I don't get it.
If they're miserable why do they live there and get jobs instead of doing what main rick does? If main rick doesn't want to do what these ricks do why would they? Why is he the exception?
I don't get it
Other urls found in this thread:
As his kind are always saying, try not to think about it.
because in a multiverse where every possible type of Rick exists there would be Ricks who choose to live there
Like Rick Prime said," the citadel is a place for Rick's that get trapped by their own bad ideas".
But if there were infinite Ricks and Mortys, wouldn't there be a lot more evil Mortys trying to seize control?
They're stuck. Portal guns are strictly regulated
Wasn't it implied that they're clones?
The main Rick is the Rickest Rick. They're not all that brilliant.
who says there aren't?
because its a show made for pseudo intellectual reddit user that tries to find any complex meaning in the plot.
how was it implied
Your life is pretty miserable. Why don't you do what Rick would do and go on a killing spree?
Because every single one of them thinks that they're gonna fuck over all the other Ricks once they have enough Rickbucks or whatever
They all want to use the Citadel to do the Rickiest Rick things.
>Just 5 more years until I have the Citadel under my thumb. They're all dumbfucks who don't know what I have planned for them
Smart characters written by dumb people
And not a single contribution was made to the thread with that shite response.
How much money do you think a Jessica would fetch on the black market?
Mortys don't make money... So none
But I guess that Ricks may enjoy putting a Jessica in an arena with a dozen Mortys
You know, to see what would happen
there are infinite Jessicas.
the only value a jessica has is her willingness and location.
>r/tv can't resist their reddit and normie threads
I think there was some dialogue hinting it, but there were 'B' and 'C' versions of whatever universe number the Rick's wete.
it's a cartoon
it's an oppressive state with heavily regulated use of the portal guns/other rick tech. Also you can assume that these versions of rick aren't as "ricky" as our version of rick.
also you have to suspend disbelief
People seem to assume that every Rick in every universe has the same level of intelligence, drive and skill as the Ricks who travel between realities and govern the citadel.
It's quite possible that a huge majority of the Ricks working the blue collar jobs in the citadel were scooped up from their realities by the council of Ricks with promises of more fulfilling lives regardless of their scientific prowess.
That's where you're wrong Morty
Thats just classyfing similar universes as less than other ones retard
That sounds like bullshit retard. Each one got progressively more deformed, like a copy of a copy
Because we have consequences, stupid.
You are reading too much into it, like said similar but worse universes
>reddit and memey
fuck off
Most of the universes are similar, they have different numbers
The Ricks and Mortys we see are apart of the finite curve. The only prerequisite for being on the finite curve is having created/located a portal gun.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
they are on a causality curve u retard the different realities of the news trio were obviously normal worse and worst scenarios along the curve retard
i liked all the arcs, they were pretty nicely tied together.
>It's quite possible that a huge majority of the Ricks working the blue collar jobs in the citadel were scooped up from their realities by the council of Ricks with promises of more fulfilling lives regardless of their scientific prowess.
In fact this is almost certain because we've seen at least two dipshit Ricks in the series so far
>rick guilt
what did he mean by this?
Fucking his family? Beth?
until proven otherwise, I'm sticking with the idea the citadel is filled with the ricks who saw the infinite and felt fear, and thus were willing to trade their brilliance for safety. Then these people needed something to do. Thus, menial labor, as no matter what job, its easier to hire a smart person who's willing to work than it is to make things idiot (morty) proof.
Ricks feel guilty about their actions, and the one on the sign looks like a psychologist, so he probably treats their "rick guilt"
that's an overcomplicated headcannon, not all rick are as smart or the personality attributes to be Rick, they needed protection from the federation for being idiots
I think it's as simple as a lot of the Ricks aren't that clever.
By "Dipshit Ricks" are you referring to Duffus Rick and the Rick who is in the class with the Morties?
I'm going with the Citadel is filled with Ricks who want the resources a million Ricks can offer (e.g. megafruit) and are just waiting to fuck the other million over.
I mean they're not retards. They know the Citadel is fucking them
But they all think that the Citadel is fucking all the other Ricks more and that they will rise to the top over time.
Every Rick thinks he's the smartest Rick.
So they all work their stupid jobs until they think they can take over.
But Crabs in a Bucket keeps them all down and the Ricktocracy remains in power
>I mean they're not retards.
>they're not retards
for intellectuals
>applying logic to a children's cartoon
that's not how infinity works, there's still going to be an infinite number of ricks and mortys who have done such a thing
there are infinite decimals between 1 and 10, and there are also infinite decimals between 1 and 2
>tfw I asked reddit about this and got zero (you)s
Proved my point
All Ricks live to look down on other Ricks. That's how the Citadel works
They all join thinking "Hehe, what a bunch of *burp* losers. I'll use this to become a god!"
And then they end up working in a factory.
Agreed. I'm just talking about the whole "they're not retards" thing. A lot of Ricks, probably most of the ones you're talking about, are not actually that smart.
Yep, those two
Just the fact that those two exist means that Ricks can have almost any level of intelligence
Neither with yours
Not every Rick knows how to make portal juice. Not every Rick knows how to make GOOD portal juice. The black market on the Citadel was ways off the Citadel, it probably always has been.
Who cares.
stop shilling your reddit show
It's almost certain that every Rick has encountered some far-out dangerous shit, and the Ricks who live on the Citadel are too scared to go out and face it again. Main Rick doesn't give a fuck about danger or silly ideas like "surviving".
Plus the Council said it themselves, Main Rick is the "rogue".
it's literally Kaiji Ultimate Survivor
>the "rogue".
Not THE rogue, but enough of a rogue that they didn't name him, which is a big deal in such a (le sigh) magical realist show. It's also sort of implied that he isn't C-137 either.
the galactic federation isn't interdimensional..
They're SORT OF interdimensional. The first episode had them guarding interdimensional customs.
So they have access to other dimensions, and they know about other Galactic Federations, but they can't just pull out a portal gun, they need a lot of space tech to do it. They couldn't HELP other GFs much.
>I don't get it.
Of course you don't. Not because your lack of IQ, no. It's because season 3 is shoehorned bullshit, and not even funny at that. I wonder why...
That episode was good though
It's the earlier ones that are total bullshit
They started the season with women only writers and it blew up in their faces with shitty episodes
This one was written by a man and it was good
>This one was written by a man and it was good
Granted, it wasn't outright terrible like the others of season 3, but this wasn't really good. The first one was. But this? It already absorbed the bullshit from previous episodes, and it remains an incoherent mess. Which is a shame, honestly, since I really liked the first two seasons, that had excellent writing for the most parts. But maybe they're just generally out of steam and ideas, hence the new writers, and what not... I don't know.
R&M is written with a bunch of guys going into a room and laughing, joking, and then writing a script, with the first person to give a rough premise getting the credit.
Harmon "harmoned" himself after S2 and fired most of the former writers and hired all women to replace them.
If this episode, the best we've had, isn't as good, it's because Dan "sabotage" Harmon was trying to Joss Whedon himself
Whatever went on behind the scenes, the universe of the show (and the main characters in particular) got damaged and things are slowly falling apart. This isn't rick, this isn't morty, and that isn't summers. Maybe they should check out their psychiatrist again for another episode? Or fight with their inner ying/yang again? baaaahhh
Why would the Ricks do menial labor? If the main Rick can halfass convincing androids in his spare time then a Citadel full of Ricks should be able to have subservient AIs that do all the jobs for them.
I wish I could talk about this show IRL without it becoming a cringefest of muh pickle rick and muh nietzche
>Why would the Ricks do menial labor?
Because they needed to shoehorn a "marxist/capitalist" society into this shitmix. If all you've got is a hammer, ...
Being miserable is the natural state of the wagecuck.
That's the big plot hole.
The answer is they altered the Citadel to make it fit the plot, original the citadel looked casual with Ricks popping in and out, there should have been no reason that Ricks would be doing menial labor in a factory that already looked to be automated but they needed a plot.
Look, they had a Morty that was a giant hammer in one episode and one with a lizard morty. You're trying to rationalize a cartoon.
Didn't it say that all the Ricks have the same high IQ? In this case why would they be working hard labor or menial jobs rather than creating robots or whatever to do it.
Mods please play reddit rick theme song again
this. it's just fucking weak, and an insult to the viewers. How come nobody was around (while brainstorming or what not) to call them out on their bullshit?
You basically answer your own question.
There's infinite decimals in between 1 and 2 but not infinite possibilities, because it would be impossible to arrive at the number 3, even though their are infinite numbers between 1 and 2. Ricks on the citadel would be the ones between 1 and 2 while all the other ricks would be somewhere else.
>went to reddit
Why are you bragging about going to the cancer ward?
You're describing the big bongo, R&M is written by smart people.
if Rick's memories when from when the bug guy was inside his brain are to be trusted, Rick's were being given portal guns by other Rick's before they invented them themselves and were just told they were getting conscripted to the council which means since they already had a portal gun they probably never pushed themselves to figure out how they worked or anything so the council had control over them.
no but supposley Rick is a wanted criminal in most universes which is why they build the citadel to stay safe, each universe searching for it's rick
What is an outlier. Hint: you don't base a society on outliers.
125x78 thanks morty.
Also the very first episode. Megaseeds and the dimension where they had advanced technology are pretty key to this whole thing.
I'm not buying the 'Rick is not a genius but he drinks megaseed juice all the time' theory. I do buy into the 'Rick is a genius and he drinks megaseed juice all the time' theory. He also gets training from dimensions that already know things we don't. Between those two things I can totally believe he started as the smartest guy on Earth, and BECAME the smartest guy in the universe. He didn't BECOME that by just popping through a portal, he worked for it... like thirty years ago.
We do for wealth outliers. The Citadel of Ricks was run by those oligarch Rick outliers.
This is socialism
Futurama was written by smart people, this is dumb people imitating smart people
Is this the only show that never really turned to shit and ended with dignity?
>science fiction
stop thinking brain, you're going to hurt yourself
>futurama past the movies
umm no
It's harder to explain than that, the concept is too multidimensional for words. basically, the direction you can travel laterally is relative to the similarities between realities in regards to both subject and object. It's harder to find an obscure reality because you have to travel farther and thus, more energy, to the point where travel is primarily restricted by trans-matter compatability.
it sounds like I'm talking out my ass on this one but trust me, even if you find a means of transport native to the outer rims of your sphere if you were to use it you would cease to exist because nothing beyond it is relative to you. Something would exist, but it wouldn't be you.
there's literally only 4 good episodes in seasons 6 and 7 that are worth while.
Odd. I don't remember it being shitty towards the end. Maybe for the better...
You are not thinking in terms of infinity. There are infinite outliers.
They literally say that there are a finite number of ricks
You don't seem to know much about infinities. For a start, there isn't just one infinity, there are many. Uncountable, even (mind blown). Infinite sets (or series) may be rather small even. Others are larger. But whatever: infinity doesn't mean that "everything" will occur at some point. And not all information is encoded in PI (well, we don't know, but most likely not).