What would you say to your son or daughter if they told you they were some tumblr gender?

What would you say to your son or daughter if they told you they were some tumblr gender?

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Exactly that

"meet me in the bedroom in 10 minutes."

Probably send them off to Military school. That ought to get them whipped back into shape.

I've failed you.

My sister has done this.

Wants to use they/them pronouns, calls herself pansexual and rejects her birth name.


Guess your parents ate the wrong twin.

She must be really ugly.


well, wouldn't you have the suspicion your kid is some kind of degenerate already before they tell you? i would like to say what that dad said, but i'm not that base. would tell them they need to fuck off though with that special snowflake bullshit

you do know they accept gays and transgenders in the military, right?

I'll send my kids to private school.

I'm not worried about these memes.

Fuck them straight

So am I!

"Me too!"

And then try to talk about it/request the pronouns/etc.
Now it will be super lame and my child will learn by having to treat their parents like special snowflakes that trying to be a special snowflake is idiotic.

Not really. Think she just spent too much time on tumblr.

Not like I can talk anyway. I'm perfectly straight, male etc, still a KV though

I would never have that problem because they wouldn't know what that is because
A. They don't teach it here in schools, its male or female only
B. They do not use tumbler reddit or what ever

Feels good my country will be more red pilled than yankeeland ever will

I would put my head in my hands, say, "Okay, sure you are. Me too," and turn off their internet.

"If that is what you believe, then so be it, but I do not agree with you and I will not capitulate to your will. In this household, you will go by your birth name and female pronouns, and I expect you to do the same when I'm in public with you. But when I'm not around, I don't give a rat's ass what bullshit comes out of your mouth."

i like it. really lay down the law. cheers

hard to top her Dad's answer; he flat out nailed it

Call them a stupid faggot that needs to get their head out of their ass.

That's nice. Be careful

You know what...this sound good I would legitimately say that.

If you can't beat them, join them. South Park pokemon episode style.

And embarrass her in front of her friends about my gender fluidity.

They wouldn't because my kids aren't getting a computer or smartphone until they're 21.

Good luck attempting to enforce that.

Sorry you can't keep control over your own kids, America. Guess that's what happens when your country isn't patriarchal anymore.

spray your gender fluids all over them!
That's a sure fire way to embarrass them!

I don't know.
I intend to live in the middle of nowhere so i'd probably make xyr disappear quietly.

I do like these ideas though. Come out in front of her friends in a dress and feather boa and talk about how you're feeling genderfluid today. Tape a packet of fake blood to your inner thigh and reach up there and pull out a wad of bloody tissues and say "oh I guess it's that time of the month again, honey can you pick me up some extra large tampons?"

At minimum, they'd at least pipe down about it in my presence.

I'd tell them to go to their gas chamber.

"that's nice, I'm proud of you"

And then I return to my nightly routine of drinking a bottle of whisky and yelling in the garage.


Based Dad.

Let them know it doesn't make them unique or special no matter how much they want it to.

It's just a shock tactic to try to force acceptance, I wouldn't like it but it's not really a problem. In fifteen years time no one will care.

I would say I love you no matter what, and i want you to be happy. Then, Commit them to a mental institution were they can fuck all the other gender fluids to their hearts content.

This, I would come out as offspring sexual and begin having violent intercourse with them

i didnt know this was a YLYL thread


It's not even about controlling them. Banning them from things that are widely available in any first world country will only make them feel ostracized by their friends and peers, and they'll resent you for being too overprotective. Setting limits is fine, but outright banning them until they're adults benefits no one.



Raise them properly and it won't happen, most of these fuck ups come from stronk womyn raising kids alone

"I think you need to stop going online so much"

I'd threaten disown her

People thought I was gay before I even knew I was trans. I had my mom ask me if I was gay and told me it was ok if I was, I told her I wasn't gay and she stopped prying. My dad told me that it was ok if I was once but never directly asked. My uncle also asked when I was 16 and still didn't have a girlfriend.
I came out as trans a year later and people stopped asking.

>I came out as trans a year later and people stopped asking.
Because they were all thinking "fuckin called it"

I would show them kek


Probably. Before I came out I thought I hid any abnormalities well, I didn't realize how obvious it was until a year later.
No one seemed surprised though. They're pretty accepting though so I'm happy.

wtf kys faggot, haha lmao baka...

You have a hormone dysfunction and should seek treatment. Latest studies show there is no "trans" anythimg. You need hormone pills and you'll be fine afterward and not feel like you're the wrong gender.

"You'll get over it"

Now I know you won't be needing that college fund I saved for.



So underrated it hurts.

Based Dad

I hope he kicked her out of home after that. Give he a reality check

Is that real?
Something about that webm seems fake

>America can't take care of its own kids
says a lot...

Hell butler sieg heil I am from India we going to crush the libs hail trump

You're alright to me leaf.

They wrote you out of the will a long time ago...

Yeah I've been on hormones for a while and I feel great. I'm fat so they took a while to be noticable but now that I see myself as a woman and can see my body as feminine the dysphoria is almost never there.

Gas them

There's only 3 possible combinations is what I'd tell them. Seen a lot of ugly hoes these days calling themselves pansexuals. No idea what that shit means, people who bang pandas or something I guess.

Woah, really makes you think

filename is "based" dad not "jerk" DAD

reddit please go

I wish I could be this nonconformist. Didn't even conform to your family's accurate predictions.
No senpai, I'm not gay. I'm totally straight, but also the opposite gender... So, I'll be having sex with the opposite gender, which used to be the same gender, but I'm definitely not gay.

Whatever you have to tell yourself bro

I would ban the internet to them until i see change in their behaviour in a normal direction.
Which should not take longer than 2-3 weeks.

"tomorrow we'll go to court and will officially disown you, for now pack your bags"

You will end up killing yourself before reaching 40 if you don't accept that what you consider correct is a mental ilness.

I'm calling it, screenshot this.

the same shit as pic related, then I'd say quit being such a fag

get mental treatment

Based Strayan, we need to import some of you and less Mexican'ts.

Nope, I'm 19 and still live with my mom and brothers. She still loves me and I have a alright relationship with my brothers.

It's funny how being gay was the trend a decade ago but now this year being "transfluid" is.

I miss the internet of old when there wasn't as much "social activism" and everyone could just be assholes to each other without it becoming breaking news.

holy shit that dad is not fucking around, straight truth

would you fug her tho ?

Post pics boyslut

I know gender dysphoria is a mentall illness lol.
I guarentee you I know more about being trans than you, I have the condition and know it's effects and the possible treatments and how society will see me and all of that bullshit. I don't care. You're not gonna tell me anything I haven't heard before.

I did and I'm happier for it, even if it makes people who know nothing about it but think they're experts uncomfortable.

I don't believe in whipping kids but I'll certainly do so if my whatever asks to be referred as xe.

not somthing you want to see, I'm a tub o' lard.

So you accept you're going to end up killing yourself? Then it is extremely selfish of you to let your parents and anyone else take care of you instead of just ending it now, when you yourself accepted you were gonna commit suicide later. Why wait for later?

This is how bullying happens to Japanese youths.

Do you want your child committing suicide?

I just realized all these gender people are just compensating for being ugly.

I'm not gonna kill myself. I used to want to, back when I was in high school I just stopped doing anything the last 2 years because I planned to kill myself after I graduated. That didn't really work out as planned, but it was a good thing. After that I got into therapy and eventually got on hormones. Now I'm oretty happy with life. I don't want to doe anymore and I don't think I would kill myself even if I were depressed again because recently I found God and feel at peace, I trust in his plan.


Do you even know what pansexual means?

>gender fluid
wtf is dis?

But you will kill yourself, if you know as much as you claim you know about this you will end up killing yourself. why wait later?

You know, son/daughter? In this world there are ton of people who wish they were something other than what they are. Some wish they were taller, some wish they were talented in that one thing, some wish they were born into a rich family. I can only imagine how tough it must me to want all those things, to feel they should have been yours, to feel that the hand you've been dealt just doesn't fit your playstyle.

That being said. I believe you have potential, and I'm afraid that if you follow through with this genderfluid behavior that you are running away from yourself instead of making the best out of who you really are.

You don't have to tell me now, you'll need some time to think about this, but what do you REALLY want from life?

That is what I would start with, because honestly, if they were going through that I think they must have been dealing with some mental turmoil. They've probably been convinced by people who sound smarter than they really are, and they listened to those people because I have not sounded smart enough to them up to that point. I'd be pragmatic about it.

Shut up you fucking chink go make an animal

Hello newfag

Is this one of those famous Australian shitposts?
El fucking Salvador isn't rare. I know it by sight, and I'm American.

I won't though, I know that.

>found God
you're not a Christian if you're Transgender you idiot.

living in sin sends you to hell.
Without repentance there is no forgiveness
Without forgiveness there is no remission of sins
Sinners cannot be allowed into heaven.

If someone tells you it's okay to be Trans and still be a Christian they're deceiving you.
They are in direct contradiction of the Bible.
And the Bible is law.

Typical tranny.

Then wake up from that stupid dream you claim to be in and deal with reality like a man.

Before I would say anything to my son, I'd take him to the nearest clinic to we can get DNA tests just to be sure that he's mine.

If he wasn't mine, I'd just call him a faggot and tell him to walk home.

If he was mine, we'd stop somewhere on the way home and I'd get him to suck my dick.

>My uncle also asked when I was 16 and still didn't have a girlfriend.
Fuck you. Having a girlfriend at 16? I was trying to get under 300lbs, and beat FF7. Girlfriend, fuck you normie, and fuck your normie uncle