OP doesn't join to stay neutral
Other urls found in this thread:
Celtic Union
>all that land but no india, china or southeast asia
>unconquerable part is the same color as the water
>Spanish Empire
Pic another color
> any color
> Nipland.
The state is called Macedonia is the region is Greece.
Fill Greece, spill Turkey.
Fill Japan
fill south into england
Fill Iberia, then expand into Africa.
dubs, if spill go to ireland
Well then write your name properly then or I'll go with the standart formatting stated in the rules which says name first, then location
Waiting for nips
Whoops sorry m8.
Take the islands off my coast and keep filling Africa.
fill the coast in Netherlands, Germany, Denmark and Sweden
Fill Japan
Alexander still here? Two minutes and I post MUP
fill scandinavia, iceland and northern europe
expand into Southern France and then Italy.
Fill Korea/Russia
Fill Italy and southern France.
fill finland and the baltics coast then spill germany, poland and northern europe in general
Shieet Satan is modding the games
Fill Russia
Kek has blessed this thread. Celtic Union is getting strong in the north while Fucking Nowhere is literally fucking nowhere.
Fill southern Italy then Africa.
Fill Russia, but head down to the Middle East
get stronker, fill western and central europe
at least you are getting experience hosting, you could roll for macedon too i guess
I'm busy looking into the archives right now, trying to figure out a balanced religion/bonus system.
But maybe next roll since nobody seems to join
fill Africa.
Continue filling to the Middle East.
fill unoccupied russia
Alright I'll join for Grease. Fill Balkans
the most balanced maps are the Cyrus History maps.
Which ones are those? Don't seem to be in the Archives
Fill Middle East
take the Italian Islands, then keep filling west Africa.
FIll up Turkey
they look like this
fill belarus and russia
the region bonuses are the most balanced, but I'm not a big fan of historical RP.
i like history risk. every nation you start with requires a different play style. Plus the action can start right away if you have 8 or more rollers
Ah yeah. That's pretty fucking complicated tho. I'd die after 3 rolls hosting that
Fill Yugoslavia/Romania/Bulgaria/Balkans
yeah that's why I preferred game of Sup Forumsros. If I knew more about history I'm sure it would be funner.
Fill more Arfica.
Expand neutrally
Yeah i host those maps when host. Usually threr times a week.
I will host tomorrow if people want
>South Africa
Yeah I'd be down for that. Most fun I had yet was the ME risk where it was humans vs everyone else. I imagine go/b/ to be as much as fun. What time you gonna host?
You can roll right now or I'll take that 4
Also waiting 2 mins on Nips then I post MUP
Lost trip
just fill my southafrica up senpai
No palis on this map
Depends what time
I normally start around 8-9 pm EST
For those in circle, it will go into chat as well
continue filling Africa
Fill neutral
Fill neutral Europe.
Fill Ukraine/Caucasus.
I'll be there. You host on /tg/ I presume?
I host here, tg, int, anywhere. I just got tired of the pruning here over the last few weeks. I hosted 30 years war here a few hours ago
>Mammoth Clones
You gonna roll?
Yeah European time mods suck dick here. I'll just keep an eye on Sup Forums too then.
Expand south.
Ill try it here most likely
Waiting for quads
Fill Levant
Expand south but do not attack pink or celtic union. Defend if attacked.
I got your qauds here, bro.
keep filling
Expand in Africa.
Attack spain in france
And I forgot my action.
Fill Middle East
Sure thing.
Rhodesian Auxilary Force
Horn of Africa
Finally some action.
Celts ambush Spaniards in France.
Still no trips but if I'd be a dick I'd count
SHit forgot MUP
Kill the Anglos
Attack in spain
Invade Celtic Union.
Attack Celts in Poland
fill madagaskar
Attack Macedonia
Three on one guys? Really?
Japan is attacking Macedonia.
Bring it fuckers
YOu gonna roll?
Hey man fuck off,
Fill east Africa