Tom hanks/speilburg dumping 500 MILLION into ww2 aircraft drama

Its habbening. Band of brothers in the sky with fuckhuge budget.

It was called "the mighty eighth" But it might be changed soon to "masters of the air"

Expect announcements of this project soon

More proof its in motion

pitch trailer made for the series a LONG time ago.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lol, fucken guys cant stand that Nolan outskilled them

sound boring pacific was shit

Stfu Nolanfag, he couldn't even come close to SPR or BoB. A PG war movie, kek

nah they have been working on this a long time. And dale dye has been working on his normandy movie forever too

These take forever to set up.

But yes the air scenes in dunkirk were to date the best ever filmed

>American pilots
>not English gentlemen officers

Boring shit desu.

I thought this was supposed to be an HBO series?

>pleb detected

as a


I can say nolan slammed it out of the park with the air segments of his film. And whoever was responsible for putting that together needs to be involved in this project

war thunder has better graphics

It is.

10 part HBO miniseries

this is how it really sound bombing shit

not that horrible hollywood garbage

I remember hearing about this yeeeears ago. What happened to it? Was it just a long production?

Ok now I am excited.

>kikes make another propaganda
Fuck off cucks

>tfw hit by flak.

alot of war movies were in production hell. This was one of them.

Here is another. Dale dye (main military advisor for band of brothers) is making another normandy paratrooper movie. And its been in the works forEVER

>Dunkirk will bring back WWIIkino



t. warner bros shill that knows nothing about ww2 air warfare

>500 million dollar cgi fest
It's still going to be terrible.

Lol this bomber wasnt hit by flak. It was actually hit by a bomb by a bomber above it. Nobody got out


I know quite a bit. Why not point out some innaccuracies with nolans air combat segments

They were perfection

You're probably thinking of that B-17 that had a bomb dropped on its tail.


Awesome, well get to see how Americans won the Battle of Britain (again)

thats how it sounded bombing shit when you didnt have german fighters in your anus

>still waiting for Peter Jacksons Dam Busters remake

i think after dunkirk there should be a ban on war movies depicting the british military. only because its so sad all those lads died so their great great grand daughters could be raped walking home from school

They were literally fighting off jerry in that clip.


i didnt listen to the end my mistake. pretty hilarious that one guy is like ALRIGHT RELAX ONE AT A TIME.

seriously. How is it that Band of Brothers air scenes which were from 16 years ago look better than this shit?

why the fuck would they try to drop it that low? why kill pilots for something so retarded?

pacific > bob

Makes me proud to be English.

It wasn't as good as band of brothers, but it certainly wasn't shit.

probly because it was a mockup from 2013

i believe that bomb was made specifically to destroy dams in the german ruhr, losing a few bombers would of been worth it to flood the ruhr

Are you blind?

Not the other guy but the only part I disliked was how Tom Hardy managed to glide back for another pass and shoot the Stuka so easily. All the previous times he downed another plane he was behind them and took a few bursts to get on target and shoot them down. But that last one was in a full dive and he shot it down in seconds from an almost perpendicular flight path.

he was in the zone

>500 million

Christ, with that they could just build a replica B-17 instead of needless putting flight hours onto the originals which they are sure to do

it will be shit just like everything tom hanks and spielberg have touched since band of brothers


people in combat situations don't act all hysterical like in movies

the captain of the B17 would not be jittery nervously screaming dramatically at his co-pilot in that situation

officers of airplanes in the military are selected for their level headedness, when shit is happening like that you don't have time to process any emotions and its surprisingly much more mundane than what happens in hollywood movies for effect

that bomber when it suplexes that other B17 looks so retarded, when some shit like that happened, both those planes would be hundreds of feet from their position in a second, not rubbing each other for a good while that guy takes camera footage of them

as if they would let some guy fuck around with a camera in the waste gunner position during a run anyways, the two waste gunners had precious little space to work with, letting some guy in there to putz around with a camera is retarded

and then they get hit with flak that goes PING PING PING! and makes sparks, if you knew anything about planes, their made of thin aluminum, there would be no sparks, it would be so loud in the aircraft you wouldn't hear the shrapnel tearing through it

>yfw the Americans are all negresses and stronk women vs evil white Trump nazis

>yfw even when it isn't like that at all, mental midgets will still get triggered

aiming with an aircraft is difficult because of its unpredictability. Lining up shots is hard. But when you fly into a shot sometimes its very easy

the bomb was designed to be dropped that low

it was used to blow up a dam, there were big nets the germans put in front of the dam to prohibit use of torpedoes on the dam so the bongs made a bomb they could skip across the water until it hit the dam, then sunk down to the bottom before going off

pretty retarded but it worked, they could have really just used some of their giant 12,000 lbs bombs on it

>Mama! Mama!
jesus christ, can' they record someone else screaming that?
>Not yet/ Look at that
that pilot is absolute shit, and it's not like all the fucking planes in front of them just magically appeared, they would have been in view for a long ass time

>mfw you are shitposting on the comms and the pilot tells you all to shut the fuck up


Op that teaser trailer has nothing to do with the HBO series. It was never called the mighty eighth. You are years behind breaking this news. Where is my slowpoke reaction image.

How many of those will go into actual planes and not computer animators?

Didnt he try this before and it was shit?

Maybe he should get Miyazaki for guidance.

Why not about fighter pilots fighting other fighter pilots rather than bomber crews carpet bombing cities full of families hiding in their basements?

>Hardy transformed from Hartman to Marseille


Meh. Spealburg relies too much on cg now. I literally thought Realplayer One or whatever the fuck movie that was directed by the faggot who did Cars 2. I miss the realistic, gritty Steve (Sheindel's List, Saving Private Ryan's CP Files, Butt-Munich, etc)

>people in combat situations don't act all hysterical like in movies

There is literally audio from ww2 bomber missions posted in this thread

wrong. I remember when it came out. It was for the HBO series.

Its been in development hell forever

Not really much you can do with practical effects in an AIR COMBAT DRAMA

dunkirk did it best. Real cockpits surrounded by greenscreen

It won't have the same emotional impact Band of Brothers had. Pilots were pretty cosy most of the time compared to guys on the ground.

Midway through the air war, the US Air Force strategists found the greatest value heavy bombers served was their ability to attract every Luftwaffe fighter ub sorrounding region and then the US fighter pilots could pick them off. It decimated the Luftwaffe and gave the Allies air superiority during the later ground war on the Western Front but it came at a high casualty rate for the bomber crews, among the highest in the war.

No nigger, you're wrong. I have been following this project from the start. That is not a fucking trailer for the HBO series.

>The footage was put together by Hydraulx, the special effects company formed by Greg & Colin Strause (SKYLINE, TAKE SHELTER). The film has yet to be shot with the script out to cast and making its debut at AFM, so this is a unique peek at not only the proposed film, but how it's being sold in the early stages. It's a very cool teaser, regardless, and one that shows a mountain of potential for the project.

Plot: Five miles above the earth and deep behind enemy lines, eleven men inside a bomber known as the "Flying Fortress" fight for their lives against swarms of enemy German fighters. As American bombers are picked off one by one, their mission becomes very clear: survive.

Does that fucking sound like Spielber/HBO to you?

when were you when kino announce?
i was at home eating pickle when tim honks calls
"kino soon"


Also, here's an article from 2015 that you should probably read.

I can dig deeper and get you articles from 2014 and 2013 as well, but I really can't be bothered to correct your unbridled ignorance.

The only one I could find was it didn't look like any of the shots were lead. That being said, that was the ONLY one I could find.

Stop with the acting and bait.

You have seriously emotional issues. Please get help. Please spend time around other people.

Or at least please get the old Sup Forums extensions so you can realize that people can track you and your posts across this site.


looks like someone didn't get any jap gold.

Bomber crews had the highest mortality rate of any type of soldier at around 50%.

i'd love a movie that portraits the claustrophobia you'd feel in a little space as a air plane. But the CGI looked horrible in the trailer

Please verify your sources before making a thread.

Look I'm no Nolan fan but Dunkirk was pretty legit.

Who will play him?

How will they shoehorn the Holomeme in?
Jewish pilot?

Youth is preferring Band of Brothers over the Pacific.
Maturity is realizing tha the patriotic bonds of BoB and the nihilistic misery of the Pacific are two sides of the same coin in war.



>aircraft drama


>THE TRAINS ARE COMING OUT EMPTY *dramatic violin music starts playing*

How come nobody talks about this film? It's a good aerial warfare film imo.


>violin music

oh boy i can't wait to learn about ww2 again
thanks hollywood, thanks spielberg

It will all be bullshit and lies so who cares?

i guess '''they''' really want to reinforce their narrative.

No black female pilots

>pretty retarded
There's nothing retarded about it all. It was quite possibly some of the most inventive military engineering ever known, you ignorant cunt.

>tfw Hollywood and the game industry need a new world war soon or they might risk running out of settings for new IP's and films
>tfw WWII only has a fixed number of battles, events, and potential perspectives to tell stories from.

I dont know how to break it to you but the 8th airforce did actually bomb germany you dumb faggot

>he hasn't watched The Dam Busters


prove it
you weren't there

>are closely attached to The Mighty Eighth, which will depict the US Eighth Air Force’s bombing raids over Nazi Germany.

oh boy I can't wait to see this heroic depiction of a bunch of pilots indiscriminately murdering masses of innocent civilian women and children

Old fucking news.

Oh I'm sure this will just be all '''facts'''

Maybe they will digitally recreate Dresden.
It was supposed to be pretty.

You aren't gonna actually see them get vaporized bro. It'll just be some pretty dope aerial footage of things exploding and burning down below. Just don't think of all the innocent non-combatants. Oh and don't be a freedom hating faggot.

>the garbage propaganda plot won't matter they'll be cool special fx goy