Is... Is Trump going to win?
Is... Is Trump going to win?
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Trump won it last year. Hillary's position just isn't defensible.
I really don't know. Honestly every week I go from being really optimistic about him winning to thinking he will most likely lose. I just want a debate, at the very least he will shit all over shillary. Either way change is coming lads, be it good or bad.
Yeah but can he overcome the inevitable attempt to steal it?
hillary is just swindling the rest of the jews stupid enough to give her sheckles.
Meh, would a switch from obama to hillary really be that big of a change?
Also don't just answer "yes" if you think it will be a big change. Tell me how.
Nope, the silent majority is supporting Hillary.
Yes. But the liberals will block his legislature every step of the way. It's the American way. This is where his "don't give a fuckness" comes in. Can you say EXECUTIVE ORDER?
I dunno how voter turnout in USA works but I think Trump voters are more likely to actually cast a vote
Idk maybe it won't be a big change. But I can't help but feel the country is at a tipping point. Probably because I am far right and this is a big shot for us. But the country is slowly bleeding and I don't think it will fade to irrelevancy without a bang. What do I know though,.
As a Trump supporter I don't think he is going to win
Hillary and Trump are both controlled oppositions and same goes with all media including infowars.
There will be war, I am certain of it.
The elections will be rigged in Hillary's favour, with Donald Trump calling out for the "fight back" trick causing Civil War/ Race War in America whilst Hillary deals with the international war with Russia and the Middle East
The Depopulation meme is very real.
I sure hope so. I think if Hillary becomes president, we will never recover from it in our life time.
Voter turnout has historically been around half the population, iirc.
Yes, without question.
Not to mention the same shit is happening in Europe and Australia.
The reason why BLM is supported and sponsored is to cause hatred for blacks and when our leaders invade Africa killing blacks no one will give a shit because we don't like them anymore after the mass immigration of savages
>Trump supporter
>Not from America
Demoralization post confirmed. Thank you for correcting the record.
Every day I become more confident. Hillary is running on a "Not-Trump" campaign, fortunately that isn't enough to gain the presidency.
Especially as it becomes clear Hillary's health issues are increasingly crippling her campaign.
all polls are rigged, just like all media are democrats
Will Hillary and her best friend destroy the American if not who will save him?
This. She doesn't give a fuck about winning. She can't wait for it to end so she can finally rest and try to live ling enough to enjoy her wealth.
Selecting supreme Court justices. That's all you need to know.
How do so many people overlook this? I mean I expect that offline, but here? You're supposed to be politics nerds.