Everyone on this picture is getting butthurt over a swastika on a pistol
Everyone on this picture is getting butthurt over a swastika on a pistol
hot like auschwitz
why is nazi shit on a 1911
>Look up the instagram
>butthurt over a swastika
Why is this surprising to you?
Idk but everyone is being such a bitch about
I'm okay with the Swastika but the dumb motherfucker put it on a 1911. The sidearm that fought the Nazis. He should have put it on a Mauser or Luger
>thinking Mexican cartel gang bangers give a fuck
Where is the link?
MOST people hate the actual nazis
You know the real world isn't like Sup Forums, right?
Hold up
>the fourth reich will flourish in Central America
Screencap this
Most people don't own firearms so what is their opinion worth? another hole in the head.
>putting the symbol of an enemy nation on a symbol of your country
Well , we technically sold oil to germany and we stopped when we noticed they were making jew cupcakes and our relations with germany have always been good not to mention many nazis came here to escape and actually donated their money to build churches :D
I dont see the problem
hahaha my city fucking rules
also a few blocks from my house is a karoke bar called fuhrer, i dont even joking
Where's the hammer?
attached to the gun are you blind
LOL you DO even joking XD !!! 100
cocked, retard.
ah i see it now. It just blended into the dash
He no joking mang
MEXICANS did you not look at the location.
i dont even joking mang XD
Very joking mang
too poor to afford a luger
Really makes your brain swell.
>Culiacan Sinaloa
Just a edgy narco playing gestapo and shit.
the 1911 hammer is so big and sexy
Praise Kekzalcoatl
Probably an American that picked up a luger to keep if he made it out. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same, it's a sexy pistol
>not exerting your true Aryan Will and taking over the Mexican drug trade giving you free movement and massive influence over the entire region
>not setting up European colonies of the whitest blondes and redheads and using drug money to incentivize high birth rates
>not deploying the
>to CREAM Mexico and slowly move south, until we meet up with our sleeper unit coming up from Argentina
It's like you guys don't want to fulfill Papa Hitler's dream of the Aryan Americas (New Atlantis).
Goddamn, I don't care if it's tacky that looks stylish as fuck, spics have some taste.
try the reverse
that helmet was issued to the germans. probably picked up a 1911 for whatever reason
>2 right hands
>4 handed man
Hey I have the same truck
>Mexican understanding of history
It's nice, but I wouldn't use it because you're guaranteed hate crime charges no matter the circumstance.
I uh, kinda like ti
It will be
actually Norwegians/Germans produced their own M1911s
MOST people hate liberals.
You know the real world isn't like your gender studies class, right?
if most people hate liberals why do democrats have so many registered voters and get so many votes every election?
>capitalizing every word on the engraving
Into the oven.
>the political dichotomy in the US is between liberals and literal nazis
because niggers and spics breed like rats and virtue-signaling whites enable them to feel better about themselves. Why do you think that california hasn't been red in decades?
ok so you weren't counting non-whites as people then
guess it checks out then
>they don't count
checks out
>the political dichotomy in the US is between marxists and nationalists
That gun should be called the Rockwell pistol
Its called title case you pleb
yeah i should have seen it from the start
minorities are stupider and eat up whatever the media tells them.
It seems to me as though liberalism is a mindset that some grow out of, and others don't.
I can tell your firsthand that when I was in middle school during the 2008 election, that all of us kids were led to believe that democrats were the champion of the working class, and that conservatives represented evil old white men. When Obama won, all the kids at my school were ecstatic.We though things were changing for the better.
However, as you grow up you will see past all the bulllshit that liberals feed you over TV.
The blatant media bias. The fact that dems pander to minorities for votes. It's disgusting.
Those that don't grow out liberalism are the pathetic worms that protest trump rallies just because their feefees hurt and the internet said an evil meanie.
>people believe this
>c-check ur privilege s-shitlord
You're a meme, my dude. Not even kidding. Are you even breathing?
The entire Islamic world - 1.6 billion of them, 23% of the world population (and all of East London) - loves Hitler, for obvious reasons. The Asians are also quite amused or enamoured with Hitler.
He's really not a bogeyman outside of white societies (or at least what's left of them).
wow. Now that really made me think.
Record status: CORECTED
You couldn't even keep them out of your image's filename. Seriously. You're broken.
The funny thing is dodge was started by jews and they used a star of david for their emblem before the ram.
It's supposed to be Ironic you dumbfucks
I like those grips, where can I purchase them?
If you want a Nazi gun, why do that to a 1911? Too poor for the real thing? :^)
These are Poles in the Warsaw uprising, not German soldiers.
calm down pablo, don't you have a wall to build?
because the us gov doesnt supply those to them
Not according to these rules (first link when googling "title case"):
Nazi's made m1911's to, under FN-belgium which had the rights to make them.
hey, i live in tampico...
The grip is fine but the shit on the side is autistic as fuck and lacks any semblance of flare or style
Like CS:GO
(((Why do repeating parentheses trigger (((you))) so much)))
But they weren't our enemy
We were literally best friends when they were shelling Poland and sinking Bong merchant ships like a cozy game of Rise of Nations
Also the M1911A1 Colt came out in 1913 and was designed specifically for the US military as a standard sidearm.
It wasn't a "Nazzie killin gun" it was John god damn Browning's attempt at making the best damn pistol ever devised by man in time for use in the coming Great War.
Literally nothing to do with Nazis
And you did a very shitty job
Angled grips are for faggots
oh well then here you go also made by us
us scandi's happen to be experts on awkwardly angled grips.
like this 5.56 pistol-submachine-thing
Can someone please post screen caps of the butthurt faggots tyvm senpai