University Christian

Hey Sup Forums, any of you guys struggling to find a good place to worship our lord while attending university? I've tried everything where my school is at, but sadly, every single church, even the Catholic Church, has been subverted and turned into the synagogue of Satan. These churches are nothing more than "DUDE JESUS" houses of worship. There is no talk of sin or the gospels, rather just "do what makes you happy. Jesus loves us all"

Anyway, let's discuss the plite of being a God fearing Christian at Secular U

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Buy a crucifix patch to sew onto your fedora, maybe throw in a latin slogan. See who talks to you about it.


Everywhere you walk is a good place to worship.

I never had any issues talking about Christianity at uni myself, and I went to a massive public uni.

I'm just looking for a place to meet like minded individuals and a good place to seek help when I need it. It just seems like all the churches around here are filled with lukewarm believers


Convert to the true religion, the religion of gods, don't turn your back on the gods of your ancestors.

>not going into the Temple and questioning the Priests

>Hey Sup Forums, any of you guys struggling to find a good place to worship our lord while attending university?
Good luck with that. I'm lucky in that the church at my university at least tries to be somewhat biblical and have sermons on books other than the gospels. The pastor there is a total lefty nut unfortunately.

Apparently is a somewhat decent site if you're looking to find a based church. KJV-only and Soul-winning are good indicators. Ctrl-F for 'soul' and see what comes up in your state - maybe you'll luck out and find one that's not too far away.

God is all the support you need m8.
Virtually all churches are filled with watered down Christians - it's simply up to you to be the exception.

Literally this.
I was approached so many times by "christians" who would ask me if I knew about the Bible and God and I would btfo them all the time. They started following me instead and I have a 30 disciples currently.

where do you go?

>don't turn your back

You mean like discarding 2000 years of ancestral tradition in favor of a dead religion?

The catholic church IS the synagogue of satan you dipshit

Worship in the open air who cares, don't worship in a church just because of Idols and fancy walls.

No, either way I'm saved.
>muh Pascal's wager meme

My ancestors were Roman Catholic for about 400 years until a direct realative converted to Puritantism in 1643 and sailed to America. I have no known ties to peganism, nor do I wish to convert to your religion.

Americans have no idea who their real ancestors are.

Eastern Illinois bc poor fag and slacked off in high school

Thanks user. I'll give it a try

You'll find no "dude Jesus" faggotry here:

Also, check out your local Orthodox church, particularly if it is a Russian or Greek orthodox church.

>t. sympathetic pagan

Good luck m8. I've wanted to see you guys go, but not like this.

>400 years

Huh. My roommate's girlfriend went to Eastern. I went to UIUC myself.

OP is a faggot. Nice dubs though I guess.

I'm really struggling to sort through what is the truth about Christianity. Everyone just defending their views instead of actually seeking the truth of things.

UIUC is the best down state school, but $20,000 a year for tuition is way too much

>The catholic church IS the synagogue of satan
No, that's the Talmudists: the second half of chapter 2 verse 9 of revelation reads "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." The people who call themselves Jews and yet don't believe in or follow the Torah are a perfect fit for the SoS.

The Catholic church appears to have been compromised and subverted, but the ones responsible for that subversion are the synagogue of Satan. Many protestant churches are just as subverted (if not more so) which is why I think that laying the blame squarely on Catholicism is missing the bigger picture.

Looks like the christfags are angry, is it cuz you worship jewgod? Is it cuz your circumcised and you cant feel anything with your 4 inch wee wee

Greeks are really clannish and can be unwelcoming if you aren't Greek yourself. Russian Churches are amazing, however.

Read the gospels, user. That is the undisputed truth.

But for what?

Wow, you sure showed them

KJV only is so stupid and ignorant

Circumcision is not Christian.

I once visited a Greek church for liturgy and was warmly welcomed, but as always, results will vary.

is over there, retard.

Jews of 2,000 years ago are completely different than the Jews of today. This video will get you pointed in the right direction

Yeah - I luckily only had to do my junior and senior year there. I was heavily considering continuing into grad school since I'd already had a lot of credits over the BA, but I ended up just stopping. Doing tech school now.

Philosophy. Was pretty cool - I'd recommend it, though not for employment purposes unless you want to be an eternal grad student.

If any of these parishes are near you I would give them a try. TLM parishes and priests sound like what you're looking for.

OP, there will be a faithful church somewhere in your town, its just a question of finding it. "Student" churches are often only popular because i) there are lots of students there already (students cluster), and ii) they cater for the student crowd with modern worship, programs etc. There's nothing wrong with that per se (and in the UK the big student churches generally tend towards having orthodox biblical faith). You might have to do a bit more work to find a place you feel at home in in your town, but it will be there. Nothing wrong with going to a small out-of-the-way church as a student! They will love you.

>I'm really struggling to sort through what is the truth about Christianity.
I know something that'll help with that.
KJV is the best version imho. Once you're used to the archaic language you'll find it very easy to read (thee/thy/thou are singular, ye/your/you are plural), and you'll also be discovering the etymology of a lot of words on the side as you go.

I wish Martin Luther could see what has become of prodistantism today. I recently attended a youth group at a Methodist church as part of an ice breaker activity, we were asked what our preferred pronouns were. At that point, I grabbed my stuff and left without a word.

>KJV only is so stupid and ignorant
NIV is owned by a Talmudist publishing company and churns out a (((more accurate))) version every few years (over here if a church isn't kjv-only it's usually NIV).

Is there a good version I don't know of?

So do you have a job?

>I wish Martin Luther could see what has become of prodistantism today
I'm glad he can't desu. He'd lose his lunch.

Jesus what a bunch of incredible faggots


But guys, he has seen it.

I was hoping you would say what it is.

Work in an ag lab doing soil testing stuff while I'm working on certification for network administration.
Probably going to apply to Statefarm or a hospital not far away when I'm done with that, since I've got family members who work in both places.

Visibly cringing. If only you pressed her on that, she would have been speechless as you destroy her liberal deceptions

Why don't you just go back for another degree?

NIV's "dynamic equivalence" translation philosophy was revolutionary in the 80's, but it's become a victim of its own success, marketers have gone wild with it, and this most recent update just last year has made it unusable for most level-headed traditionalist folk. It's got a new PC, SJW vibe now. To add to other issues of acccuracy.

KJV is great...but it's not the most accurate translation, and we've found much, much better manuscripts since 1601 when it was written. It's based on the Byzantine texts which are not the oldest or most reliable texts we have to work from today.

The ESV is probably the best in English. It's the spuritual successor of the KJV, NKJV, AND RSV actually. It is the most literal translation, while at the same time trying to maintain some of the elegance of the KJV'S English.

t. seminary graduate

Are there any passages in the Bible that speak of those in heaven spending time watching over the earth? I can only recall in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man where there seemed to be a line of communication between heaven and hell.

If you get the job at State Farm, I assume you'll be working in Bloomington. I don't know if you've ever been there before, but it's a shithole. Not only is it a college down, but it's full of niggers. I'd suggest living in one of the small towns within a 30 minute drive. If I were you, I'd look at Eurika or Goodfield

As I was walking back to my dorm, I was thinking about how I wish I would've thrown tables and chairs, much like Jesus did when the Jews set up shop in the temple

Is there any particular inaccuracy (between KJV and ESV) which comes to mind that's especially jarring?

Because I'll make plenty enough money for my tastes just doing network administration.

The only thing I'd originally gone to uni for was to finish econ/philosophy and go to law school, but after actually taking law classes and getting into the nitty gritty of what law actually entails I found it completely unconscionable to ever practice law.

Yes, it'd be Bloomington-Normal. I know it's a shithole, but it's a well-paying shithole that I know I'd get hired to. I'd rather work the hospital job but it'll depend on availability and need at the time I finish school.

It's amazing how common people think this tranny shit is just because it's spammed in the mainstream media 24/7 lately. There's a bigger chance they would get more responses if they asked "what fursona do you identify as?".

Well, best of luck to you

You too m8.

Just all of it frankly. They don't try to translate it word for word, they just try to translate it meaning for meaning, using any words they want.

Imagine doing this to Plato or Homer.

To give an example of the recent corruptions of the text, the person pronoun "he" is avoided as much as possible and replaced with "people" or "they" or something to make it more diverse and "inclusive." Sometimes this is fine, since English is lacking in an inclusive pronoun that is often actually In the Greek, but in most cases they are literally rewriting the words of Moses or Paul or Jesup

>I found it completely unconscionable to ever practice law.

You know the only way to change that is to go into law and try to change it?

Oh wait I thought you meant between ESV and NIV sorry.

One example is the famous saying "money is the root of all evils." The older texts have revealed that it is actually "money is the root of all kinds of evils." Which just makes more sense.

No; that's utterly incorrect.
"Heheh, I'm gunna change da systum frum within" is a stupid outlook, especially for a Christian whose tenets forbid tons of things necessary for *actually* practicing law, like lying through one's teeth, slandering others, or otherwise being dishonest.

I know there are about a dozen words in the KJV translation that aren't found in any other translation anywhere and no one knows why they're there.

If you're interested in more specific contextual differences, errors or general reasons for why KJV only is a bad idea, look up a James White debate on KJV only.

Christianity is not what it used to be, keep up with the times and let it adapt. If you want to bring back the morbid Puritanism, make your own church, don't follow others that won't fulfill your goal

Maybe you should have gone to a Christian University such as Indiana Wesleyan University

I second this. That's the best analysis in print today AFAIK.

The Newman Center.

so much truth in this, this is our central problem as a nation, but may be what keeps it going, keeps us pioneering a new identity for the greatest nation on earth.

PROTIP: Indiana Wesleyan University is both Christian AND racist against blacks. They beat up a black student there til he quit.

Then how do you suppose laws are written and formed? And by who? How would someone go about changing it? Is it correct in all instances to say one must necessarily engage in those acts in order to practice law? You don't need to mock me, I would be much more welcoming of an explanation as to why that is supposedly impossible or highly improbable.

By people who believe in
I can't change what other people do. I'm responsible for my actions, not the actions of other people. God judges me for what I do, and others for what they do. God does not judge me for the sins of statesmen and executioners.

>Is it correct in all instances to say one must necessarily engage in those acts in order to practice law?
Yes, insofar as we're talking about sinful acts period and not just those specific examples of sin. At least for me as an intellectually consistent Christian.

If you've ever read The Kingdom of God is Within You, I have an incredibly similar view of life and Christianity as Tolstoy, which is utterly incompatible with human laws and law enforcement.

Yes, the book would be a better recommendation than a debate.

You sound like a redditor.

Thanks, I'll look into that further.


Definitely a redditor lol

Ya ken?

I'm a white American mutt, my ancestors worshiped completely different gods at whatever point. They all followed Christianity at some point though

Uh, what?

You asked a number of questions bruh.

to which I responded

Yes, I read it.

Christianity is just another immigrant religion. It's quite hilarious how Christians complain about Muslims coming to Europe when they follow an immigrant religion themselves. Your ancestors were converted to Christianity by the sword and you will be converted to Islam just the same.

Al-ḥamdu lillā

Someone needs to read their history again.

There's so many things wrong with this post I can't even begin to state where you're really fucking wrong

I just play some bluegrass gospel on sundays and remind myself to smack my wrist five times a day for all the stupid shit I do.

Consider having blot with blood sacrifice to our ancient European Father, Tyr. Just claim heritage diversity while you sledgehammer fellow students.
