>listening to something from the mid-2000s
>artist makes a quip about Bush
>crowd goes maniacal laughing and cheering
why are people nostalgic about this time again
Listening to something from the mid-2000s
Other urls found in this thread:
>why are people nostalgic about this time again
Nobody is nostalgic about the mid 2000s. It's when everything started going to shit
Imagine what is going to happen to Trump if he becomes the American president. I don't understand how these people also don't get their own hypocrisy when it comes to Obongo's failed foreign policy and other policies that have failed.
>why are people nostalgic about this time again
Less identity politics.
No migrant/refugee crisis.
No monthly terrorist attacks in Europe.
NSA electronic surveillance was not nearly as pervasive or as powerful as it is now.
Facebook was just some website for university students.
Political correctness was not as extreme as it is today.
We were not on the verge of WWIII.
I could go on.
We bombed stupid mudshits and didn't take no for an answer. We also didn't ship millions to Iran
>Sup Forums sucks bushes dick now.
>Essentially hillary 1.0
This place, man.
90's was the last good decade
Because regardless of your opinions on Bush's policies, there was no doubt that that man loved his country. Obama hates America.
You mean the 40's
>Implying the Eisenhower years werent literally the peak of America
You mean 50 bc.
Why are you holding a condom in your mouth...s..senpai
it's a nordic thing
there were no video games in the 40s and 50s.
there was no good music either
Bush was a slow-witted country boy who got into politics because of his father, and then was completely controlled by the party and by his v.p.
He tried his best, but he had no idea what he was doing
>50 bc
>No good music
>He doesn't know about roman music
>there was no good music either
>implying that the height of Thelonious Monk's career in the 40s wasn't the peak of music
Confirmed pleb opinion discarded
It's a trick, Pepe doesn't use condoms
please don't tell me you buy into that bullshit. Bush was a globalist kike puppet, he may have loved America in his heart but he still sucked
>50 BC.
>No good music.
Fucking plebeians.
Very weird tonality
Buck Fush