You can ban one kind of thread on Sup Forums.
What do you ban and why?
Choose wisely.
You can ban one kind of thread on Sup Forums.
What do you ban and why?
Choose wisely.
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ generals
threads started by leaves
All NEETs should be banned from Sup Forums
Our founding fathers stressed that only productive, land owning citizens should engage in political discourse and vote
So NEETs should be banned from Sup Forums and voting in general
>Lets watch cops
Anime posters and anime images.
"really makes you think" threads.
Canadian OP threads
shill threads
Either MADAME_PRESIDENT, "lol why wont u fuck a tranny?", or leaf threads.
Probably leaf threads.
Trump generals. They're by far the most common. I don't give a shit about trump. I just come here to read funny racist shit about niggers and kebabs.
twitter screencap threads
Political threads
The only type of thread I want to ban are non-political threads.
The "Sup Forums BTFO" or "TRUMP BTFO" threads
Usually started by CTR shills
CTR shill threads
"Sup Forums btfo again!"
Sup Forums BTFO and obamaleaf threads
Would you fuck this threads. Yes user. I would fuck them all quit asking me.
Canada hate threads.
We don't deserve it, we're nice.
Trump General
"Shouldn't Sup Forums love Islam because it's so redpilled xDD"
Pony threads. They are becoming more common.
Fuck off to /b we don't want you here
>redpill me on x
we have a rule against it but it's never enforced
Trump threads. Boards average iq would skyrocket
Trump general
Why do x girls love y men do much?
Stop duty free shopping in my country parasite, we don't need your business.
You and me senpai. I use to live in Quebec.
Sorry I'm in your safespace, dumpster.
Race mixing or BTFO threads. Annoying as shit.
If the mods would follow their own rules we would be better.
That's all I want. Prune the posts that are supposedly banned.
non-Trump threads. Boards average iq would skyrocket
"is [x] degenerate?"
Poland general thread. Man Poland is such a shit hole. Just make these slavs get it
threads about what kind of threads Sup Forums would ban
threads by stupid fat amerisharts
>This is what drumpsters believe.
Normie threads
Pol is a virgin board
threads about Alexander Johans or whatever the fuck his name is
Natsoc threads.
The fucking Obama Leaf poster threads.
He either shitposts and derails threads or slides threads by creating his own.
He also replies to himself in every post of his as well as makes a thread 50% himself, even if there is over 150 posts. He has to equal the amount of other posts with his own
Nah those threads are pretty informative
>What his name again?
Any done by british proxies, those always turn out to be shills.
/x/ threads - moon landings, 9/11, the occult, all that horseshit
They had their brexit vote and they're not leaving the EU. They don't matter anymore.
Fuck fat Americans. Ignore the flag, moved down here 2 months ago, financial Shit. I use to live in Quebec.
Any threads supporting nazis.
You forgot the stars.
Either the "Sup Forums UTTERLY BTFO! "
or this
I sense a Reddit fag is here.
The numbers don't lie, communist scum.
obviously this.
cuckold threads
All threads started by Jews
Every thread from those maple syrup junkies.
They are worse than aussis.
Christcuck threads
Or fucking smoking shill threads
This. Buddhism or fuck off.
This. I'm so sick of Sup Forums being flooded with politics and shit
Naked women
>" cuck"
>1 result
Cuck threads for sure. That shit is shilled way too hard.
Ban all threads created by cockroaches
I don't get it
Discuss threads veiled with wording.
>what did he mean by this?
Shill threads
Sup Forums boogeyman threads
Fuck off CTR coon. Go jack off to Hillary somewhere else.
trump generals and all trump posters
Fuck you autists.
Tranny threads
red pilled gf
Leaf posters.
Because they are leaf posters.
CTR, because they paid shills
Fuck off, wagecuck.
They are so mild and few, though....
Honestly if it isn't Catholic it shouldn't be on Sup Forums
KEK threads
CTR shit or Kek threads, kek shit is funny sometimes but making threads about it slides the board
That one guy who posts his blacked porn collection and thinly veils it as concern for the white race.
The Christfags are undermining the security of our race. Them wanting to ban abortion will cause the nigger population to explode. And Christianity is a cuck religion.
flag collection
people who save flags should be beaten to death
Everything posted from Israel.
The NatSoc threads :^)
Easy, threads against jews
(((this message is NOT brought to you by the mossad or JIDF)))
This isn't your clubhouse fag
I ban threads asking to ban one kind of thread.
Because they're gay.