Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by university?
Because most of the board can't get in.
bro university= intelligence= mostly left leaning/ liberal minded adults.
The people here are racist. racists are the least intelligent people on the planet even science has proved this be true. Just a coincidence dont you think that the most vile, homophobic and racist board on the website is also the one that hates leanring, school, education and intelligence?
wassup nzbrewfag. Christchurchfag here. I remember having this convo with my brother that Universities are essentially a business. The problem is people take it way too seriously and feel like they're being ripped off. It's like complaining you wanted a Mars bar when you bought a snickers. I think the problem is people think college is like school so there's this sense of entitlement when it's really what you paid for (degree) and nothing else. + it's been so engrained in our culture to go to uni to be successful.
Best marketing campaign ever?
Not kidding, Ph.D in a major Aus university. In gender and cultural studies, on the culture study side. I'm male, white, straight, basically the anti-Christ to these people, every time I open my mouth everyone stares at me waiting for me to say something they don't like. I come here to have a laugh and get away from the shit. I'm betting there are plenty here who are highly educated.
is this a what a shill thread looks like?
Sup Forums gets triggered by social 'sciences', get it right. STEM's still pretty alright.
Is Japan known for universities or do people gtfo when they have the chance?
No kidding. I took a feminist class taught by and mostly for foreigners for fun as a bio/neurosci major and I'm suddenly the monster when I mention any uncomfortable truths. Fortunately enough the prof, as bluepilled as she is, doesn't mind opposing viewpoints.
universities today are a lot like the Catholic Church in the 16th century.
you have this priestly class of professors that doesn’t do very much work, and the public (mostly young school leavers) are buying indulgences in the form of amassing enormous debt for the secular salvation that a diploma represents
Japan has some of the higher ranked Asian universities. I will personally say that their claim to fame comes from their strong research rather than education, so it's really good if you learn from hands-on lab experience rather than classes and especially so in research-heavy universities.
>Stock image
>No text, broad question in title
Sage, hide, move on.
Yeah most senior academic staff are fine, it's the ones who just finished undergraduate women's studies you have watch out for. A lot of education is great, a little badly understood is fucking terrifying.
Is it kind of like private companies invest in the university and their findings or studies etc improve the reputation of the university?
Fuck you. I'm OP here answering everyone's shit
Sup Forums is "triggered" by:
-The useless degrees that might as well be $40,000 scraps of toilet paper
-The Marxist students who try to blame society when said degrees don't earn them money, and the retards who act like they have some kind of point solely on the grounds that the problem exists
-The fact that the social "sciences" and media departments have allowed far left wing politics to rob them of their objectivity to such a great degree
-The hypocrisy and lies that these corrupted departments have spread
I don't think that anyone here has a thing against degrees for jobs that are actually productive towards society.
Are liberal philosophic arts (not including painting, music etc) really hell? Here in the uni I'm at we have a HUGE psychology department even though the university specialises in engineering. I've been thinking of sitting through a lecture just for the lelz
Because there is no filter anymore.
Universities use to be for the smartest bunch but politicians decided that anyone can have a Masters degree now.
So Univ are now filled with people (like you) who previously wouldn't have been admitted but can now study "Social Science" or "XYZ studies"
Worse, since lower-IQ people are more gullible, they are made to believe they are like last century, part of a "small educated elite" because they watched 3 videos of Anita Sarkeesian on a videoprojector.
tl:dr; univs are now "the place people go when they turn 18", and people are, in their majority, dumb (except for you, apparently).
ohhhhhhh that makes much more sense. Uni is only really good when you're absolutely sure of what you want to do and the current job market
soz i dunno how to respond to that claim
Whatever intelligence members of academia possess is bottle necked by wisdom, which is how we assess whether someone is smart or not. Smart people generally don't boast how smart they are and wave around their ego trying to put people down. Leftists are infamous for this sort of behaviour.
Your move.
I really enjoy it. You just to remember your career options, either just take a class for enjoyment or accept you can only really teach or research. Lot of attractive girls do psychology, the statistics can be a killer though if you're not wired for math.
That's how most universities with a strong research background work, actually. Yes, the papers that come out and the breakthroughs from the uni will elevate its status.
Within Japan, though, another thing that people look at is how good the university screens its students. One of the reasons why Tokyo University is so well-regarded is because it's so difficult to get in, so corporations recruiting from there are gonna get the cream of the crop since the screening process filtered out most of the population. I don't know if that rep translates to other countries outside of academia, though.
Did you just figure that one out?
becuase 90% of them are some kind of faggot without real world experience, heavy social liabilities, and aren't that much more qualified to be employed than a worker with equal years of experience. However they're going to be promoted and tossed around not based on ability to earn, but by classist social networking and ass kissing with the added incentive that they're FORCED to work whatever shit job without the power to bargain because of their debt.
Except STEM majors. STEM are the true elite and tend to despise liberal fucks because they're among the ones who do the real work in this world.
>tfw I already do statistics for accounting
nah. just decided to dog up some old words
Because we were lied to straight out of high school and got degrees only to find that the jobs in our fields required work experience we couldn't get without first getting a job.
American colleges are becoming socialist debt pits for white collared brainwashed robots. The only escape is through traditionally difficult STEM majors.
Isn't psych generally case study after case study rather than philosophical stuff?
>tfw neuro and smug towards my psych friends
Isn't "neuroscience" basically psychology + a meme word to sound scientific on Reddit ?
This is what I'm telling my little arrogant fag brother. He wants to starts as IT and I want him to study medicine and become a doctor. Kid is fucking annoying as fuck. Didn't he realise that the entire India is IT who are willing to work less than the normal salary.
>psychfag can't handle the bantz
enjoy your mommy issues while the big boys actually cure mental diseases
>neuroscience just a reddit meme
>Taiwanese intellectuals
College educated can be both a blessing and a liability. if they have a valuable skill, then they are worth hiring. If they're left wing trash or majored in easy mode schooling, then I would far rather prefer a secondary school graduate with smaller salary demands.
America's economy is over bureaucratized, slow, and too expensive as it constantly does everything wrong in service for the politically correct losers on the bell curve where it's genuinely better for shareholders to hire H1-B asians and illegal mexicans to do the work.
We need extreme, radical change to the entire system if we're going to Make America Great Again. That means FIRING all the losers and bankrupting the education system until only those skills worth money survive.
I said neuroscience is as shit as psychology; which makes it obvious I don't carry either in my heart.
Even worse, businesses expect you to go to university first, which in turn means your family expects you to go to university.
The government really needs to force colleges to trim the number of small market degrees offered.
When someone goes 40k in debt for a history degree, only to find that the only jobs waiting for anyone with his major are a tiny number of teaching and consultation positions that you would be very lucky to get (what else is society going to do with Roman history besides put it in classrooms and museums? And you don't need 30 teachers for a 20 student classroom), this doesn't help to build a single road or put a single crop on a dinner table. What it DOES do is create a generation of people who are saddled with useless debt. These people could have been working in fields that currently have shortages, living off of nice paychecks and spending their money in ways that are productive to everybody. Instead, they stock shelves at Walmart, and have a bill that's probably going to stay with them for decades.
Well, here in the US it's agreeing to a lifetime of enslavement to attend leftist indoctrination camp.
And maybe, just maybe, you'll be one of the lucky ones who gets a job pushing papers around constantly as Obamacare demands.
don't be delusional ahmed
because each year thousands of people are going into tens of thousands of dollars of debt to study sociology or critical theory or African American studies to have the honour of working as a dish washer at the local greasy spoon when they finish
>National merit scholarship
>full ride tuition paid, books and board covered by university
>graduate with research distinction in biomedical science
>jobs literally falling from the sky
Nigga wut
>uyghur niggers
>Tibetan niggers
>yunnan niggers
>southern chink niggers
>high IQ
mostly neets, schizos, drop outs and trade school retards on here as regulars
It's because they're all uneducated Trump supporters.
mongolians, uighurs, yunnan people are not chinese. also, while their iq is lower, it's ot so low that it drags their national iq below 107. so I don't see what the big deal is. for every 102 iq mongolian there's a 112 iq chinese to keep the balance, indicating that chinese iq is actually above 107.
>tfw trade school is paid for
>tfw offered ironworker apprenticeship by foreman uncle
>tfw he's offering 40k bonus on top of apprenticeship pay
I'm pretty triggered by a worthless degree :^).
I will admit I am pretty fucking dumb though and barely managed a B average in high school
All the teachers are communist retards. I'm going to college in a deep blue state and it's hell
High School drop out NEET here, can confirm.
I legit have 0 problem with people with engineering degrees and other neat shit. It's the people who have bachelors in absolutely worthless shit like african history that always seem to be the ones to lord their government funded education over the ones who don't have it.
I've seen some of my really smart friends take the worst degrees possible( or even undeclared majors) because they can't grasp the concept that its possible to make a lot of money without a degree.
Shit my uncle dropped out of drafting college and is now a foreman and clears 220k a year. His job requires a lot of travel but its all paid for by the company.
there are plenty of other useful fields, but the problem was that those were the points of entry for the first communist infiltrators, so indispenable fields such as history have been commandeered by our enemies.
our lack of coherent history is part of why we have no cultural defense mechanisms.
gender studies, womens studies, equity studies, abo studies, nigger studies should all be shit-tier majors that lead to nothing. Unfortunately, the government is the biggest employer in the country and happy to hire the scum that graduates from these majors. It's sickening.
>tfw unironically get triggered at university
Fuck you, Sup Forums. I should have taken the blue pill.