So today was pretty funny. I"ll greentext because it's to long and don't want to type it all out.
>working at job
>mom calls
>sounds super heated about lil bro
>needs me to go get him
>it's only like 11:30
>ask wtf for?
>she says just to go grab him
>so I leave work and go over to school
>waiting in school office
>everyone giving me dirty looks
>one teacher looks at me and legit shakes her head.
>brother gets walked out of small office by rolly polly police officer and jew looking teacher.
>they basically throw him at me
>ask what he did
>jew teacher looks so self righteous.. about to puke
>says she was teaching about holocaust
>says my lil bro said it was fake
>guess they got into argument in middle of the class and he called her a kike bitch.
>holding back tears.jpg
>say that I'm really sorry about that and grab lil bro
>take him for an ice cream at burger king
>he tells me he would rather die then be a cuck
>about to tear up in car
>dad would be so proud.
Also he got suspended for drawing pic related. How can I teach him to hide his power level? I don't want him to be unsuccessful because of his political views.
My 14 year old brother
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus, did you show him Sup Forums, Cleatus?
i bet you drew that, faggot
enjoy your (you)'s
Tell him to straighten up, and hide his power level. Our race needs educated engineers and scientists not people expelled from school.
Teach him WHY to think those things, user
>things that totally happened the post
Fuck that shit, somebody needs to say it. Debate with him, give him some talking points.
Save me on the screencap
just talk to him op. Tell him that he wasn't wrong but he needs to be a bit more discreet next time.
No just our Dad was super redpilled. Mom isn't. He looks up to me a lot though and when I'm home me and my mom get into a lot of arguments about politics etc.
Honestly, if you and your (apparently departed?) dad were the same way, he's probably over-compensating to impress you, and you're not giving him the male authority-figure attention he's currently deprived of. If you don't step up, he's going to do more stupid shit and will eventually do a 180 and go turbocuck when he finds some libfaggot willing to accept xer.
This is in my daughter's future it seems.
>Will teach her to hide power level
Racist slurs from the so-called tolerant left. They cry and shake at nigger and kik but will use redneck, white trash, cleatus all day long.
I second this.
Prep him for when they try to emotion-trip him into believing what he's saying is just evil and wrong.
Kek my 16yo brother drew this on my white board while I was at work a few weeks ago.
14 is pretty young man, should've redpilled him a little slower.
I'm not buying this story. Fun role-play though. And guaranteed (you)'s.
Bright young mind there. Soon the ovens will burn brightly.
Shut up you inbred nigger-tier retard.
Right wingers are the only people more stupid than the left.
I wasn't implying he was black or white, user. There's probably a town full of nigger Cleatus' in the asshole end of Alabama or some shit.
This is gold.
Definitely teach him about emotional manipulation.
Need to teach him shaming and bullying, how to identify them, how to differentiate between them, and how to resist them.
I heard my 16 year old brother the other day spouting Paul Joseph Watson stuff over battlefield
Watson's good for an occasional redpill, but he flops around a lot.
Two years ago he hated cops, remember?
Give him to Ben Garrison. He will raise him proper.
>Implying he has to hide his power level
Make him go into business in college bro
Business majors hate fucking Jews and are all redpilled as fuck, literally the last bastions of true men on college campuses.
He can become the manager of a country club making 100k a year and get to shoot the shit with old white men who love to say niggers and shit talk kikes daily.
You don't have to hide your power level, just choose a life with people who will appreciate it instead of reject it
Your brother sounds like a little faggot.
Not your blog.
You can start by not buying him ice cream every time he does
This reminds me of a certain movie...
That sucks. You need to reach before he thinks politics all about being edgy and politically incorrect
Include me in the screen cap
Seens fake
Wow. You should beat the shit out of your little brother. That's terrible, denying the Holocaust. Over 6 million jews died for your sins, you know?
Your brother is the second coming of Ben "The Phantom of Ferguson" Garrison
Show your bro this song
Holy shit this just like fucking American History X
Fucking hell in glad I wasn't redpilled at 14 I would have sperged out too
Good story tho
why should i hide my power level?
>working at job
>leave work to go to school
It's fucking Labor Day. What school has classes on Labor Day? Nice role-playing faggot
I paint houses and do landscaping, didn't have the day off kek. Also there were classes today for highschool freshmen and sophomores at my brothers school. It's a new year for him. Also we get a ton of snow days here, having school and work on labor day is pretty common here bub along with other stupid holidays. If they don't go to school they have to at summer and make the school year longer.
>called her a kike
>goes to BK which is pure shit
You're playing into their hands, goy.
Especially in HS. Loose lips sink ships.
You have to undermine these kikes!
You have to take care of your body!
redpill early they might become hitler
or just edgy
Try again, m8t.
>So today was pretty funny. I"ll greentext because it's to long and don't want to type it all out.
Today is labor day there is no school
>14 year old brother
Just admit you're the 14 year-old OP
Started my red pill journey around 3rd grade.
Hiding power level s a must.
Funny as fuck though KEK
>how do I teach him to hide
Don't. That's what's wrong with you people, you keep trying to hide, then get upset when it starts to look like white people are losing. It's because you're passive-aggressive, weak little shits who don't deserve the blessings God gave you. You're cowards, so much so that it took an idiot in a hair-piece to make you realize that you're still in power, and even then it might be too late for you. Enjoy eating shit.
Please be real.
Only one jew died for our sins, user
It's honestly a two for one. It'll redpill him about women and liberal tricks in one stroke. If he isn't even in HS yet, he is gonna be woke as fuck.
Yes teach him why our the first professor in college will sophistry him into prepping the bull
My parents encouraged me to think freely but still were pity ally correct 90s parents and I turned into a Sup Forumsack because of my experiences with reality
You should have looked right at that teacher and said, "Just like Hitler, my little brother did nothing wrong." and then threw him right back at her, adding, "Now take your asses back to class and get to teaching!"
Then walk away with a smug look on your face.
in public act like every other goy, only preach the redpill life to people whom you see potential in.
dont bother with blue pillers/most women
impressive power lvl for 14yr old
Op , I really wish this story is true and not just your autism drawing skills.
>>jew teacher looks so self righteous.. about to puke
>>says she was teaching about holocaust
>>says my lil bro said it was fake
Should have said "Wasn't Hitler a failed liberal arts student who wanted to oppress people he felt were privileged?"
Best bro out, keep it up m8
OP is a liar there is no school on Labor Day but still keked
Good Goy now it's time to worship the BBC.
Holy shit your little bro is based af.
props to you, OP, for hiding your power level. I'm sure I would have collapsed in a fit of laughter.