This man got cucked hard by Obama today

This man got cucked hard by Obama today.

How does that make Filipino Sup Forumsacks feel?

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How did he get cucked? He called Obama the son of a whore (which is actually true) and Obama got butthurt and canceled his meeting with him.

Obama will invade the Philippines before his term is up, he will get his revenge


Loooooool yeah sure. Maybe right after he sucks off Soros

At least Obama isn't a fucking leaf

source? sounds hilarious

I think OP must be in an alternative universe.

Duterte ripped 0bummer a new one. It was glorious to watch. Even Putin creamed himself.

On the back of air force 1 not being delivered stairs on arrival, this is all just so beautiful to watch.

>US President Barack Obama has cancelled a meeting with controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who had earlier called him a "son of a whore".

Assuming women are evil and with this jaw line, shouldn't he be called a cuntquistador?

>son of a whore
He's not wrong.

Nonsense. Duterte is of the most POWERFUL race, cannot be cucked.

This President is such a fucking embarrassment. He may have a birth certificate, but he is not at heart an American. He grew up in Indonesia and when he was in America it was Hawaii which is a distinct culture unique from the rest of the contiguous 48 states.


For fucks sake, here he is doing the "third world squat" as a child.


OH MY FUCKING GOD how is this news to me

At least Duterte isn't a Nigger.

Obama nigged out hard over a poor translation.

Made himself look like a fucking fool.

So nothing new.

Media lies. Since when are curse words like that ever used in a literal context? Americans don't call someone a bitch because they literally think someone is a female dog, and they don't say fuck you when they want to have sex with you. Goblins use putang ina like Americans use the word fuck.

"Putang ina (son of a whore) I will swear at you in that forum." in a more layman translation would be like. "I'll fucking call you out on your shit on that forum"

>cucked hard by a liberal nigger who was afraid to speak to him

Sure thing, OP.

>American CITIZENS use curse words all the time
>so it's perfectly okay for a Filipino POLITICIAN to talk to a foreign world leader like he's talking to his teammates in Dota.

I'm not defending Obama and I think it's hilarious what your guy said.

But it certainly isn't an argument to say that any other world leader wouldn't respond the same exact way Obama did.

(((world leader)))


True, but it's considered disrespectful and insincere in almost all eastern countries to publicly criticize someone especially when you are to met them in private later, where it's more polite and acceptable. In China, Japan, and here public view is very treasured. Asians will even send their kids off if they are a disappointment, because reflects on social standing too. Obama was being very culturally insensitive first for something that he should know before stepping anywhere near Asia.

Obama dropped $90 mil on fucking laos though. Im sure duturte would like some cash


I should also add that stereotypical Asians will take it and roll over like an obedient dog. He wants to be an equal, not a lesser creature in the eyes of a nigger.

This is literally what my Nephew looks like, without the beard haha

Unrelated but I always find it funny when I read comments made from Filipinos on sites like YouTube and they use a strange mixture of English and their native Filipino language. Can you speak to most Filipinos in regular English if an English speaker was to visit your country?


Kill yourself you pathetic flyover faggot

Not just the encounter (or lack thereof) with Duertre, but the whole G20 meeting, Obama just came off as a huge mess who had virtually no friends. Truly emblematic of Americas position in the world. Obama really fucked up the world in these 8 years

Better because Obama literally is the son of a whore and probably knows it too

Yes, only young teenagers are really guilty of that. Cursing is a different story though. I'll curse in English when speaking in Tagalog because it's more colorful. things like "autismal dickmongler shit-cunt" can't be translated well under context.

>includes White Hispania
take the "white" mexicans out and compare them

Better than that, I can talk to a Filipino and an English speaker at the same time. I don't even think about it.
English is just second nature to most of us.

Yeah because getting your country taken over by China is worth calling Obama a son of a whore. Just another dumb chink trying to be a big shot by talking shit to America. Just going to end up getting US funding cut off and getting cucked hard by the Chinese.


Conflicted. I can imagine Trump pulling out too after such an obvious disrespectful comment but with a completely different media narrative.

Or maybe I'm just spending too much time here.

>I wanna move to Australia

said no one ever.


Hope Duterte didnt want some help in the south china sea conflict from the US.


Looks like the invasion begins after tonight then

nothing up with down under taco nigger

Agreed. Except I think he was born in Kenya, as well.

>half of obama was born in indonesia
>the other half in kenya
>he is literally 100% non-american

Obongo canceling his meeting with him was part of his plan. Duterte's playing 4d chess

butthurt liberal faggot detected

Trump would have gone through with the meeting and dared him to say it to his face.

Yeah he regret that he made obama too butthurt to the point he cancelled the meeting. I mean who knew obama can't handle the banter?

Ha! The goose won.

He's gonna get Noriega'd I can feel it. :^(

Unless Trump brings up MUH HUMAN RIGHTS which he'll most likely won't shit would be just your average meeting.

Hilldawg will most likely try to go morally superior to only explode on her face which leads to the mysterious downing of DU30's plane back to Manila.

I hate how the flips mix English and Tagalog. It always looks and sounds retarded.

Not a Chinaman, expat. Sorry flips.

>he had regret for what he said

what a pussy

My point is a man doesn't run away or refuse to meet with someone over mean words.

Why? We already get a discount on all their exported women, their only commodity. We're good.

My fucking sides


Obama fucked his waifu?

Filipinas love americas and are easy as fuck.

It's a disastet he regrets it now and blames our media like a pussy

Thanks for giving us 2 more aircrafts even though we called obongo a son of whore america

Pretty accurate.

Im always amazing at how much Aussie and British cock the yanks suck. It's so servile. I thought the americans had more self-respect than that. And I thought they were bad with Israel!

So if DU30 bullies him even harder he'd shit more free military stuff?


well the problem is his mother WAS a whore

polan bringin the heat

Someone has to keep your hotties fed before sending them here to be our sex slaves

yeah, even when he insulted (((Goldberg))) in the end he still gave 20 million dollars

It works like wonders

I hate Filipinos but that shit is fucking great. He's got my respect

>Calls Obama son of a whore
>Apologizes later on


Gentlemen, there is a problem on this board. A Canadian problem.

Aussie posts may be generally banter-heavy and substance light. Romanians may be subhuman gyppo beggars with a KANGZ complex. Germans may flood the board with eternal anglo shitposting, and Argentinians may be literal chimpanzees.

But only the Canadians deliver completely honest and unironic posts that are so completely abhorrent. Only the Canadians are so cuckolded that even Sup Forums can't cure them of their cuckoldry.

Canadian posts are the lowest quality on the board because they don't realize they are low qualities.

As much as I hate Obama, I'm glad he finally made a strong move. Shit was getting pretty embarrassing. At least he's not going to let America look weak over the likes of a manlet flip.

No he didn't, you dumb pacific islander.

He just allowed his country to be subject to China's will. Obama dropped his favor on Laos instead.

Doodoorte is going to feel mighty big after no one is there to protect him. Time to open up for China.

why do you hate us sempai?

Careful son, since Obama is a nigger, he will sucker punch you pinoys.

but he already gave us two more aircraft even though we insulted him

Obama is a nice guy ;_:

Trojan horse. They'll be filled with a shitload of snackbars.

Obama picked the most humiliating way to deal with him though. He just blew him off. Had he engaged with him it would imply that what the guy said matters and is important to address.

what Obama did was straight cold

Mexicans if Asia

Well, yeah. We have to. You can't defend yourselves against Chinese lol.

He thought Obama would show up no matter what and he could talk any kind of shit
Obama showed him just how little the US actually cares about Asian mexico

Even a pre-schooler knows it's in US' best interest to not let China expand you dumbfuck.

you stupid fucking shit cunt, did you not realise that Obama was born in Hawaii? A part of the United States? what kind of tard do you have to be to think that he's """""""""""""""foreign raised"""""""""""""" you nigger? He's a practicing christian, was born on US soil, speaks english and has lived almost his entire life in the country.

You sound hysterical, and a bit frightened. Maybe that's why your president regrets his remarks, cuck.

We don't need you. There are other southeast asian countries that would server as sufficient bases of operation.

Know your place, mexico of the sea.

So how is that any better? Still a fuckin insult and no way to speak to your daddy.

Oh well sure, but Obama literally is the son of a whore anyway

Your country takes over $300 million in aid from us every year. You are not our fucking equals.

i hope he's prepared for the drones based Obama's gonna drop on his spic looking ass

Post one of white families in the Philippines vs regular Filipinos


The banter would be handled a lot better if we weren't paying you $300 million a year in aid.

This argument would have some validity, but Israel takes 1.8b in "aid" every year from us and they are obviously our masters.

At this point it seems that the larger the amount of aid, the more control they have over the US.

Why not? Ate we supposed to give a single shit about the Philippines? Is there some kind of strategy we need them for that or 11 carrier strike groups can't also do?

Haha what a bitch. Better start learning Chinese Duturd

We aren't like the French. You're like our teenage son, what can we do about you?

The man forced Obama to retaliate against him to maintain face, screwing over his country to impress alt-righters, what an alpha.

he should insult abe too, he might give us trains