What are some movies about regret about unrequited young love?
What are some movies about regret about unrequited young love?
Problem Child 2
all young love is forced romance because they're unable to consent
a little underrated kino called Sneed's Seed and Feed
The Last Of Lovecraft
why would you want to subject yourself to something so sad?
forest gump
But he got baby.
roastie came back after she hit the wall and found out the retard who wanted to pook her snoot got rich.
>unrequited young love
>But he got baby.
Oh, this makes it all so much better.
Simply Druckmannian.
What are some lovecraft with a hint of lynchianesque movie/game
Why did you post Ellie? The Last of Us isn't about that. Left Behind isn't even about that.
>Why did you post Ellie?
op (unrequitedly) loves ellie
op (unrequitedly) loves ellie
I watched Forrest bump when I was a kid and I didn't understand that he was supposed to be retarded. I just thought he was a sensitive guy who liked running, so I tried to be like him because I also though running was cool.
Shit meme
super kill yourself
That game was a kafkaesque masterpiece of lovcraftian quality kino.
Most forced meme of 2017?
>Sup Forumseddit cancer that joined Sup Forums in the last 2 years and the site in the 3 are behind this spam
>puke shitty memes all over the 4chengs
>no upboots - sad panda - but fear not!
>screenshot own shit and farts, head over to reddet and here come the upboots
you've noticed, eh?