What's the most misogynist movie you can think of?

what's the most misogynist movie you can think of?

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West side story.


Lmao can't believe they remade the original Straw Dogs. What a bunch of lazy cunts

I think the rape scene in Cape Fear was worse tbqh

ur mothers tape from last night

Why do people get their panties in a bunch over rape scenes but not murder, when most people objectively believe murder to be the worse crime?

How the fuck is a movie mysogynistic for portraying a rape, even such a brutal one.

Why not call it homophobic, seeing ad the rapist is a homosexual which apparently means he can only fuck a woman if it's sodomy.

Rape is just difficult to watch.

fuck off krager

the way the guy behaved towards her, talked to her. the whole psychology of it. you need to have a bit of experience with women to catch those things.

rape itself is not, of course, per se, misogynist.

How many more years of people telling you to kill yourself will it take for you to fuck off and actually do it you stupid namefaggot.


Never reply directly to a namefag. If you must acknowledge them only do so while making a general comment, or addressing someone else.

still being this much of a tripfag


She won against his cock tho.

Unironic fact : there is NOTHING wrong with masturbating to this scene.

>rape itself is not, of course, per se, misogynist.

What would happen to his homosexual cock if he was to put it inside Belucci's tight virginal pussy?

Murder is considered worse because death is terminal. No "recovering" after that. Rape is more alike torture. It's spiritually breaking and humiliating a person, so of course it has an impact on the viewers psyche.

Didn't you get a idea that he was a bad guy?

I mean if you want to jack off to this scene there literally is not a thing wrong with it because it isn't a real rape that happened in real life. It would be the same as jacking off to a roleplayed rape even though I don't do that and have never jacked off to Irreversible. There's just nothing wrong with it if you want to.

>Unironic fact : there is NOTHING wrong with masturbating to this scene.
Explain yourself. How is it not wrong you cynical fuck?

chicks love bad guys

Womens are mysoginistic then

Jesus how many fucking skarsgards are there?

The Sopranos rape of Dr. Melfi was really well done. Superbly acted. It's a badly underrated rape scene.


Have you ever heard women talk about other women?

lmao. He didn't even last a minute.

100 Girls

There's nothing wrong with jacking off to real rape either.

I've thought about that. About that scene and generally. What happens if you go to rape a bitch and you either can't get it up or you last a bit too long to make the whole experience weird? I think in a rape situation, speed is of the essence.

Murder in movies is fake, sexuality/rape, even if faked by the actors, is still extremely real in a visceral sense.

Stellan has 8 kids, 6 of them with the same lady of which 4 are actors (Bill, Alexander, Gustaf, Valter) and the 1 daughter is a model (Eija)

>can't speak (can't say "no :p )
>smoking hot
>dresses like a sl00t

We need more women like this

>nigger rapes a white woman
Could this be shown in 2017?

The Wicker Man (Nick Cage)

Well he was Italian. But no I get your point. Today he'd have to be a blond haired and blue eyed college aged fraternity member.

10/10 bait. Your utter disregard for humanity almost caused me to shudder until 10 years of desensitization in this place caught up with me. Nobody thinks rape is worse than murder. Nobody is that deserving of the evil which they diminish.

Krup you

There is nothing misogynist about a rape scene. Misogyny would be to say she was asking for it or some shit, which I don't believe was the premise of the movie.



Imagine looking like the guy on the right, with pusy just lining up for you

There's no such thing as a misogynistic, racist, homophobic, xenomorphic, etc. movie. Movies don't have thoughts or feelings.

But as far as what you're getting at goes, I think you could argue pretty easily that the scene in your pic is actually "feminist" since it shows the brutality and cruelty of rape and all that shit. It would have been bad if the audience had been made to feel on the rapist's side than the woman's, but I think that there are very few people in the world who would be capable of sympathizing with the rapist and that those people are psychos.

All that being said though, I've never seen the movie so whatever.

That's not misogyny. Men adore a women like that.

why do you think he did it?

At least post the webm user

Because it makes my dick hard, hence there is nothing wrong with it.


But that's the plot. It would be like saying Schindler's List was an antisemitic movie because it depicted Nazis who killed a bunch of Jews.

I fucking hope they were making real love in that scene, or the guy is the biggest imbecile ever.

fucking high-class pig

>guy on the right


>hope they were making real love in that scene
>real love
sure user, she just really likes it rough

i'm not saying the whole movie is misogynist, just that scene from the perspective of that guy. perhaps there's a whole movie built out of the character like that.

>most people objectively believe murder to be the worse crime

I feel most people now hold rape in worse regard because of certain current social developments.

Ask someone why rape is worse than murder and you'll get some feelzy bullshit answer akin to "it kills the SOUL", i.e. a pointless and conveniently undefined position that doesn't mean anything. There are alot of things worse than rape between murder.

Heavenforbid one attempts the phrase "rape isn't as bad as it's made out to be", though.

I like the narrative that this guy is a turbohomo who hatefucks women.

Because it's true. Homosexuals are the most misogynist people on the planet.

It's not most people, it's mainly Americans. They're bible thumping christards so anything sex related gets them pissy.

not the most misogynist but up there

>fucks a woman

Yeah, right

>he thinks they were born that way

most dudes in jail aren't homos either. jail rape often is to assert dominance.

Makes you hard precisely because it's wrong. Can't you have a wank without needing the moral high ground?

A butthole feels the same regardless of gender

Misogny is the hatred of women. Rape isn't usually motivated by hate of the female sex. Chauvinism is more likely, and even it's probably not the most common reason. In fact most historic sexism was chauvinism, not misogynist.

Spotted the bitch.

The difference if someone is actually gay they aren't going to fuck women.

True but that butthole is part of a woman. A gay men wouldn't be able to get off.

>True but that butthole is part of a woman. A gay men wouldn't be able to get off.

So a straight guy prison-raping another guy shouldn't get off either. But that's not how this works, isn't it?

what flick?

>A gay men wouldn't be able to get off.
lol whut? Yes he would, It's simple fucking biology

We call homos that are too cowardly to touch women "gays". If they'll fuck both sexes we call them "bi". It's just semantics about how you classify mentally diseased men who hate women and want to die.

well closeted gay men have children with their wives so yeah

spoonfeed me the name

She more than likely likes it rough IRL

>homos that are too cowardly to touch women
Excuse me you god damn stupid fucking cunt, but anyone reading this thread who is unfortunately afflicted with homophilia should know that it is an absolute fucking *virtue* to segregate yourself from the heterosexual dating pool, and you trying to shame them for it is pathetic and frankly dangerous. Faggots fucking women for whatever reason is how AIDS spread to the larger population, don't forget.

Any fag who is brave enough to *never* touch a woman is a hero in my book. Keep your filthy fucking degeneracy amongst yourselves.

only the greatest heist movie of the 21st century

that's your flaw

are you stupid? Belluci hole is an entire different thing.

>Marsden's name above Skarsgard
>Skarsgard's name above Marsden

Last Tango in Paris

Brando actually sodomized a girl with a stick of butter.

This is all I could think of because of how much it made me hate women.

Boku no Pico

haha ebin but i used my brain and found out it is TWIN PEAKS so FUCK YOU!

gone girl

Did he use lube or something?
I tried anal sex once with spit and it didn't go so well

We all know who the best one is though

Were you raping her?

Crank 2. What a piece of shit.

Because rape is like torturing someone practically. Torture can be and usually is worse than death.

Obviously no one thinks rape (and/or torture) isn't one of the worst possible things that can ever happen to a person, but can you really say it's better to die than to be raped/tortured? I guess maybe it depends on your religious beliefs but still.

No it was with a gf back when I was a bluepilled normie. Nice trips btw


sex is not torture you dumbfuck

Someone tell the exact moment when penetrates Bellucci

What motivates someone to rape, 99% of the time, despite what feminists will tell you, has nothing to do with power; it has to do with lust and a heightened level of aggression.

Holy shit I cant stop imagining ejaculating inside Bellucci until my balls get completely empty.

if you didn't get rock hard during this scene you're not a man

Underrated Post