Why are Canadians such cucks?
Why are Canadians such cucks?
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if you kill your enemy
they win
>inb4 FPBP
I already know
this makes me think
with all the muslim refugees in canada where's all the terrorist attacks
are they completely spoiled by all the free shit the government gives them?
is that real? lol what the fuck
Canada is literally just america when you take away all the republicans, libertarians, and the right wing in general.
u rite.
yeah its from a pride parade around the same time America got the LGBTQALKSJHDUIGFHSG+ bill passed
Don't you know?
Terrorists come to Canada only to go south to the USA. Duh...
Which one of us elected a nigger twice again?
this must be a rare car just for that parade. Ive never seen a car like that before just regular ones
Which one of us elected two Trudeaus?
>someone calls me gay online
>call the LGBT support police assault squad
>have them killed
>feels good man
Our muslim population is honest pretty low. Plus all Sup Forums memes aside, most our muslims in my area at least, aren't young radical men, every one I've spoken to has been a 20 something woman The rest I've seen are spoiled kids(90% of the time are women) with rich parents. I think our sikh population is a lot higher than muslim in my area.
Most muslims i've met in Canada are super chill. I live in an area filled with muslims n indians. They are very nice n have nice kebabs. Unlike Eurofucks, the Canadian immigration system took in the good muslims.
We only let in families, which tend to be just women and kids.
We have a really low Muslim population, the """"""""""refugees"""""""""" we're taking in are women and families, so give it about 10-20 years and we'll start getting attacked when their children start to come of age.
Technically, I think they're our 3rd largest religious group after Christianity & Atheism..
Which blew me away, I thought we had more Chinks (Taoism or Confucism) & India Sikhs than muzzies.
progress you insensitive bigot!
im from the 905 and dont recognize any of those buildings and have never seen a copcar like tht
wtf I hate cops now
>Canada is literally just america when you take away all the retards
Fixed that for you.
The refugees that came to Canada were hand picked families only, no single males
When I see Merkel's eyes water like pic above...I have to ask myself..."has mama Merkel ever given a long and sloppy blowjob?".
praise allah!
Hand-picked worm-ridden fecal matter is still hand-picked worm-ridden fecal matter.
Has Sup Forums been utterly invaded by cocksucking faggots the past few?
Mr. Sub is goat when it comes to sub sandwiches.
They don't look too bad
There's one refugee family in my town of 10,000. They're fine because you have to assimilate if you live in a small town.
Jewish Mystery Babylon. It also applies to the rest of the world now.
Make fun of them.
I bet if the head of the poof police campaign or whatever the fuck saw this picture they'd get all butthurt
This is more Wasabi extremist, vs, more moderate. Men dressed like normal people vs man dressing like zealot. Woman in full Burka, vs, the ones who are just wearing the scarves because they are used to doing so.
I have to ask....are Sikhs really considered "bro-tier"?
Where your wrong Hans is that we actually aren't taking that many in. Europe took so many theirs barely enough for us. Of course Trudeau will likely change that. Based Harper saved our asses.
Cause weed dude
you mean based
You country literally invented cuckold porn
Yes when they're not exploding planes trying to create a separate Sikh homeland in India. I think they've gotten over that though.