
>*earthshattering fart noise*
>50,000 to my Patreon

Why are three memes being forced at once?

Sneed and Lovecraft posting are the best memes of 2017. I laugh myself silly every time I see the word Lovecraft or Sneed in a thread. Bringing me back to the good old days of when Baneposting started and I laughed every time someone posted FOR YOU.

Sorry you don't have a sneed of humor, faggot.

sup reddit

hey reddit

hey there reddit

This new copypast is excellent against this "meme". And unronically leaves Sup Forumstards piss off

that's Sup Forums's meme powerlevel

just force every retarded shit in every possible thread until it becomes a meme, lovecraft shit started with a single retard spamming it

Sup Forums is the worst board for memes, it literally died after bane

I can guarantee its shitskins again

You hated FOR YOU posting, now you love it and it's part of every board lingo. The same will happen to Sneed and Lovecraftian. You hate it because you're new but you'll soon use it everyday and you'll love it.


Shit meme

*Sneed's your path*

I prefer SMASHED and SLAMMED memes myself.

that's a nice brapper

Baneposting is something that can be modified. People can apply their imagination to come up with new scenarios and expand the meme. Sneedposting and lovecraft posting involve spamming the same word over and over. Literally plebbit tier.

Pathetic and cowardly Sup Forums app poster

You have zero imagination and no sense of humor. Sneed off.


Should I flood the board with shitted threads? That seems to wake up troid and his fellow liberal cuck janitors

What is shitted?

Go for it

'Cause they do it for free.

case in point, this is just a lame meme

Haha, you said sneed. So lovecraftian xP
You have my upvote, good sir!

>Giving them attention
What are you doing? You're encouraging them!

Oh god your assshitter pain makes it all worth it

This. When did Sup Forums start getting flooded with Reddit trash? It's embarrassing.

>getting a bunch of people to tell you "fuck off/kys, retard" is considered good bait to people 'trolling' Sup Forums
wew, meanwhile you probably actually got upset when they called you a nigger


very kafkaesque of you, user

so you are the guy who's forcing these two memes then

Probably the mods covering up the fact that they been caught allowing pedoposting if its for a WARNER BROTHERS or HBO IP since both of them pay for shilling here


t. bitter kissless Sup Forumstard


t. favela monkey


at least brazilians have sex and are desired by white women.

>Gets called out for being an unfunny moron
>"y-you are reddit!"

this is a good thing though
the last time a board was in such a horrible state if was split into Sup Forums and /vg/. we're even on the same level of forced dubs threads everyday

the best part is watching these shitposting tourists cry that Sup Forums doesn't need to be split

Mmmmm reddit

howdy doodlity doo doo to you reddit

This fucking board.



I wouldn't say I'm forcing a meme so much as shitposting a copypasta I found in Sup Forums in already shitty threads about Lovecraft. I don't have the endurance to post for days, which is required to force a meme, and I don't see any harm in shitposting an inherently flawed thread.

What the fuck do you expect, Sup Forums is the board of memes, this fucking site needs a Meme board so this stupid shit will stop.

make some Sup Forums threads
that really upset them as it steals their replies and promotes discussion