Chinese make up the vast majority of people that come here on the H1B visa. The move towards a more globalized economy has a lot of people worried. Some of our politicians want to see an increase in this while I would say most Americans would rather not.
Wow, thanks for the heads up. I didn't know about this until now, so I'll look into it.
as an iranian i can say that every imperial power except the russians,greeks and mongols has tasted the sweet taste of our hairy balls
the romans did
arabs did before islam
indians did
afghans did
turks did
tajiks did
ancient egypt did
armenians did
pakis did
I like this picture depicting the Kali Yuga.
>tajiks did
Tajiks are Iranian, you idiot.
India kinda got fucked. You guys had the highest GDP for a long time, but the British conquered you during a rough time (right after the Iranian invasion) and even though they did some good things, they basically looted your country. I think if a Hitler-esque dictator comes to power in India and overthrows your parliament, genocides the Muslims and untouchables, and cleans up your country both figuratively and literally, India can become a first world nation within this century.
You Indians can have your high IQ's and high degrees. You can have anything you want. But please just stay the fuck in India. Please just keep your smelly ugly faces away from me.
>Iranian invasion
Yeah, sorry about Nader Shah.
Yeah, too bad Islam is dysgenic huh
Canada has the highest rate of open defecation in the world. Even the sandniggers are better than Indians
Daily reminder that Indians can't even shit in government-provided toilets.
Consanguineous marriage went back to Zoroastrian times. Kartir Hangirpe encouraged it for example.
>post about villagers going villager things
Whatever, the Gauls did that a lot too. A culture is not defined by those kind of practices.
From what i heard, the u.s has been making strides to strenghten the relationship with india. China ,on the other hand, builds a tiny shack of good will and burns it down after getting shitfaced at the bar.
Im indian and both whites and indians decended from the same tree and lineages. So dont pull some quick rhetoric pajeet.
Read this:
Notice how EVERY SINGLE story on India by the state-run BBC is about bullshit like a kite beheading a child, some death in a bumfuck village in Uttar Pradesh, and so on.
The UK is getting really desperate.
If it wasn't for the Arabs, India would still be the biggest backwater in the world. Taj Mahal, Golden Temple, etc etc.
>Indian "schools"
>Indian "degrees"
Keep your shit off this board and in the street Pajeet.
Are you an SJW Indian or just roleplaying?
I've always wondered what Indians are genetically. Their skin is darker than Arabs, but they have more Europeanish features (straight hair, nonsloping forehead). Wtf are Indians?
Indians are whiter than turks desu
Indian/European alliance against China/turk roach when?
>doing villager things
Fuck off. 600m people openly shit in the streets of India.
Pajeet piss off. Indians shitting in the street isn't a conspiracy.
Do you really want me to turn this into an ancient Indian art and architecture thread?
>best of the best flee India for America
>"hurr durr all Indians are smart"
But obviously not you.
India on #68. Seems about right.
>Europeanish features.
The entire line of posts was about rural areas and villagers.
For fuck's sake man at least be funny. This is just bad.
Why doesn't the US prop up India and make it an eastern Israel? Wouldn't that be a huge strategic advantage for us?
You're trying too hard. 600 million Indians don't even live near streets. Like I said, 70% of India is still rural.
>best of the best flee
Is someone going to explain aerodynamics to those swarthy fuckers