Virgins think they can MAGA

>virgins think they can MAGA

when the day of the rope comes, normies will be the first in the ovens

>virgins paid to shitpost for $hillary ¢linton
Hope you're ready for the coughing fit of your life come November :^)

>Post pro maga pic
>Get accused of being a shill
Fuck off Jap, I'm just making fun of virgins

I was contributing to your shitposting

But if the shoe fits I guess

Literally how are you going to MAGA if you aren't making white babies


>implying I am a virgin

Btw. TITS OR GTFO. Only women and numales use virgin as an insult anymore. So, I guess if youre a numale BOIPUCCI OR GTFO

wouldn't that be the day of the ovens?

Normies are the ones contributing to your race idiot. You need us :^)

get in the oven stupid normie

But contribute by leaving this board, please.

I calculate an 80% probability, that that is not a female

upvoted :^)

Why'd you make your little sister wear that hat?

How autistic do you have to be to have a dota poster on the wall.


class 3 autist or higher

A girl accidentally touched my hand when she gave me my change the other day, I'll try to help you losers out, AMA.


My slut painted that u silly goose

Thanks for #CorrectingTheRecord. $0.02 has been deposited in your account.

i remember my first gf too op, fortunately she wasn't as hideous as the one that's hiding her face in ur pic

Are you retarded
I am pro trump

Any tips?

I have a LotR poster on the wall.

What is your problem with virgins? You would rather have a slut which has been riding the carousel for years as a wife in a few years? Fucking retard get out.

Jokes on you we took each other virginity

I saw a Muslim girl with a make hijabis great again hat