Is he redpilled?
Is he redpilled?
On women, yes. On The (((reasons))) why western civilization is failing, no.
>on women, yes
why is he an oil-driller then?
He's semi redpilled
Yes, only cucks disagree
I'm guessing you haven't yet partook?
Maybe shes a good person?
Probably loves her
Fuck no. Back to the cuck shed, Bill.
coal burners carry soot
>married a militant black feminist
I don't think so, Tim.
Ask his ho.
Black women are the best ones tho.
Less bullshit, better in bed and still want to play the housewife role.
No, he agreed with Kapernick about police violence against blacks
Is Bill Burr Andrew Anglin's dad?
I thought they were ashy
You just answered you own question.
>he still believes white women are redeemable
he's a literal retard that whines about having to rub two brain cells together, and he's unfunny as fuck
Because Bill Burr is a low-key family man and he had a midlife crisis and took the closest bitch available and it just happened to be a liberal cunt. I could give a fuck that she's black but she's unattractive and personality wise they do not fucking match at all, she's everything Bill hates in women and she's the exact controlling "OH MY GOD THAT JOKE IS RACIST, YOU CANT HAVE A GUN BILL" crazy cunt bitch Patrice warns every one of his friends about I'm guessing none of Bills friends had the heart or balls to tell Bill that Nina wasn't right for him so she gamed Bill's ass. Fucking feel bad for Bill.
Its lack of wrists is the most disturbing part to me.
Also Bill Burr is pretty funny.
blue pilled oil driller, still funny tho.
No. He associates with... what is basically a globalist human depopulation coven. If you ever listen to any of the people he hangs out with, you'll learn the same thing. They're all Commifornia burnouts who love globalism and support the notion of "depopulation".
He says some redpilled things here and there, but otherwise no.
bill burr is a cuck
I support the depopulation of Africa.
Sort of. Seems more like a guy who doesn't have to put up with annoying bitches, so he doesn't. He doesn't claim to be some all-knowing person with good opinions, quite the opposite really. He just seems like a no bullshit sort of dude who worked hard to be as successful as he is.
He might like vagina.. crazy right
holy shit. what is this. omg. what the fuck.
Sort of. But you don't have to be an asshole to be redpilled.
Is this Steven Memio?
Least likely to divorce you.
yeah I guess that's the tradeoff
Fuck no.
naw, he's funny and right about women but that's it.
Looks like something from Amnesia.
Nah m8
God no
He married a typical nagging lefty. His comedy dipped so much now that he has an sjw black wife.
He actually supports that Kaepernick weasel.
no but hes funny