Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing

>Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.

Was he right?

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Yes. Imagine being an adult basement dweller. Drinking coke and eating chili cheese fries whilst posting on Sup Forums, scratching your neckbeard, balls and zits and having smelly, sweaty armpits and no gf. That would probably be a bad thing

how the FUCK are you guys able to "discuss" the same exact thing EVERY SINGLE DAY?
The same exact thread and the same exact posts every day, if that's not autism than I don't know what is.

Yeah.. Heheh, imagine that

Literally me but I am a nice person and that is fine.

time is a flat circle

I always think of General Turgenson when I see this guy

He means people 22 or older

ehh, any age past 16 is kinda cutting it a little too close

>bunch of kissless virgins arguing about having kids and the purpose of life, again

But what if you're happy?

enjoy it while it lasts


Sup Forums looks like that?!

Man, what a loser. Putting chili and cheese on his fries like that.

Pretty good anthology, and the lovecraftian elements were a nice touch.

>tfw no chili cheese fries

>Was he right?
Just look at Sup Forums

>tfw when all of my former friends have families and im still a kissless virgin

But when I graduate and get a decent job things will change right?


Im so tired of you autistic manchildren who unironically thought the show would end with them fighting a monster

Once I realized I will never get a gf or even a family with a nice job I dropped out.

>But when I graduate and get a decent job things will change right?

if you think THATS whats holding you back then no. Its most likely because you never talk to girls in the first place, and even then, you are probably a really boring pussy. I know because thats me

You can't be happy unless you have a wife, at least 3 kids, a mortgage, college tuition, lawn care service, 2 cars, and whole foods credit card.

Anyway, the irony of this statement was he called his daughter captain of varsity slut team.

This thread belongs on /r9k/

You will only have more money that you will spend on more booze user.


20% of guys fuck 80% of girls. Don't believe what the media say, half of the population never have sex.

What happens with the other 20 percent of the girls?

It's more like 5% fucking 90% whereas the average male "gets lucky" once every blue moon. Society has essentially reversed back to ancient times when the most alpha males owned harems and your typical peasant got 1 woman for life

1 would be nice too

They're too fat to move off of their couch and meet guys to fuck.

I've seen boring people form families before. It might probably sound like an excuse but I want to settle down myself before forming any serious relationship. I'm 2 years from graduating and then I'll probably have to move north for a job. Ill be very likely a manager in mostly female dominated field so I think I might have a shot there. I rarely talk to girls but thats because I dont have the energy to talk to pretty much anyone. But I think getting a job and socialising through work everyday might change that. I haven't lost all hope.

I need a reality check. Please be as brutally honest as you can. Let it rip.

most western men are servile little cucks who are completely repulsive to women. Thats why they dont have sex. Even when they realize their problem, instead of fixing it, most men just become whiney women hating bitches which comes across as even more pathetic and repulsive

yes and I'm a mgtow and pushing 40 in 2 years.
there are days where I would love to have a loving wife and smiling kids, but then I have 5 min conversation with a woman and I know I made the right choice but the feeling of missing out being a father doesn't go away.

I honestly hate women. I honestly think life would easily be 500x easier if I didn't have to deal with their smelly, bitchy asses all the time, funking everything up with drama because of boredom.

It's not too late dude. Find a foreign wife and raise a family with traditional values

I honestly think you'll die alone and full of regret.

See, even on the internet they can't help but be petty narcissts.
I hope you get murdered by your nigger boyfriend, cunt.

reddit pls go and stay go

im 40, single, and happy as a cloud


are you tho?

>get married
come on. you want to pay alimony?she is going to cuck you, and take half of your shit.and if you have a kid, she is going to teach the kid to hate you.

You have time. 40 is the new 30 for men. Meanwhile 40 is still 60 for women.

>there's a monster at the end of it
this bit didn't make an iota of sense. only reason they put it in was so they could cut to the scene of the trailer pleb and give the plebbit audience some spooky feels. it's out of context with regards to the rest of the quote. he's describing the victim's thoughts here, not the murderers. anyone got any other insight?


>I'm 30/successful businessman
Can you stop posting this shit everyday

Nigga, I know I'm fucked up and will die alone and wealthy

Stop posting this shit and let me live in peace

>she had three kids

Fucktard deserved it.

no im actually 21
pretty happy tho

i took the train the other day for the first time in a while. i noticed a lot of the guys in my train cart were good looking and the girls were either really really fuckable or really let themselves go.. there was no inbetween. im guessing the 20% of women let themselves go

are you happy tho?

why do women browse Sup Forums? your like a nigger the moment you reveal yourself to be a woman you get harassed


>chilli cheese fries
>not poutine

do you reckon this story is true? holy fuck i can actually picture myself in that situation. please tell me people aren't that evil :/

It's pointless to post that you are happy and single because even if you really mean it, it always sounds bitter to some people. It's pointless, you can't win. But hey, let me tell you this advice: when you can truly admit to yourself that you are happy and more importantly you don't have any urge to tell it anyone, it shows more than trying to explain it in words to someone. When you can truly accept your situation and keep it truly to yourself, you can be happy.

>being this assblasted
get laid bro

I wish you the best then

it was a geniune question i wasnt mad at all ?

You need to re-examine your world view if you believe every facet of your worth is contingent on being pleasing to women.
If you are are a neckbearded ball scratchier and don't take showers and are happy with your lot of life, there is literally nothing wrong.

It means they're either gay or a pedo.

thank you you too

sorry boss, I thought you were the same guy

This just in, men have no sense of smell

Men aren't bitches and will deal with a stinker or in places where it's necessary tell the fuck to take a shower.
A woman won't say shit but stew in her own frustration, call the guy creepy, levy a false sexual harassment charge and get the guy fired.
I don't even care if I'm wrong, I'm relatively happy.

A lucky additional 20% of men get them and only them.

Why do people act like Marty is a hypocrite in this scene when he's speaking from experience? He lost his family because of his vices. You people will find any excuse to try and convince others that you're proud to be losers.

i dont get it

Marty was wrong about everything in this show.




>Drinking coke
>Not gallons of beer every week

When you are truly happy and content about your situation you won't feel the need to post about it on the Internet

20% is actually a lot. White people are only 10% of the world population. You can easily become a part of the 20% of men that get all the pussy if you just move to a place where you're more desired by women.

Nobody is ever content with their situation for an extended period of time. The only way for humans to be perpetually happy is to have a constant stream of challenges that you accomplish.

Go back faggot

You belong on reddit

You might want to stop being a little faggot user