Thoughts on Prometheus? I liked it.
Thoughts on Prometheus? I liked it
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Well if you liked it, I liked it too!
It could have explained a little more, and it had a few flawed scenes, but overall it was good.
You may, I say!
It wasn't bad and Covenant just made it look even better.
>space axe
Together with Covenant a good example about how "original director" doesnt mean shit.
it was a great movie. the only people who didnt like it are people too stupid to breathe through their noses
You just wanted to talk about the space axe didn't you?
Me too. Though I think the blade looks cool, I think it's impractical having a straight edge, for its intended use. Though it does look good for fighting things.
>As Elisabeth Shaw awoke one morning from uneasy dreams she found herself transformed in her bed into a Lovecraftian facehugger.
It literally would've been better with even less of a connection to Alien, except everyone said it needed more Alien and that's what got us Covenant.
I find it funny how this image became so iconic to me solely because of Sup Forums asking the same stupid question.
It was good, but Alien Covenant took a huge shit on it. We were supposed to see the engineer planet and get more of the backstory.
It's uneven, and has some glaring plot holes, but compared to Covenant it seems pretty good.
the alien films as a concept are pretty kafkaesque, lovecraftian even
OP here, this scene was great
i think we've reached peak lovecraft posting
Why is she shouting and crying out in pain before the machine has even done anything to her?
How do those tiny xenomorphs acquire all that mass during their rapid growth phase even when they're trapped on a ship with nothing to eat?
someone post it already
Martyr, you are acknowledged
The fact that the chick dies and all the Aliems die means this movie was a bunch of nothing followed by more nothing because it is shown in the first 30 minutes that David is robot-mad
Then we had the next movie where everyone died and David was shown to be just as mad as he was before, but now on a planet of nothing
I liked it
But did alien need a back story ?
Did the prop guys make that axe or did they buy it in a hardware store?
I liked it. But were the creatures in this and Covenant xenomorphs? Why did they look different from the aliens in the other movies?
It was all right. I think it should stand alone, and not be part of the Alien franchise. There are flaws, but it's a solid sci fi movie. The recent one was a piece of shit - horrible retcon/fuckery with the lore, and just pointless. Of all the things they could have done with Alien, as a prequel, what they chose to do is so disapointing. Alien movies are supposed to be horror, set in space. Both of the Prometheus movies aren't scary.
Prop shop. One of the glaring changes from the original movies is they tried to make the sets claustrophobic, and make everything look worn and actually used - the new movies, everything is too shiny and implausible as actual tools/ships/suits, and the ships have plenty of open spaces.
And, they didn't have Ron Cobb.
was at least better than covenant
>cuts open flesh
>laser didn't cauterise the flesh, its still bleeding
I give that scene a F for retard
Nigger, you're asking questions that nobody has the answers to. Even the motherfuckers who made the film don't know. Just let it be a movie.
>Why is she shouting and crying out in pain before the machine has even done anything to her?
Because she's about to give birth to Cthulhu's son. Labor hurts, you know?
>How do those tiny xenomorphs acquire all that mass during their rapid growth phase even when they're trapped on a ship with nothing to eat?
I thought it was pretty obvious that they assimilate pieces of the ship to gain mass, hence the bio-mechanical look.
What pissed me off was how at the end of Prometheus it's all so hopeful because she gets off the planet with David, heading to try and get an explanation for the engineers/why they made bioweapons etc. And apparently in covenant instead of getting answers, David just nukes them immediately.
I haven't seen covenant but that's so lazy, right? Instead of actually explaining the origin of the engineers which was the entire point/main goal of the crew of Prometheus for the entire fucking film, they just decide, eh let's have the android nuke the fuckers and get it over with. What the fuck is that? David was the one who spent all that time trying to learn their language, in prometheus he was very interested in the engineers and their thought process. You expect me to believe an emotionless robot got pissed off at all engineers just because one got cranky and ripped his head off?
Maybe i should watch covenant first
tite movie
David said he wanted to be a creator, not just a creation. So he invents the aliens after he kills a bunch of albinos. I don't remember, I was high when I watched it yesterday. Now I'm high and watching Alien Cubed
i enjoyed it enough to actually watch alien covenant and boy that was a huge mistake
Third best movie in the alien franchise IMO, after the original and Aliens. But that's not saying much since Resurrection and the AVP shit are fucking atrocious and Alien 3 and Covenant had terrible plots.
Yea, I remember something about david wanting to create, like wanting to be god or something.
But how can he "create" the aliens when those fuckers already existed before he did? I think i remember someone was talking about how david wanted to use the bioweapons to destroy earth or something? Idk man i think its just a bunch of layers of bullshit
Remember when the Deacon was a set up? I was expecting the Neomorphs to be an evolved form of that but no, they are completely seperate beings. So now we have the Xenomorphs, Neomorphs and the Deacon running about.
Prometheus raised questions that could be explained. Covenant raised questions which contradict the series.
It was a movie that raised lots of questions but provided no answers. People who want to feel smart tend to look at that and go "Well they wanted us to interpret it for ourselves!" But really, they just ran out of ideas and then ended the movie with an action setpiece and open-ended conclusion in case it made enough to warrant a direct sequel.
loved it, i was glued to the screen whole film through.
pleb filter, if you ask me
If you cut out the biggest brain farts in the movie, it would be a pretty decent movie. Now the things like "ooh, let me pet an alien snake" and "ooh, lets put this alien head in this revival thingie" are so stupid, that they redact too much from the movie.
Her head looks too big.
>he isn't into big heads
headlets, when will they learn?
>It was a movie that raised lots of questions but provided no answers
Stop being obsessed with 'lore' and focus on what is happening on the screen.
>Stop being obsessed with 'lore'
You have a point. If I wanted a story, I would've just read a book.
>Space Trucks are old and dirty
>Space ships built for a specific mission are new and clean
>Covenant raised questions which contradict the series.
Like what?
Main one being why is it that the Nostromo encounters the eggs in a crashed Engineer ship with an engineer's body when David was the one that created the xenomorph and wiped out the engineer race?
What the fuck was the point of the Deacon in prometheus?
How is that the facehugger couldn't hold onto that one guy's face? You know, the second one infected?
Adding to the first question, the only thing that David had left were two embryos of Facehuggers that he has placed on the Covenant. So unless an Engineer survived, happened to fly by the planet the Covenant was going to, greeted David who placed eggs onto the ship, made it crash and infected the Engineer, the first movie makes no sense.
David now controls the Covenant, he can take it to another installation and find an Engineer in cryosleep, or even just back to the planet in Prometheus.
>What the fuck was the point of the Deacon in prometheus?
What's that contradicting?
>How is that the facehugger couldn't hold onto that one guy's face? You know, the second one infected?
Because they cut off its fingers
You're fucking dumb too.
the way they handled the deacon se tup in covenant pissed me off too...
its like they forgot how it came to be..
>how did david obtain male sperm
>how can david splice the xenos with no hosts (the black goo killed all life)
in other words, how did the xenos reach their "final" form, provided the deacon looked that way.
He grew some bug colonies and spliced it with shaws eggs
How do you know the engineer race is exstinct?
I highly doubt David would let the Engineers live. He could've used them in his experiment but he used Shaw instead and waited for a ship to come around.
it was alright as long as I ignore all the stupid things everyone did for the sake of the movie
>its like they forgot how it came to be..
It's like you didn't pay attention. Did you not notice that the two xeno produced by exposure to the goo were different looking and hatched differently? Did you miss David explaining how it was highly mutable?
I personally am more pissed off that they tease the Deacon then introduce the Neomorph.
It ISN'T a part of the Alien franchise, that's the thing, if it was, it would be Alien: Prometheus.
Ridley was trying to make a new movie series set in the same universe, but apart from the Alien series. It's people like you that compared it to Alien, and were upset that it wasn't Alien which caused the studios to force him to make that abomination Alien: Covenant.
It's an ok sci-fi movie, shit alien movie though
at least it didn't shit on any of the previous movies like convenant did.
Are you seeing something different to me? Looks cauterised to me, the only red liquid is the sterilising iodine it wiped on it wiped on.
>all the Aliems die
not quite
Lore is a dumb word and is not a synonym for a story. People cling to the most trivial bullshit by calling it lore and try to make it more important to the narrative than it is. Lore is just a roundabout way of referring to unspoken backstory and details. Lore is embellishment. Stuff that's important is more prominent in the first place.
An example of people getting it wrong is when someone believes Prometheus is about the engineers. It's not. It's about a human expedition reacting to the evidence of the engineers. David and the humans are the focus. You're supposed to be interested in their story. People who talk about lore are the reason we have embarrassing and poorly written fan literature like the Star Wars EU.
but the whole point of the deacon creation was a black goo intercourse that spawned a huge facehugger which laid an egg into an engineer....
"highly mutable" is a copout phrase in this case, mutation would provided the specimen would have something to base it upon.
I find the evolution of the Alien weird now. I mean now we have 3 seperate potential species running around (Deacon, Neomorph and Xenomorph), with the first one being a logical start for an evolutionary chain, but then Neomorphs came from a modified version of the goo and the Xenomorph came from a mad robot's tinkering.
to everyone ITT who likes this movie: kill yourself
simmer down champ, it's all been said before and years before your time
can someone post the copypasta with that pretentious, overrated european director (forgot his name) justifying the presence of the axe on the ship
actually i found it
>Dan O'Bannon: Okay, about the axe...which is something I've caught a lot of flak for over the years, ever since "Alien" came out. I needed Ripley to have some kind of weapon that didn't really make sense, like, what are you going to do, hack away at this monster with acid for blood? I just wanted to show her desperation. I wasn't thinking of the practicality of it, the logistics. I don't even know. Is there even an axe in the script? I think I just wrote "a piece of pipe" or something.
>Riddley Scott: No, there was no hatchet in the screenplay for "Alien." If you stop to think about it, it's really quite gonzo, isn't it? Everything In the ship is made to metal. What could that blade possibly cut? I've passed off the blame on that one over the years, mostly to Dan, because he has such a sense of humour. But truth be told, and I can say this now because he's passed, the true culprit was Möbius. I paid him a little tribute in my new film. I won't discuss it any further.
>Möbius: Yes, yes, the axe, the axe. I pushed that on the prop master, didn't I? Riddley stepped in. He was against it, of course, of course, but how could he refuse me? I'd breathed my soul into the Nostromo for how many months? I was fine with his fidgeting, his false walls and lines of sight for his cameras. I only ever insisted on one objet, which I designed myself, of course, and I even forced the director's hand to place it in the actress' grasp! The axe was the key for me, a hint of absurdity amid the moderne and industrialia. The idea is nonsense, of course, to have such a tool there, in that place. But why? Jodorowsky.
>Alejandro Jodorowsky: And one day we were talking over dinner in Paris, and I said to him, you should draw an axe on the spaceship. Möbius stared at me, then blinked. Put an axe in, I said, and they'll all realize what a shit it all is. He laughed, and I knew the film would be genius.
should have either made it an alien movie or not, this halfway bullshit really hurt it
The madmen.
>all these n00bs who don't know how savage the curved axe is in the meta
Only brainlets don't like Prometheus and Covenant, you don't understand it which makes you angry and lash out like this.
>forced movies exploiting a classic franchise for shekels
>faggots will still act like it's good
good goy
Watching Covenant made me realise just how high the production values in Prometheus really were. One of the best-looking films of the last decade.
I found it pretty funny that the blonde woman travels for two years in space just to fuck a blackman then die.