Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi Edition
disco coverage:
It's a "Bajoran religious politics + O'Brien's blue balls" episode.
Unironically like these.
Bump to spite The Orville thread. #resist
Are there any good Star Trek Fan Fiction or am I essentially asking for the least piece of shit in a pile of shits?
>tfw no fat Riker bf to cook for
Is he going to be /ourguy/?
>he les fug :D:D:D
>but the prophets want me to suicides on promonaid :D:D:D
>fug :D:D:D
We'll watch whether he is or not :^)
>I assure you, I'm quite fertile
and the weird almost-romance with Kira are also quality
Is it canon?
Why wouldn't it be?
woah i could go full homo for this riker
who am i kidding, i'm a fucking homo
>ywn live on deep space nine with a bajoran qt
>Ezri Dax after one visit to /k/
Was that Vulcan's power level over 9000?
Joran almost corrupting her was kino
Who is the best written character in Star Trek and why is it Vedek/Kai Winn?
Why the hell wasn't this technology more prevalent? You can assassinate almost anyone from anywhere.
The unique poster to posts made ratio is getting worrying here, any chance we could calm down and wait for the thread to accrue some new posters before continuing on? I mean it's not like we're having any kind of great conversations or interactions here, it's just spambumping at this point, isn't it?
Because it is incredibly overpowered. The federation has the technology to assassinate anyone anywhere with perfect accuracy and almost no traces. It has it's own mini-transporter to boot IIRC. Ridiculous.
>ywn have a Bajoran qt look at you with this much hidden lust and admiration
Yea but no-ones giving CBS one fucking cent
Yup, literally a micro transporter built into the bullet.
A simple scrambling field would take care of it
i'll watch anything with jason isaac in it. he's in the death of stalin too
How new are you? Half the time /trek/ threads would make it to bump limit with like 40 IPs
Will Discovery be worse than Orville?
I heard CBS is preventing advanced screenings of STD too
There's really nothing to talk about though except for the trailer/preview.
>ITT is ~30 posts with 15 posters, so that's only 2 posts per user
I don't know but I think the Orville was just good enough not to be bad, meaning it's very mediocre to me.
The divorce shtick is incredibly old, the black guy felt like he was reading his lines through a microscope, and, mainly, the show doesn't know whether it wants to be comedy or sci-fi, and there is a distinction.
I don't care about Seth McFarlane, I'll pirate STD.
It's probably going to be shit and I'll go back and watch DS9 again or move back to dragon age or Witcher or something
Who would win in a fight to the death? Bossk the bounty Hunter or The Gorn captain?
On your toes O'Brian
I'm not new at all. I always observe post times and also the unique poster count as well as the number of posts in the thread. I also take into account post-to-post interaction. Altogether, I found this thread concerning when I made that post. I still do, to tell the truth. "New" posts are being made without incrementing the counter, which means that posters who aren't being responded to are simply bumping the thread instead of waiting for responses or responding to the one or two other posters in the thread. There's also the issue of dynamic IPs, which causes concern that there might be less than 4 people participating, and perhaps as few as 1 or 2. I only want the best for Trekthreads and will continue to be vigilant, observe, and report when situations get to the point where calm must occur else things get out of hand.
Weapons allowed: Bossk.
No weapons: Still Bossk.
>That time Keiko pulled a shiv out on Garak and told him if he fucked up her dress size again she would make him into a nice pair of Cardie Skinned boots
You do that paranoid buddy, godspeed
Orville was good enough to get me to watch the next episode for free.
Will STD be good enough for me to sign up for an over the top premium service for the duration of the series? No.
Midnight's Edge had a good video on explaining why STD will not go viral.
At least you made a reply. was a former poster ITT and did not increment the poster counter when he made that post. That's awful. incremented the poster counter.
What I like about the Vedek Bareil character is we are immediately presented with a man who has one foot in the temple and the other in the town square.
In a way, this scene in S1E20 is the character's careful sizing up of Sisko in relation to Vedek Winn. He acts like a man of the people but he too is ambitious like Winn, he's just not as ruthless or willing to kill for his spot at the top.
Riker, when the Golden Corral burnt down.
Dude I've said it before and I'll say it again, seek help
The heck are you talking about
I'm talking about incrementing the unique poster counter. It's now a feature on this site which anyone can observe.
One canny poster just reset his IP to make a new non-reply post ITT and increment the poster counter.
Ignore him, I'm pretty sure he's genuinely got serious mental issues
Will the new show follow the OST formula or be about deep intergalactic plots, backstories and love triangles like you fags seem to love so much?
I'm not him, I'm the guy who argues with transporter's are consciousness conveyances guy.
You told me to seek help too. Are we all so mentally deranged to you? Sorry we could not.. LIVE UP.. to your standards, lieutenant.
Hey, noticed you posted this and the counter remained at 19. What's with that?
Now I'm confused, are you the transporters kill and can clone people or the guy that argues with him? tbf I've told both you to seek help
Hey, noticed you posted this and the counter remained at 19. What's with that?
Its a poster ITT who is asking a stupid question to generate discussion
I had posted before ITT, does that bother you?
Check it now, Der Musselmann.
I've sponsored both in that Realm of Fear is contra Relics and both show that consciousness and unconsciousness is possible through the transportation device.
Yea I looked up that channel and got a ten minute rant about how great the JJ shit was your definition of a 'good video' needs some adjustment
Ah so you are the transports kill guy, yea you do need help, I hate to say it but watch Ent it actually addresses virtually everything you bring up
>Ah so you are the transports kill guy
No, I just said, I support both theories and it's confirmed by both the episodes I previously cited.
>yea you do need help
Okay, so that's 3 people you've stated that are /trek/ regulars who need help. Do you think ENT-pasta/Trektard guy needs help too? I'm guessing so and that would put the ticker at 4. Wow, aren't you so normal and everyone else is so ABnormal. Wow, oh wow.
Is any help actually available? This seems to be slung around a lot as an insulting catchphrase of sorts in response to being BTFO, but what help is actually out there?
I also need help, I sometimes encourage others to seek help as a community service, and yes of course the Entfag needs help
Psychiatric help
Its a response to people sperging endlessly or in this case the intense paranoia of post analyst guy, not being 'BTFO'
>I also need help
Don't use psychiatric medication AT ALL!
They told my cousin he would need to be on Adderall for most of his life..? Nearly got himself LOBOTOMIZED.
And I don't think Fat Frakes needs help but Grandma/GatesMcfappen poster might.
Welp I guess this was a bad time to come to /trek/
Seek help by blowing your brains out, tard
Agreed, never ever fucking use anti-depressants, seek help in other ways
>perform public service
>receive nonstop insults
I personally find Trekthread post analysis very entertaining and will continue to do it forever. I really do not see why I'm so often criticized.
>the transporters kill and can clone people
Not that guy, but I agree
Transporters can:
>clone people
>make them older
>make them younger
>store people inside pattern buffers for future retrieval
>transport people acrossed dimensions
>remove specific personality traits and separate them into two different people
It is technology's endgame, if I'm honest.
Because your clearly paranoid and you rarely if ever get it right, also your the only one that finds it entertaining, this is why you get nothing but shit.
Seek help. Your not getting it right.
Our man user
ProbabIy already posted but anyway: Voyager's doctor Robert Picardo sings goodbye to Cassini:
Hey stop pretending to be me, seek help
Resorting to samefagging, sad
>inb4 mspaint edit
It's the most scary thing of th series.
Everytime someone uses that thing he get's killed and a clone of him replicated. If that thing spasms and produces a clone, how should that situation be handled? The old one was supposed to be killed in the process but by him now knowing that it can't be done. The new one, even though nothing of this is his fault, he's not the original. But because the new one is basically the same as the old one, you can't kill or outcast him either.
It's an ethical dilemma of epic proportions and this alone might prevent such technology from ever being used on humans.
I bet there exists a secret organisation that kills one of them and lobotomizes all vitnesses in a case like that.
>Seek help. Your not getting it right.
Transporters can:
>clone people
"Second Chances" (which, I know is a result of an atmospheric anomaly but if said anomaly could be recreated in the lab then the transporter would be necessary to cause the cloning)
>make them older
>make them younger
"Unnatural Selection"
>store people inside pattern buffers for future retrieval
>transport people acrossed dimensions
TOS through DS9
>remove specific personality traits and separate them into two different people
The Enemy Within
>someone liked something that i disliked, it must be the same person!
seek help
You seem obsessed. Seek help immediately.
get your paranoia under control bud
Hey. Dickhead. I don't need help. I'm helpless tyvm
your paranoid post was disturbing, bud. seek help
ITT: Everyone pretends to be me
I love you guys, everyone seek help
Ironic because I'm not actually post analyst guy, I'm just a secret admirer of theirs.
I don't really need you to believe me anyway, I just want post analyst guy to know he's my favorite /trek/tard
You don't understand what the word 'secret' means
You don't understand what a joke is, see Any other shitty arguments?
Neither do you jokes are meant to be funny
Thanks for joining us user
I wasn't trying to make him laugh though
So on top of not understanding the word 'secret' the concept of jokes you also don't understand the word 'argument'? Seek schooling
In the end, sadly, none of them chose to seek the help they badly required, and were, unrepentantly, ground down into nothing by the mill of life. No one grieved for them. The End.
Pls see
>Bashir threads
10/10 @87831369 pls note that was a joke
>being this literal
see Perhaps I should have said "any other awful unneeded observations"? Or would that still be too hard for you to understand?
Perhaps you should, I take it english is not your first language?
don't forget about Tuvix
If you were to seek help, would Counsellor Troi be the first you'd choose?
I don't like the idea of a Betazoid probing my.. inner recesses.
Not sure where you get that from?