Why does Sup Forums hate LGBTQ?

Seriously, what's the logic behind the hate for LGBTQ

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>why does Sup Forums hate LGBTQ?

I don't (I'm bi) but that image is fucking retarded.

personally I was pretty tolerant to them until I started to browse Sup Forums, their shilling for their life style and promiscuity made me sick 2bh

I don't understand what the Q stands. I know it means 'queer' but isn't that just a synonym for a gay. Please explain.

A pothead, a vegan, and a faggot walk into a bar.

We all knew, because none of them ever shut the fuck up about it.

stands for*

This fucking image is all I need to hate every last one of you butt-fucking man-loving bastards for all eternity.

That image is catalyze why I hate them.

Faggots dont reproduce and damage the concept of masculinity. Thier entire identidy is built around sexual fetishism. There is more to man than that. Sexual pleasure is the tool of the jew to control the mases. Self control and dicipline are the right way for a man.

The worst people I've ever met have identified as some kind of faggot. They were all either attention seeking, disloyal or perverted. Two intentionally fucked up my life, one trying to get me to kill myself, while threatening to do it herself as well, only after leading me on and acting into me for nearly a year. The other followed me around and hit on me constantly, and separated me from some of the few true friends I had ever had. The others were all just attention where's who couldn't shut up about their mental disorders. Never had a single good experience with a fag.

I have no idea; it's probably special snowflake shit; it should just be 'GLB' imo.

It should've stopped at LGB

I legit kek'd.

> special snowflake shit
Seems that way, m8.

My uni (owned by the Lutheran church) just got its "first openly queer campus pastor", prompting my soft spoken mother to ask,
I told her I wasn't sure but I think it means non-distinct gay/they want to reclaim the word from being an insult but aren't brave enough to call themselves "faggots" yet.

I bet Jews co-oped us to push shit like OP's image. We should just kill the Jews; to paraphrase Stalin, no Jew, no problem.

Lel I lost a gf to a faggot best friend
He slowly brain washed her into degeneracy and that she was too young to settle down. He was a massive fucking whore so he turned her into one too.


That sucks ass man. I try to be open and accepting too, but they always break my trust somehow.

Roasties surround themselves with gays because they make them feel chaste and pure by comparison.

And because they're so fun and like to party xD

Because we are cold as liquid nitrogen and only care about facts. Thats why we are racist, thats why we hate gays. And i am gay and i accept that i have more probabilities of having STD's and being unloyal. Just be honest. We hate everyone here user. Get used to it

Oh no I hated the dude
It was her best friend
Basically this, she was away at uni and he was there with her. Frat parties, clubbing and all other sorts of degeneracy.
Did me a favor looking back on it, she was a good girl before that though

they're literally fucking gay mang what more do you need desu

Except most STDS these days come from nigs; send them back to Africa or something and STDS would go down massively.

Its actually LBGTQ

Its easy to remember if you think of it like a sandwich... instead of a LBT sandwich its LBGTQ lettuce bacon guacamole tomato queso

>Not cheese
Go back to your side of the wall juanito

My best friend (currently away in the army)'s gf's best friend is a homo and a terrible influence on her.
He took her from Idaho to Vegas for her 21st birthday last month, ditched her to go to a gay club the first night, got roofied and gang raped, woke up with a bleeding anus, called her and made her take him to the ER, then snuck out and got drunk and pegged again the next night.
There is something seriously concerningly wrong with guys like that.

Lesbians gays bisexuals transexuals pedophiles

Troll post. Army men and gays are the same kinds of groups

His name is probably Gilbert and he lives in AZ because that's basically how that faggot was

Literally a vagina.

There's nothing wrong with being gay. But there sure is something wrong with the appropriation of gay culture. It's like, people drink and drunk people are everywhere but do we appropriate alcoholism ? Do we allow our young kids to drink ?

I'm bisexual myself and i know that hooking up with guys is wrong, i'm trying to minimise it, it's not something i will teach to my kids and it's not something to be proud of. In fact, i'm a closeted bisexual and i'm perfectly fine with it.

I do feel jealousy towards people who are perfectly straight and religious, like, how lucky they are to really have such good nurture. I wish my parents and my environment wasn't so shit so life wouldn't be as difficult as now. oh well..

The elaborate hollywood scripts this guy saves and comes up with

The fuck are you talking about. Closet fags appropriate the most of my cock

That's not him, but it's a very common behavior.
I am starting to think the whole gay 'complex' revolves around living out past traumas.


>mfw my grandfather was at the battle of okinawa and fuck gays

Because faggots are promiscuous degenerates and perverted freaks who turn a sex fetish into a lifestyle.

>what eve said to adam

>TFW leftist kikes actually want that to happen

Hitler was right about Jews.

Not even joking. She told me to my face.
And knowing the guy I completely believe it. Good thing he's on TRUVADA I guess

they make my dick too hard

That's nice

No one can control to whom they're attracted to. But we can control what we would do with it. I didn't ask to be bi, i didn't decide to be bi, i'm just attracted to men that's it, just like you didn't decide to be attracted to women.

Questioning, as in currently in the closet but think they might be gay.

Basically this. Most looks like a goddamn axe wound.

This is now a faggot hate thread

>logic behind the hate
Not logic
All natural


Yes but you flay yourself. Don't be an uncle tom. I am pretty much just like you. Whatever gender comes naturally to everybody and try and be Christian. All I ask. Argh mistranslation of what sodomy is rabble rabble Platonic marriage-vaginas etc etc



You know how girls like bad boys and faggots take it in the ass while also suggesting that homophobes are secretly gay? All I see are masochists that bait and troll for reactions so they can wank off to angry voices in their head.

because they're faggots

Again? Really?

Is this legit? Wouldn't that person still be gay? I don't get it.


Bi here. Pedos should be shot.

I hate trannies but not gays. Gays atleast can admit thier gender and not hide behind tumblr


So one person walked into a bar?

What's the logic behind the lgbtq movement itself?
What's the point in pushing degeneracy aside from mental illness?

Oy vey goyim, just like us

I think you should be shot. Do the world a favor and shoot yourself.

Stop eating God damned apples and clams bitch


Those statistics are useless without a racial breakdown.

No, I kind of get it. You can drink without being a drunkard in the street. You can suck cock without rubbing it in everyone's face. The world doesn't need to say, "alcoholism is so great. It doesn't have a single problem associated with it." You can be gay and a model traditional citizen who has a family and builds for the future. But no one wants the homosexual equivalent of getting plastered and driving your car into a bus full of children.

i don't really hate them. what adults do in their bedroom is non of my buissnes. i just hate when they push ot on others or act as if they are still discriminated in the west

>theres bravery
>and then there is subhuman faggotry

>why does pol hate /mental disorder faggotry/?

I don't agree with gay adoption.


I feel like homosexuality is just like another personality disorder. It can be fixed, it should be. I feel wrong all the time

LGBTQ like many other movements have been taken over by political interest.

Make me, leaf

Top chink.

fucking gold

they don't procreate

that means that they don't pass on their wealth to their children and they don't think past the end of their own lives

they are selfish

it's part of your duty to society to have children

gays and lesbians are cheating- they take all the benefits of society but don't pay it forward by raising good children to keep that society going

not only that- but they convert people that might not have been gay and keep them from having kids too

and they spread disease

other than that- i don't have a problem with them

one of my best friends is gay

i am always hassling him to have kids


It's funny in the next few decades (or even next decade) when the "P" wiggles it's way into the alphabet soup, you're going to be called a homophobe if you show any objection to "P", just like people who object to the "T" but are okay with "LGB".

But what's the problem with the "P"? Why should the love of two people be illegal just because some Christian bigots find it gross? :^)

That's better. Have a penis. m.imgur.com/yH9QN5N


SURROGATE. Are you an African Cave Woman? For real

Agreed, we don't need to know your sexuality and shit. Just wish they'd know this and hush up

I don't hate lgbtq individuals. I hate the lgbtq movement. These people are mentally ill and need help. We shouldn't be celebrating their fucked up illness.

You first. Get this thru your heads. Heterosexuality is a form of original sin. You all created original sin and the fall of man. Christ then came Immaculately but you cursed us all. We came after you

Leafposting Loudly

The truth is that the only time fags were ever tolerable in society is when them being openly out of the closet meant execution/jail. Homosexuals are unable to not force their perversions on the rest of society without direct threats to deter them.

Legit the best joke i've heard in a bloody year. Ty

>he wears a chastity cage

Any woman that is a surrogate for a faggot should be hanged.

>implying gays should have children/custody of children

u absolute fucking jew

The original sin was the human desire for more you leaf

whatever gender your crotch is. if you are giving yourself to the great harlot of lust and want to let your flesh win and be a diff gender then you should be gassed. get out before god smites us with you faggot

It means queer as in queer not queer as in gay, although it includes gay
t. gay studies minor

Maybe someone should go ask /lgbt/?

You don't even have to think about yours. Only trucker stops

Based kike


they are normal people

just like you and i

But I like


Why don't you like them Sup Forums what have they ever done to you?

I hate anyone that flaunts their sexuality, i find it extremely grating, and overrepresented among homosexuals.

I'm friends with like at least 2 gay people and another i suspect is gay. who are just normal men and women i enjoy hanging out with.