The cost of living has practically doubled in the last 15 years. Why is no one talking about this?

For example, my brother bought a new car in 2009 and now that same car today is 30k more. Just one of many examples, but you get the idea.

>inb4 hurr durr better than Russia
Yeah no shit, but this is America. We're supposed to be #1, not #5, not #10

Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up and die, poor

Because "The Economy Is Fine."

Because we are still waiting for that trickle down economic plan Reagan started to pay out.

Surely its going to happen any day now.

The fact that the internet has made it easier than ever to make money is reflected in inflation. $1000 a day isn't that crazy anymore when you have real time analytics of your target market.

Easy fucking money.

We need to eliminate establishment and jews with meme power


It's called inflation you fucking uneducated inbred faggot.

>implying wages havent mostly stayed the same
>implying inflation should be happening at such an obscene rate
>implying shit should be twice as expensive in just 15 years

Thanks for asking.

People now spend thousands of dollars on a TV because they want a 70" flat screen super high def tv that didn't even exist when I was a kid.

People now walk around with a device in their pocket that can access all the entire knowledge that mankind has and it can even play funny cat videos. This device didn't even exist when I was a kid.

People now drive cars that get over 40mpg, have satellite navigation and a dozen airbags, none of which existed when I was a kid.

People now have to have a fitbit to track how much they move around. This didn't even exist when I was a kid.

Hell, I remember we used to get together and play cards or board games, we used to go for walks or occasionally out for ice cream. My parents told me to go play with a stick in the back yard.

>The cost of living has practically doubled in the last 15 years
Stop being a consumer whore.

>The cost of living has practically doubled in the last 15 years. Why is no one talking about this?
The neo liberal economy has been rigged against us for a long time, people are just too stupid to complain about it. Wages have been stagnate for over 3 decades because of mass immigration and people are still too dumb to vote for trump

check out steve jobs over here

>we have better electronics so now everything should be twice as expensive

ok thanks Dad

because "Obama is strengthening the economy"
and "creating a surplus of jobs"

liberal media won't be critical of their hero

>why is no one talking about the rising cost of living?


Today the average house in auckland went over than a million dollars.

Only one solution user


huge issue that has brainwashed both the left and the right.

most people dont want much, a house, a good school, a loving sweet wife, a pension. Thats it man, thats all i want, and the system wont even allow me to have that. Ive taken my education to the highest level, do all kinds of courses for qualifications but no, they wont give me enough to live with.

meanwhile the right call anyone who doesnt support the super rich rigging the system a commie or a lazy fuck, and the left calls anyone a racist for saying that more immigrants mean cheaper labour. its the greatest trick the elites ever pulled


20$ buys like no fucking food compared to when i was a kid wewee ladee

>technology advances and therefore everything gets more expensive
you're like this baby boomer idiots that try to tell me unaffordable college is explainable by inflation.
except when you ACCOUNT FOR INFLATION and compare costs today's college would have been ludicrously expensive in your time

Chinese can mass produce electronics and "devices" for peanuts nowadays. It doesn't explain shit, if anything it gets cheaper by the day. Thanks Gramps for your tech-savvy insight.

Because there is 'no inflation', when milk has almost doubled and your can't buy a beef roast for less than $25.

>electronics are expensive now
>this explains why common household items are expensive
Additionally electronics now are cheaper than electronics from pre 90.
kys boomer.

Absolutely fucking rekt. OP should kill himself immediately.

>tfw three simple and healthy meals a day
>tfw rent
>tfw clean clothes
>tfw basic transportation
>tfw skilled labor
Life ain't bliss, but utopia never comes. Struggle, love, marry, have kids. Teach them to struggle too. If you're not up to it, then die like all the other genetic dead-ends who came before you.

Which car's base price has gone up $30k in the past 7 years? Does your brother drive a fucking Ferrari you lying piece of shit?

Housing cost costs has doubled despite the flood of property on the markets in 2008

Easy credit. You can buy anything on a pay plan now, They can push prices up as high as they like so long as the monthly bill seems reasonable.

>Why is no one talking about this?

Because of gradual conditioning (a la boiling frog).

Could this be a result in the loosing reliability of the dollar? The debt level is making foreign investors uncertain in the return of their US obligations

>Hey guys shit is going great because y'know, at least we're not Africa!

Wow you really made me think

You don't need a brand new car to continue living

>common items are expensive
Kill yourself entitled faggot. I'm married with three kids are we live happily on my $45k salary without the government tit you doubtless suck off daily.

Oh and i'm a Millenial so save your faggy boomer excuses you commie kike fuck.

Nah, boomers were the generation before me and you guys totally missed the point. It's not that electronics are more expensive to make, it's that more people are paying for tech related services, buying tech that they would not have bought at all and generally living with with all this cool shit that didn't even exist that long ago.
You get home, you've got all this crazy shit that you have to have because you're a "nigger rich" little whore and you cry because it's expensive. Stop buying it until you can afford it.

Surprised you knew how to use a computer well enough to post this

Doesn't explain why food and housing prices has to be almost un-livable in most places.

AND... more people are eating out. They're eating out at places like Panera, they're paying for expensive ass coffee at Starbucks. If you told someone 20 years ago that you were going to open a coffee shop and charge over $5 for a fancy coffee they would have laughed their asses off. Obviously, they underestimated it.

>whaaaaa I can't afford everything I ever wanted that my parents never had and that I haven't earned.
Shits better than it ever has been, go fuck yourself.

>thousands of dollars on a TV
i spent under $400 on a 46" 1080p smart tv, not GORRILLIONS

>smart phones and internet bills
maybe the only valid point, anywhere from 100-200 extra a month

>People now drive cars that get over 40mpg
I paid my aunt $700 for her 94 Honda Civic in perfect condition under 100k miles and I get well over 40mpg highway.

Fitbit is irrelevant

Board games have seen a resurgence in recent years with games like Catan, etc.

Go kill yourself faggot

Definitely depends on where you live. Here in San Francisco - home of the $4 toast - it's especially bad.


not that. AT ALL

the only way you could possibly think that made any sense is if you had no understanding of inflation or the prices of raw materials.

cars in the 1950s were built out of pure steel and had 8 liter engines
cars today are made out of aluminum and plastic and have 4 liter engines
This is partially due to making cars more fuel efficient but also because it's cheaper.
It certainly isn't safer.

Appliances in the 1950s were made to last for decades into the future.
Appliances today have planned obsolescence and are designed to fall apart in a year or so.

Companies are making their products cheaper and more flimsy.
And are charging more.
And houses are being sold at prices nowhere near their actual value.

I'm tired of you idiots trying to pretend that everything was always just as hard and there isn't any problems today, we're just complainers.
You're beyond stupid

try affording rent in a city.

Honestly I just wish we had more Commie block style apartment buildings that 1 person can live in for 500 a month. That'd be great for cities. It can be ugly as fuck, doesn't matter as long as it is cheap.

>A .99 cent Chinese computer chip and mobile app written by a college student on my cell phone means that cost of living should be double

I get that you don't really understand tech but that has nothing to do with inflation or cost of living.

>Muh entitled millennial meme

Damn you are strawmanning hard

by that logic everything just incrementally gets more expensive as technology advances.

that's not how the world works you caveman

Considering that wages are staying the same while the cost of living is going up, and that this wasn't a problem in the past, hypothetically, what effect would ethnic cleansing have on the economy?

The point is that the cost of "living" is more expensive because our standards for living are a great deal better. Even the poorest of the poor have technology at their disposal that is far greater than what even the richest had 50 years ago. Most people getting into debt these days just don't know how to manage their money and insist on maintaining a ridiculously luxurious lifestyle that they can't afford. If you content yourself with a lifestyle that is just mildly lavish, you can support a family on a very meager income and have some left over.

>Doesn't explain why food and housing prices has to be almost un-livable
Well, they used to have eggs and bacon and beef.
Cattle ranchers decided to limit their production a few years back because they could make as much money selling less beef at a higher price.
I stopped buying steak when they did that. Unfortunately, there's so much food stamp money and wealth disparity in this country that enough people kept buying it to make the ranchers correct.
Supply of cattle is down vs. demand. They aren't trying to increase supply either so expect it to just get more expensive.

>my brother bought a new car in 2009 and now that same car today is 30k more
Post cars, models, receipts, and current statistical information on who is paying 30k more for the same car.

>Wrote some code for some shitty app
>Made 20k in 6 months
Its easy to make money in [current year] if you have minimal computer skills, if anything the poor are just fucking morons who can't learn without a libercuck forcing bullshit down their pants and deserve to rot

I mean fuck. apartments here average $600-900 dollars a month for a 1 bedroom, maybe $500-600 for a studio.
If I wanted to eat anything other than raman noodles, food costs like 10 bucks a day (this is for chicken/fish, maybe eggs for breakfast, maybe some mixed rice and some veg every every day, depends on the day).
Then if I wanted to get to school I gotta pay some 40 dollars a month for gas (way way less if we get good weather for the month and I can use my motorcycle).
110 dollars a month for car insurance
random amount of money in savings for any car maintenance issues that might occur
Then you gotta pay for your monthly health insurance, I got a bike so I gotta pay motorcycle insurance (so much more cheaper than using my car monthly, but it rains here a lot so I have to use my car more)
I almost have to pay 1200 dollars a month just to LIVE. That DOESN'T include all the fancy stuff I get use and enjoy like internet and phone and games.
Living a manageable life shouldn't be this expensive.


because of 2 reasons

>resources are getting scarce
>mid level jobs require expert skills, but same pay

we need to find alternative for oil but mostly for packaging and delivery

I see the government shills are out in force already about their red white n blue and muh greatest nation

>I almost have to pay 1200 dollars a month just to LIVE.

And all of that equates to slightly less than minimum wage. As long as you make more than minimum wage you should have no problem affording a decent lifestyle.

Fuck the poor. They're poor for a reason.
Libraries have been around for ages and the internet just confirms the fact that stupid people aren't stupid because of circumstance but because of their own ineptitude to dedicate an hour or two a day to learning but instead dedicate it to "getting lit" and watching porn.

If you're not earning over 6 figures in the 21st century it's no one's fault but your own.

Read a fucking book.

>bacon and beef
I like eating something that won't give me cancer in 30 years.

>Stop being a consumer whore
This. I don't buy anything new if I don't need to.

that's cheap for a 1 bedroom considering how it is in other parts

major cities (where the economy is) are about $1200 for a 1 bedroom on up to $1700/month plus

>3 kids


Cars are NOTHING like they were. A car today weighs a LOT more and is made out of more expensive material with electronic buts, explosive airbags, crumple zone technology, and all kinds of bullshit out the ass. They "bigger" car from back in the day was just a crude hunk of iron in comparison.
>It certainly isn't safer
You're just dumb dude, people cruise at everyday at speeds that are much faster and traffic is heavier too. The cars are safer, by a lot.

Nobody is talking about appliances.

Land isn't increasing. It takes $5,000 cash minimum and good credit to get a loan for a starter house, for most people.

>I'm tired of you idiots trying to pretend that everything was always just as hard
You've missed the point entirely, idiot. People today live in a science fiction future compared to what their parents had. You have things that you're parents didn't think of. You have tech and services and all this stuff. It's not that it's "harder" it's that the normal expectation of what you feel you should have is higher.

As for food and housing, we have fresh food year round, flown in from half way across the globe. Fresh tomatoes in the middle of winter? That's unheard of just 40 years ago. You've got all this variety, fancy coffees, Panera, gourmet crackers, hummus, all this stuff.

You could do what my grandmother did and buy eggs and flour and butter and occasionally chicken. You could cook more, eat more pasta, put breading on things to stretch but NOOOO you don't even think like that.

Just because we have $700 phones, 1500 tv channels, and frozen yogurt with berries on it doesn't mean you have to buy them. "Cost of living" hasn't grown that much, there's just more things to buy now. Like said stop being a consumer whore.

I go to college, and because I make way less than that a month I live with my parents, and they make me pay like 300 bucks a month or so, better than finding an apartment to live in. There's no reason people should have to live barely able to pay their bills. They don't deserve 15 an hour, don't get me wrong, but decent people shouldn't have to be worrying to pay their rent either. 1200 a month isn't a decent lifestyle

I meant to say "I'd have to" not I*

I would trade all of that fancy vegetables, fruit, and technology for a more laid back lifestyle in a HEARTBEAT

>implying shit should be twice as expensive in just 15 years

That sounds about right, aside from the wages not increasing part

You have to consider where I live too. I live in KY. Minimum is $7.25 and hour, and not everybody gets to work 40 hours of that minimum wage either. I actually don't know anybody working full time at minimum wage. If you want a full time, 11 bucks an hour you have to work at a factory, and they usually go overtime, that's at the cost of going to school or skills training for a real career.

I think this faggot posts in every thread about the job market/millenials/college meme/baby boomers/US economy and spouts neocon good ol'd boy bullshit.

Look faggot, houses are too expensive, cost of automobiles, groceries and healthcare have all shot up, wages haven't budged in almost 2 decades.

I bet you'll even deny that the middle class is disappearing. I don't know who you're paid to shill for grandad, but I hope Kek blesses you with an aneurysm.

Why should I be poor because I don't want to program? Programming is the most overrated shit.

There is no way you and your family have healthy diets. That probably explains why you're "doing fine" financially.

He's full of shit anyways. Most free lance mobile devs aren't making anything. And if you can program mobile apps well, it's hardly a "basic computer skill". Especially for one that's half decent and not just some flashlight bullshit.

>my brother bought a new car in 2009 and now that same car today is 30k more
yeah dont buy a car.

the kikes are raising prices because gas cars are on their way out so they're just trying to sucker you as much as possible.

Not that user but to be fair, I have heard that the middle class was actually a fluke in the system that happened after WWII or maybe it was WWI. There had never been a middle class before. Just rich and poor, nobles and peasants, merchants and farmers etc.

So it is not really surprising to go back to the way it once was. I would not want to see a large war, but that is all that will probably allow another century of a middle class's existence.

if you can't afford life don't buy it lol

Scooters and Mopeds, baby. Even better if they're electric.

Fuck the haters. They can hate while they pay all their dollars at the pump and dealership. Meanwhile, we can ride away into the sunset. Just watch out for dumbshit drivers.

Automatic cars cannot come fast enough.

A middle class has existed in every successful nation/empire as far backs as the Romans.

If you save and invest at least 10 percent of your income by paying yourself first you will be rich. If you save even more this will happen faster.
Poor people spend every dime they earn. Poor people watch TV all day and never read a book. Poor people will spend their money on get rich quick schemes and lose what little shekels that have stashed.
Poor people will eat out for lunch every day and buy coffee instead of preparing meals and making coffee at home.
I don't feel bad for poor people, because if you tell them this, they will not listen.

the fact that he thinks we're out trying to buy $3000 70" curved OLED TVs just shows his projection of how fucking easy he had it

I stopped at
>cars are heavier today

you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

>Look faggot,
You're faggot. You probably like my little pony and lady boys, you probably want Hillary to win because you look up to her, you damn cuck faggot.

>houses are too expensive,
Depends where, they're a dollar in Detroit. Oh, you want to live in the same spot everyone else wants to live? Welcome to basic economics.

>cost of automobiles, [has shot up]
Yeah, I've explained this already, to exhaustion. Are you literally just too stupid to understand.

>groceries [have shot up]
Yeah, I've explained this too. Beef supply is limited by the producers intentionally and all the inflation in cost is at the cost to slaughter. Kudos to them I guess, supply will stay the same most likely but demand is going to go up and up and up. It's going to $100 a pound eventually.

>healthcare [has shot up]
over medication, fraudulent lawsuits, not being allowed to turn bums away from the E.R. and basically every "healthcare is a right" piece of shit ass hat like you is causing this.

>wages haven't budged in almost 2 decades.
Okay, well I agree with you on this. What do you suggest? There's too much unskilled labor willing to work for shit wages. Don't want to work for shit wages? Well the college kid down the street will. Welcome to the world of too many people. You could, oh, idk, start your own business, you could do that. Oh, but you want to work for wages, in a comfy job where some executive handles the decisions and stress for you and you have just have a 9 to 5 job in someone else's company. Okay then, you're their bitch, congratulations. Accept your wages because that's all your worth.

How do you know if bull markets will outweigh the bear markets for the S&P and DJIA like in the past? Investing isn't even guaranteed.

>"Cost of living" hasn't grown that much

What area do you live in? Rent and food prices has more than doubled in my area over the past decade.

College tuition is high because the government enables it by handing out student loans that will never be paid back the colleges then increase tuition knowing its on the governments dime and the cycle of debt continues

>Why should I be poor because I want to follow my dreams and do what I want

>all this talk of tech expenses


and the simple fact is, more advanced tech =/= more expensive

this is not how the world works you dipstick.

Obviously it's mostly NEETs or kids posting here.

I don't care if the stock market crashes. If anything, I want it to happen more often. With depressed prices, I will buy more shares by selling bonds. That's why I have a 80 percent stocks, and 20 percent bonds portfolio.

The fact that markets do and will crash should have no bearing on you doing long term investing.

A second generation Civic weighed about 1,500lbs.
A current generation Civic weighs about 2,800lbs.

Go ahead, keep showing us how mentally deficient you are.

>today's cars are made of lightweight metals like aluminum or other alloys that make it lightweight
>yesterday's cars are made of cast fucking iron
T-model is almost the same weight as a modern day mid-size car. And it's fucking smaller.

I love settlers of catan that games a blast

Lots of people with humanities degrees work in institutions such as universities, governments, media, etc... If you do what intrests you you will do better than the plebs in the field who hate their work, which is why I don't even bother trying to program because I won't naturally excel at it 'cause I think it's shit


>today's cars are heavier than older cars

You enjoy tech that didn't even exist and you pay a service.
Cable television for example, netflix, monthly cable, cell phone bill.... So, you're like the dipstick dude.

Who the fuck is eating beef everyday though?
Chicken breast is where it's at. It's about 3 bucks a lb, so a 3 day supply is about 10 bucks. Compare that to beef and you're paying almost 3 times that for beef. Don't eat beef guys.

>Just one of many examples
Is that an example? It was new in 2009 and now it costs $30,000. You've given us no useful information.

"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive."
Thomas Sowell

if it were the same size* a t-model would be the same weight if it were the same size as a modern mid-size car is what I meant to say.

>Honestly I just wish we had more Commie block style apartment buildings that 1 person can live in for 500 a month. That'd be great for cities. It can be ugly as fuck, doesn't matter as long as it is cheap.

This is the dorm I used to stay in during my Freshman year at UC Santa Barbara. Santa Catalina (Called Francisco Torres back in 2004) Its a beautiful building, that I guess you could call commie-block-esque. I think more buildings like this can be constructed to keep housing costs down.

There's nothing wrong with these style apartments. They maximize land usage, are eco-friendly, conserve heat, and they have a good sense of community.

The rising costs of housing has more to do with laws than supply and demand. Its often building codes that cause a housing shortage. The San Francisco Bay Area is so expensive because it has a 3 story building limit in many parts of the city. And America and Canada aren't helping their citizens by allowing foreign Chinese and Indian investors to buy up their property.

doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

and it doesn't mean those before us didn't have it much much easier

>wanting to own a home and wanting to go to college = being a consumerist whore

Instead of Americans talking about the troubling signs that our cost of living is sky rocketing and what this means for our future - they just meme about muh entitlements and other bullshit. Never mind that the jewish rats are jumping ship to go take your tax dollars and invest in their next spot once they cause the total financial collapse of the US.

Don't live in city's where shit is expensive as hell, out side the city's you can find apts for less than $500 a month.

I spend about 300 a month between rent and all my bills and i live with 2 other dudes,

Comfy as fuck

What do you suggest?
kick out everyone who doesn't belong
or else no one will have buying power and it will drag down corporations with them

I wrote a fucking paper on it and won a Nobel Prize in 1974 on it but nooooOOOOOoooo. George Soros and liberals as well as fuckboi republicans don't want to listen.