Is the world ready for such an alliance?

Is the world ready for such an alliance?

If we give you guns can you invade everything below mexico?

Aren't there more Salvadorans in the States than in El Salvador? Your food is good though.

Isn't like 1/10th of your population gang members or related to one?

Will you be the Salvador of America?

If america is going to be friends with a hispanic country

Then it's going to be an European one god dammit

>camouflage pants
>bright red shirt

we barely know you guys exist. Next.

Your country is completely irrelevant to world affairs. Except for the fact that you make awesome chimichangas. I think.

first post best post

I kind of wish the USA just continued the Monroe Doctrine during & after WW2

Having all of the western hemisphere capitalist (cold war 1st world) and overwhelmingly work together would have made the world a better place.

Maybe if it was Spain before all the ass rapes from mudzies.

What is stopping any Central American nation from just going full Otto von Bismark and conquering and uniting Central America under one nation?

Central americans are too busy killing each other in their own countries


They make Hells Angels look like kindergarten children

Mountains and jungles

some of my ancestors are from here


There just a bunch of brainless skinny manlets. That being said, they're violent, have large numbers, amd nothing to lose. Which makes them dangerous

El Salvador >>>> Honduras >>>> mexifecesico

>going full Otto von Bismark and conquering and uniting Central America
You just described my life time goal

Yes please

Accord to the prophecies yes

Literally, yes

Do you like pupusas?

>we barely know you guys exist.

I miss Reagan-sama

>What is stopping any Central American nation from just going full Otto von Bismark and conquering and uniting Central America under one nation?
>this needs to happen again
do it salvabro

I'd love to see a battle royal between ISIS, Africans, Mexican Cartels, Central American Gangs, and Somalians. I'd like to see them just wield combat weapons and no guns. I'd like to see who'd win.

>Do you like pupusas?
Very much so