I don't know how any of you can see this video and still consider yourself a nationalist and anti humanity
we're capable of such wonderful dreams, but we spend our time being scared of browwn people
I don't know how any of you can see this video and still consider yourself a nationalist and anti humanity
we're capable of such wonderful dreams, but we spend our time being scared of browwn people
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What's the fucking point of space exploration if the same fucking Jews control us on Mars as they do on Earth?
Why spread civilization if Judeo-Marxist society exists in space as it does on Earth? Why the fuck you want to spread cancer?
Shouldn't we eliminate the Jews before we colonize outer space?
When Africans can build high civilization then we will talk until then fuck off we have enough livestock already.
how can you look up at the stars and think "wow... I wanna kill jews now"
Not all jews are these evil Rothschild bankers. If you want to get rid of the bankers and while we're at it, abolish wage slavery, fine, that's a good thing. But killing every single jew? That's stupid. and you KNOW it's stupid
How can you look up at the stars and think "wow... some day our civilization will live in wage slavery on Mars working down at the uranium enrichment mines for the Judeo-Bolshevik Corporations situated on earth"
If you are depressed on earth you will be as depressed on Mars, you will not escape the Jewish-Capitalism, only reason we are going to outer space is not some "innocent dream of exploring the unknown" but to dig up resources such as uranium, gold for the Jew masters who want to keep the system going on after we have depleted the planet
Jews have ruined this world beyond repairable
it's not the jews
it's just capitalism
i agree, we must abolish capitalism first
kill yourself commie
Carl Sagan was born in a country that was 90% white, lived in a country that was never less than 80% white. He reaped all the benefits of civilization that other countries lacked.
He also recognized this when he approached (but never solved) the dilemma of the great flowering of western science and philosophy in ancient Greece -- a slave state which knew of no other way to maintain its society other than through slavery.
>how can you look up at the stars and think "wow... I wanna kill jews now"
I'll tell you how shitlord. The stars are no longer a mystery. We've already speculated on every fucking possibility of what could be out there in the form of video games, movies, shows, and documentaries. We've dreamt up the most fantastic fictional technologies. We can't do it yet but we can conceptialize it, and we have. When and if we ever encounter aliens we won't be shocked and awe'd, we'll be like "yep, we already thought of that/already seen that"
When we become a space faring civilization id rather we don't fucking Jew the stars up. The oven dodgers must be removed before we can make space great again.
Now kindly exit bag yourself kike shill
Oh my sweet summer child
Humanity doesn't exist sociologically, it doesn't exist before civilization. To consider humanity as a whole is, virtually, to consider it as a nation; but a nation that ceases to be a nation becomes absolutely it's own environment. A body that becomes absolutely the environment where it lives is a dead body. Death is that - the absolute delivery of oneself to the exterior, the absolute absortion in what surrounds. For that humanitarism and internationalism are concepts of death, only brains nostalgic of the inorganic can pleasantly conceive it. All internationalists should be fusilladed for them to obtain what they want, the true integration in the environment that they wish to belong. There are only nations, Humanity doesn't exist.
Fernando Pessoa
I don't know how any of you can see this video and not want to purge all the various nigger and jew groups standing in the way of greatness.
Do you honestly believe brown people or black people would be anything but a detriment to becoming a space faring civilization?
>we're capable of such wonderful dreams, but we spend our time being scared of browwn people
I dream of a world without them so that we can realize the things in your video.
>a white guy explaining the European white drive to explore
Wow, thanks user, you've reaffirmed my belief in white supremacy and nationalism
Also have the Carl Sagan of white nationalism: youtu.be
But then you wake up and realize those dreams will only become reality when brown people stop existing
>When we become a space faring civilization id rather we don't fucking Jew the stars up. The oven dodgers must be removed before we can make space great again.
There will have to be rebellions, civil wars, and mutinies before they let go of their power. Of course the world elites will export their dogma as they will control who goes to outer space, who govern in outer space, etc.
It will probably take about two or three hundred years before space settlements have any sense of political and ideological freedom, and it will not cone without bloodshed.
Not only that.
White people did all the real work to take humanity from the caves to the stars.
Through social justice, we are GOING to drag dindus and 8balls into space as "our brothers" and "our equals" and then when we get to our new plants, we will look at the negroids and say "you did it!" "We couldnt have done it without you!!".
I would rather our race die off with dignity than see our accomplishments soiled.
Said brown people are complete detriments to society and would rather kill each other and whites than advance as people.
>hurrr nations are dumb
>if we could just MIX RACES we would be in space n' shieeeet
(((((((((((((((((( OP )))))))))))))))))))))
Only white Europeans have enough education to overcome in-group psychology. Every other society does not follow this and will backstab, exploit, and abuse cultures that aren't theirs to the fullest ability. If you want to go to space start preserving the only fuckers whose made progress on it, ie western society.
Look at history:
year we discovered the New World: 1492
year we gained Independence: 1776
That's 274 years. From Europeans first stepping foot on America, to having an independent nation.
(And yes, I am well aware of the Norse, but that is not relevant, as they obviously left or died off)
The spooked white people here cling to their skin color because they have literally nothing else going for them.
This is actually how southern politicans were able to control the region--they always told the poor, white losers not to complain because at least they are better than the blacks.
It's the same thing, but on a larger scale.
Doesnt this picture of matter floating in a void make you sentimental enough to forget borders and shit
>but we spend our time being scared of browwn people
Brown people who can't take care of themselves, run their own countries, and blame white people for their problems don't deserve space. We don't deserve space while we allow those brown people to suck up tax money, influence pop culture, and destroy our nations. They're keeping the rest of this planet from greatness because they are INFERIOR
The first world, without exception, are the only ones that have contributed to any progress what-so-ever in space. The third world only serves to hinder or destroy said progress.
Go ahead and hug the skinnies in their mud huts if you think it'll get you into space faster.
Of course everone wants a utopia, we just cant agree what a utopia is.
I cant even get my friends to agree on pizza toppings.
>forgetting borders
>not realizing evil people want to control the world
You know nothing about the world and history.
Thanks for all the intellectual labor you're doing in this thread, socrates
>skin color is the only difference between races
>90% of relevant medicine, science, and technology came from the White European nations
>we spend our time being scared of browwn people
Scared of brown people? Are you retarded? I'm not scared of people with different skin colour. 99% of the people on this board are not.
What I am afraid of, however, is my culture, my heritage, my values and my nation getting overrun with morons from the third world, who bring their backwards, uncivilized and despicable "ways of life" with them.
Do you think Latinos immigrate to the USA because the USA is shit and backwards?
Do you think Africans and Orientals are flooding Europa because Europa is so backwards and bigoted?
They want to come to the western countries, because the west is the best. in EVERY aspect of society, economy and civilization.
Europeans and Northern Americans achived more than the entire rest of the world combined.
This is greatness. This is worth preserving. Africans living in huts are not.
Cultural relativism is killing our countries from within. This is unacceptable and it makes me boil whenever I think about it.
I'm not scared of brown people. I'm scared of the disgusting values, cultures and "societies" than happen to exist in regions of the world where brown people live.
Well, I think it is a fascinating topic, and I've thought about it before, but, like all things interesting, it dies on Sup Forums because we'd rather discuss someone being 'BTFO' and poo-in-loos.
I see the world caving in on itself, and there is nowhere left to escape. There are no new worlds. The elites are imposing their sicko dogmas on every nation through cultural infiltration and economic extortion. Unless we DO start colonizing space, we will all be subjected to the same political ideology, the same worldview. Our children will be sexless Marxist athiest degenerates, who think their life sucks because of the White Man.
We're fucking doomed if we don't get out fo here.
>yes the amazing achieves, and science of the brown people.
they can turn just about anything into a bomb, sometimes they make rockets... and kill eachother.
Maybe if brown people would stop committing so much crime we wouldn't have to be afraid of them
Communism is a Jewish trick to just further cement their control on the unsuspecting masses
Remind me how many nations filled with brown people that have ventured to space instead of inventing sticks?
Hmmm rlly made me go hmmm
Your space travel fantasies ain't gonna happen if white people cease to exist.
So what if we still put monkeys in space. Its for science!
You mean we're capable of such wonderful dreams, but we're held back by brown people, black people and large nosed people.
>1 post by this ID
>Implying sandniggers and niggers are human like us
Everything was made by the whites, we don't need these leechs to explore the universe.
>how can you look up at the stars and think "wow... I wanna kill jews now"
Welcome to Sup Forums motherfucker
only white people and east asians deserve to into space desu