Like it happens pretty often, compared to the US missions in the 60s and shit, it's crazy percent that are blowing up and they had less computing power than my tamagotchi and shit. . Theories? Did we never actually go to the moon? Are the rockets being shot down by Allah? Is Musk autistic (well he is but like does it rub off) wtf Sup Forums
Why does SpaceX shit keep blowing up?
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I am not space engineer, but I would assume it's because they're experimenting. They could probably replicate what has already been done, but they're trying to push the limits.
They're doing things that have never been done before. No matter how many simulations you run or numbers you crush, the real test is going to show you what's really going to happen.
It is rocket science, user.
They've only had 2 go up, haven't they?
That's about par for the course for newly designed rockets. You need to work out the kinks in actual testing, as simulations aren't foolproof when dealing with so much mass.
i just dont get why we still use rockets and not magnets
>implying ayylmaos didn't blow it because was carrying something else
This was a run of the mill satellite launch. Fucking Russia has been handling all the space shit since the Shuttle program was shut down.
US propaganda hid a lot of failures of the early space program, same as the Russkies.
When you have a billion things that could go wrong catastrophically, they occasionally do.
They employ millennials. Many of whom went to Harvard.
they should become an explosives company
>They could probably replicate what has already been done
They don't know how to make classic rocket engines anymore
America is buying russian soviet era stockpiles for refitting :DDD
it was carrying a facebook satelite to provide internet for the whole of africa
ayyys blew it up because they know the best thing about humanity is the internet and they didnt want niggers fucking that up too
not relevant, but their #1 hiring school probably by an order of magnitude is carnegie mellon
>tfw if the Axis had won we'd have fucking space colonies and travel at like 30% the speed of light right now
I just hope we can renew this spirit before whites face extinction
Building a self-landing rocket is hard
also corporate warfare
Unfinished software maybe , Pure Coincidence who knows ? ?
Sometimes the memetic juices and kek bootyblasts meant for Hillary Clinton ricochet and blow other shit right the fuck up.
i wonder if the fascists had won would we have all the drug crime and shit that's going on now
Because our intellectual class isn't intellectual in the least.
Just like being a pokemon Gameboy xbox fus roh dah xD big bang theory became popular, so too did other nerd shit like pop science long ago.
The people that cant get a rocket to launch are the children of Sagan. Russia kept nerds in line, so their rockets still work.
>musk is blowing them up on purpose because 'muh simulations'
>muh so and so is hard meme
every time I see that line I want to smash the one who uttered it to death with a hammer
back 2 reddit
Not as much, you're still Mexico though so probably some and your government would be just slightly less corrupt
Rockets get damaged, blow up, fail to launch, never make it to the launch pad, etc, all the time. You probably don't hear about it much because it's not a worthy story in mainstream news outlets. You have to read science journals and magazines to hear more.
The technology is far more complex these days and there is FAR MORE that could go wrong with the rockets we have today.
It's also worth mentioning that the rocket never actually started the launch process, so it could have been something with the tower itself. Static on the fuel connectors is obviously reduced as much as it possibly can, but there has been similar explosions in the past caused by static on the tower.
Was it insured? It may have gotten hit by Jewish Lightning.
There is a ton of footage of Atlas prototypes ripping themselves to pieces. The Soviet N-1 disasters were covered up for at least two decades.
For the same reason modern NASA can't do shit: Elon Cucksk likes to hire MUH DIVERSITY.
You are asking a board that thinks Nazis were the good guys.
funny how this is true
They're experimenting with fuel/design for more thrust, faggot. Stick to your conspiracy theories until science is comprehensible.
Also only 1 decent looking women in whole group.
the left is literally keeping NASA down?
fascist governments are usually the most corrupt of all in latin america
There was a picture thought to be a drone right near the explosion. Not sure if it was a drone strike.
Space industry guy here. SpaceX has reputation for running fast and loose, cutting corners to save time and money.
They always shit on older space companies for being too conservative and slow. I'm glad they got BTFO.
And before people who know nothing say shit like "Space so risky so hard" look at the track records of Atlas V and Ariane5. AtlasV has perfect record 64 launches no failures, Ariane5 had some problems early but now perfect record after fixing off design issues. SpaceX can't go one year without blowing shit up. That's Russian tier.
Fucking hell, anyone can get into NASA now?
I will assume it's Jews.
Question: if your country is "white" then why is it so 3rd world?
Holy shit how many fucking women work at NASA? I think I see like 2 men. No wonder their shit keeps blowing up.
Dude it was a standard satellite lift
the spacex tech is trying to go up AND down.
Much different from just up and detach waste rockey
Anyone can get into ANY scientific community now with a STEM degree.
All the old scientists from/ were inspired by the space race and Cold War are dying and retiring. They are literally desperate for anyone with a STEM degree since some places, like Los Alamos National Lab, are expecting to have something like 70% of their scientists retiring in the next 10 years.
Aka, we're fucked.
Aerojet agreed to recondition sufficient NK-33s to serve Orbital's 16-flight NASA Commercial Resupply Services contract. Beyond that, it had a stockpile of 23 1960s and 1970s era engines. Kuznetsov no longer manufactures the engines, so Orbital sought to buy RD-180 engines. Because NPO Energomash's contract with United Launch Alliance prevented this, Orbital sued ULA alleging anti-trust violations.[19] Aerojet offered to work with Kuznetsov to restart production of new NK-33 engines, to assure Orbital of an ongoing supply.[20] However, manufacturing defects in the engine's liquid oxygen turbopump and design flaws in the hydraulic balance assembly and thrust bearings were proposed as two possible causes[21] of the 2014 Antares launch failure.
Long story, shit Russian quality. We don't use them anymore.
The industry standard for rocket success is 95%
SpaceX is currently at about 94% success
They're fine
How many females work for spaceX?
Whenever something smart that's supposed to be really good goes horribly wrong, somewhere some way there is always a woman involved.
100% of the time.
Reminds me of Robert Truax critiquing nasa, while dragging around his pressure fed rocket with four Atlas Vernier engines, that he never flew.
You're using "facts" against conspiracy theorists. Stop before they go full retard.
Funny gif. Seriously, Russians blow shit up all the time. The last time the good old US of A really screwed the pooch was the womyn led Mars Climate Orbiter project. Look it up, women can't into engineering.
>but they're trying to push the limits.
>chemical LOX based rockets
Sorry m8, but SpaceX isn't pushing anyone's limits, they are pulling the taxpayer's leg. Their tech is from the 1950s with a few "super-cool" wrinkles (first stage landings, that haven't yet yielded fuck nothing) and the almighty "crew capsule" which can't had any crew on board and probably never will.
That gif was just the thing I needed, holy shit I laughed hard.
Germany probably had one of the greatest space programs of all time. 6 million jews made their way to the stars as smoke.
>Why does SpaceX shit keep blowing up?
SpaceX has success rate on par with the industry average, which is around 95%.
I honestly think this explosion was intentional sabotage:
1. Static test-fire with the payload loaded up not only isn't standard procedure, Spacecom (the israeli company who owned the satellite) expressly requested it.
2. The explosion starts in the second stage/payload bay, not the first stage. Furthermore, the explosion occurs before the first stage static test fire actually begins, meaning whatever triggered it has to be completely separate from the test-fire.
3. Spacecom's insurance doesn't cover their satellite being blown up during a static test-fire. They COULD have purchased this insurance, they were even offered it, but they refused. This is on top of specifically asking for their payload to be placed on the rocket during the static fire to begin with, when it otherwise wouldn't have been.
4. Spacecom is now suing SpaceX for the entire cost of the satellite, on top of SpaceX losing their rocket and taking a PR hit in public for having another rocket explode.
They don't want anything to leave the planet. You are cattle. You do not have the right to colonize the stars. You do not have the right to claim Martian rust as your own.
There was a passenger on this rocket scheduled to testify against Shillary
Wtf i hate space now
Insurance money
a close friend of mine works for ULA and he fucking HATES SpaceX.
He's pretty biased about it because SpaceX is their main competitor, but he makes some good points.
He basically always says that Musk is a hack and just knows how to sell his brand really well; all flash and no substance
As for SpaceX, apparently they cut a lot of corners, which leads to shit like rockets that explode during fueling. But because of who they are and the fact that the whole "SCIENCE FUCKING RULES! ELON MUSK IS TONY STARK!!1! XD XD" meme keeps them squarely in the public eye, they still get all of the best contracts
If a rich guy asked you to park his car and you crashed it into a tree, you wouldn't get all the other rich guys asking you to park their cars. But then again, you're not SpaceX
This. Why did we decommission the Saturn rockets? God damn all the old breed are dead and we have a bunch of women and effeminate men with small testicles leading the way.
NASA is such a damn joke when I visited the space center in Huston all the brats were playing in the giant play structure trying to get a promo Pokemon card.
I am not shitting you. Modern children would rather have a fucking Pokemon card and waste 4 hours in a playground than play the shuttle landing simulation.
My brother at age 14 landed the thing while getting talked down by my dad on the hardest part difficulty they had and wasted every score they had that week.
A guy actually commented and said that was the best he had seen and joked that they wanted to know when he wanted a job flying the shuttle.
Dear god we are wasting our generations.
>If a rich guy asked you to park his car and you crashed it into a tree, you wouldn't get all the other rich guys asking you to park their cars. But then again, you're not SpaceX
It is the same rich guy asking to park his car over and over again ... and you crash it each time, coming up with a super story why next time, it won't happen.
It was unmanned, who cares if a few blow up
fuck the ULA the ULA is made off of money from contracts Lockheed. Not to mention which company is more capitalistic, the ULA behemoth or SpaceX?
>all these blue pilled cucks thinking space travel is the future
Space travel is an extreme version of a common belief that it is easier to run away from our problems than to solve them. Those who gleefully look forward to space colonization are either insane or brainwashed by fancy imagery to the point of religious devotion.
The optimistic belief in space travel, colonising Mars, etc.....has dangerous parallels with conventional religion. While it is human to seek comfort in religion, it is a misleading and dangerous way of thinking we should be aware of, and wary of.
As president Eisenhower once said, every ship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
We have had the unbelievable 1 in 10 trillion good fortune to be born on a planet with life. And not just life – with great abundance, beauty, and mystery. And there are demented, craven assholes who want to trash the planet with climate change and then try to colonize some unknown, desolate rock careening through the galaxy? Good fucking luck with that.
>It was unmanned, who cares if a few blow up
A potential crew cares. The crew capsule would ride on the same rocket.
>satellite launch
unmanned is the point
They could just pull the eject cord right before it blows up and parachute back down.
Are the Ayys the savior of the white race?
>mfw will have a physics phd in 6 years
>a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
everyone in America already has food and clothing
Musk V Zuckerberg
coming soon to pay per view
kikes btfo
If the rest of the Musk's projects are any indication, SpaceX hires the cheapest available engineers and scientists. The results are obvious, plus they want it fast, so safety is a secondary concern.
>They could just pull the eject cord right before it blows up and parachute back down.
It doesn't work this way. Pad aborts are incredibly dangerous - in flight aborts same way. An explosion is pretty fast.
And it does not instill confidence in a crew if a company makes constant mistakes. Even the early Soviet space missions seem to have been less risky ... and they resulted in two failed crewed missions.
The only man is a black guy.
>ExX : Explosives and pyrotechnics
How long till they go ful Robco and hand out souvenir rockets filled with actual rocket fuel?
Private companies are used to reduce costs on security in order to increase profits. This isn't so bad for most consumer products but it can prove disastrous when there is more at stake.
They really need to use safer propellants.
If your propellant ignites when touching another propellant in the rocket/body, you've got a problem that can't be fixed.
They're using a bunch of old soviet rockets they found in Siberia
>what is every good fuel/oxidizer ever
Space program is fake, all of them are fake. This will continue to happen till he participates in the lie.
If it can set off without a flame/trigger/ignitor, something is wrong with your methods.
Losing some potential energy is worth the hassle.
Good lucking finding a decent fuel/oxidizer that isn't highly reactive.
I am like 99% certain SpaceX's propellants do not actually spontaneously combust with each other, and instead use an igniter fuel.
"Diverse" staff
The Coast Guard sunk the BP oil rig and took no responsibility for everything that happened after.
>losing some fuel efficiency is worth the hassle
Not according to most (all?) space agencies? With proper safety and maintenance, nothing happens (see Ariane, and it uses cryogenic fuels).
This picture makes me want to kill someone
>payload was an Israeli satellite funded by Mark Zuckerberg
You would think the Jews would want SpaceX to succeed...
>shit Russian quality
The RD-180 is a Russian engine, which you still buy and use.
>Any teories?
No experience and unpolished design.
Elon is pushing to make a cheap low tech low cost rockets fly, ofcourse it isnt easy.
Russians would be like
>You want a new rocket?
>Easy peesy give us 20 years
Elon has little experience, and probably havent full grasp We all the technologies and trick just give him some time. Only the one who never tried has never made a mistake.
They're building a whole new class of rockets and trying to keep them as cheap as possible.
So all the digging I could into this showed that SpaceX does not use propellant that autoignites in contact with each other.
The engines/fuel used in the Amos-6 rocket were Merlin 1D with RP-1 (Kerosene) and LOX (Oxygen). As far as I'm aware, these two don't spontaneously combust when mixed with each other, and especially don't do so at temperatures where the oxygen is a liquid.
Instead, the Merlin 1D engines use TEA-TEB (triethylaluminum-triethylborane) as their igniter.
Furthermore, the explosion occurred in the upper second stage.
So from what I can tell:
The explosion couldn't have happened due to RP-1 and LOX mixing.
The explosion couldn't have happened due to some error or problem with TEA-TEB igniter fuel during the test-fire because not only did the engine's not ignite, but the explosion occurred above the first stage.
The rocket additionally wasn't undergoing any serious stresses, as it was just sitting on the launch pad.
Refueling itself is pretty common for rockets - they refuel more often than they actually launch.
So as a layman I can narrow down the cause to something in the upper second stage that ignited the fuel there. Perhaps an issue with the TEA-TEB igniter in the second stage, perhaps a spark somehow during fueling. Watching the video of it you can see a very bright flash just before the explosion.
I honestly still think this was sabotage, but then I also felt the other second stage failure a little while ago was also sabotage, and the spaceX engineers said it was parts ordered from a supplier who didn't supply them to the requested spec.
It'll be interesting to see what they say the cause was after a few months of investigation.
>implying Elon Musk gives a single fuck about science or humanity or space
>implying Elon Musk isn't a capitalist civilian business man who has the government giving his company billions of dollars
>implying the billionaire businessman who made the government his costumer actually cares if any of the this shit works
Heinlein got so many things right. He was truly a wise man.
>one person doing work
Christ, American women are retarded
It actually was apparently
Who insures a rocket honestly
The fuck didn't these niggers just KSP more instead of spending 6 gorillion tax dollars that could have gone towards buying me college?
They probably fired up the 3rd stage. And their investigation won't turn up anything conclusive, because there's no way they can deflect such a fuckup.