Libertarian party when?
Libertarian party when?
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now handover that nice farm you got there, whiteboi
sorry to say that it's too little too late, unless you all do a "free state project" of your own and occupy a portion of the country with mostly whites
It's an idea I've been working on. Needs a lot of support in Parliament. Legally it would be interesting. The Western Cape is primed for a breakaway.
Fucking do it. Be the white Israel of Africa
Apartheid 2 when?
after ebola-chan makes a visit and thins the herd
Apartheid never ended desu
>blacks voting for anything other than gibs me dat
You would seriously have to pull some voting fraud for it to ever work.
Blacks just vote for whatever gives them free shit. This is why my state is in so much debt, fuck Chicago.
referendum to establish own territory.
How cucked is your government and people?
True that
Oh snap was I lured into a comfy thread.
well whites pay for everything and innovation is only forthcoming from the white population, so I would say very
user from Durban here, it's too late for me.
I'm surrounded by nigs.
Requesting airstrike on my location.
My condolences user
Do you think you guys have any chance of a referendum winning or are the whites deluded with white guilt?
>White guilt
I have never met anyone that thinks that. Actually I have never even heard about white guilt before someone posted the "so sorry :(" cucks. Besides, guilty of what? Giving houses, jobs?
Is this accurate Afrikaner bros?
Lucky for him, he visited on a good day
A concept I never understood and never will.
wow, the pictures of durban on wiki look very nice.
what is your description of the city, user?
Kek, entertaining read. I live in Cape town so no hordes of ghouls just kicking down doors and flooding office buildings. They do that to uninhabited buildings, sometimes even ones halfway constructed. Fucking up the building, shitting down the elevator shafts thats easily believable. Just google the "Vodacom tower" in jo'burg and how fucked up it is inside.
You should visit the lovely beaches there.
You may have a chance then, assuming blacks have no say in the matter.
However, you guys will still be in a pretty tight spot even if you do win. All of the globalists from every corner of the globe would be crying "racism". The UN will be on your ass and considering how bad PC culture has gotten in the last few years they may even send troops in to stop some "ruthless dictator". RIP Gaddafi
I do think you would have a better chance of surviving if Trump wins the election in the US. There will be a lot of pressure on him but he doesn't seem to bend will easily. If he doesn't win however, I imagine Hillary would continue her amazing foreign policy of bombing random countries with "dictators".
In all honesty your future doesn't look too bright. If I were you I would be preparing a plan to gtfo if shit hits the fan.
>Vodacom tower
>"after the end of apartheid, many gangs moved into the building and it became extremely unsafe. Ponte City became symbolic of the crime and urban decay gripping the once cosmopolitan Hillbrow neighborhood. The core filled with debris five stories high as the owners left the building to decay. There were even proposals in the mid-1990s to turn the building into a highrise prison."
Sounds like Dredd, you need the Judge system.
Also Cape Town. Fuck Joburg, I wouldn't live there if you paid me.
>dat filename
TRUMP 2016 m8.
>Implying it will get worse here once bombs start falling.
>The shanty towns will take the brunt of the attack.
>If all life in south africa is extinguished, I still consider it a victory for the whites.
You know whats the best thing about Jo'burg? The road back to Cape town. kek
Ok m8's, I am off to get a haircut, don't die on me.
Ordering my MAGA cap this week. I might make headlines as the most racist whitte afrikaans male in the history of the country. I shall wear the badge with honour.
pls don't die
Afrikaans are like Jews in a good way, you cling vehemently to your traditions and core identities. It'll keep you alive no matter the hardships. Maybe you'll finally get your Volkstaat in Namibia or something. Good luck bru, and fok kaffirs
don't die on us either
>Ordering my MAGA cap this week.
They won't ship it here, will they? I tried ordering one too, but it's not possible it seems.
New Rhodesia?
>you will never be an Afrikaans supercowboy
Why even live?
Every ZA thread fascinates me immensely. In a scary way I simply figure that what happened to yall will happen to the rest of the west if we don't fight. There doesn't seem like a way to win either.
Hold me Broers.
Back from haircut, made me kek. I have no intention of dying just yet.
I enjoy these threads immensely, so I think I should start a South African general from time to time. I have no idea if there isn't already something like this because I am only on Sup Forums 23 hours of the day. Thoughts?
You're using these terms separately. They bear the same meaning. Faggot
Do it, SA is ridiculously fascinating. From the "HE IS NOT A DOCTA" rants in Parliament to the example of what happens when white civilization is overrun. It's comforting to see that communities survived and are resisting total destruction
Well the niggers haven't ceased with their slavery rants over there and we're only 22 years in
Yes start it. It is time. MSAGA
Do it.
Fuck yeah.
MSAGA movement when?
Sounds great
I was 6 years old when the ANC took over SA so I never really "lived" during the apartheid but I did work with a really old colored guy years ago and he insisted that his quality of life was much, much better back then.
I think it's a great idea
Yes, this is the general consensus on the ground believe it or not. Ask any nog living in squalor. Doesn't fit the msm narrative of white bashing. No one will dare touch the topic.
I've heard of books and other media regarding the fall of South Africa into modernity and her history along with blogs of sorts that accurately describe the situation, but are all in Dutch/Afrikaans. Any chance that if yall make a general yall could translate some of that?
>if the boer wars hadn't happened there would be not one but TWO Afrikaner countries
I'm anglo, but even I recognize it was just pure greed that was driving the british actions. shame
Theres a couple of South african posters that are cucked as hell
It's one of the reasons i fear these S.A threads, they spam the thread with they're nigger loving sht
Makes us look bad
dan roodt has some videos on youtube in english, assuming they haven't been taken down by google
I'll translate if you send me links
This. One or two shills on here. I've witnessed the faggotry
Sounds like a lot of work but I could give it a try if you post said blogs.
Exactly. I personally know a guy that lived during the apartheid (halfy, colored and white). He had family that lived in district 6 here and cape town and he said the only reason they destroyed it was because the bubonic plague was starting to breed from the filth. No idea how true it is though. Most of this "apartheid!!!!" shit came years after 1994.
I'll start compiling stuff I come across for future threads. Thanks.
Noted, thanks.
I'm off to sleep, but yall seriously need to start a general or something.
when I read news24 comments I'm pretty sad to see that a lot of the whites seem to be liberal
it's interesting that religion seems to be a big debate still in south africa, see lots of religious shitposting in the comments too
It's the god honest truth user. It was a whore infested fucking disease fest. It posed a national security threat to the health of the citizens of the country.
Yes. Most whites are guilt-ridden liberal christfags
I never had reason to doubt him but this just confirmed what he said then. He is pretty red pilled and extremely pissed about how far this country has fallen.
Fug i tried ordering one too! they refuse to ship here.
>called a racist
The word is so comfortable to me, i embrace it completely. When i introduce myself to girls or a couple of guys i always start with "racist" John Smit.
It boils down to basically boere are nigger tier and if you don't hate everything they built or their language your a racist
Yep. i have my views, what a nigger thinks is obviously of trivial value to anything in life. Much like anything ever created by niggers.
I treat them human if they act human. I am never comfortable around them, even the civilized ones, because I know they can go feral at a drop of a needle.
Holy mother of kek. Saved.
Same. I was at a party of about 20 people and there were only 3 white dudes there. The only topics of conversation are:
1. Gibs me land
2. Don;t trust whitey
3. Whites are racist
4. Black power
5. Everything bad is because of whitey
Needless to say, I'm done going to parties hanging with nogs. It's too mentally tiring entertaining autistic views on life.
Why the fuck would you go to a party like that?
Judge Dredd was actually shot there, I believe.
South Africa is a great filming location for post apocalyptic dystopias.
>post apocalyptic dystopias
Don't have to spend much on the set
They filmed a post-apoc movie in my local ghetto here in America as well.
Whats with niggers?
They can literally turn any city into fucking Hiroshima.
foreigners aren't allowed to fund american campaigns. not that you'd know it with all the eurofag bernie bros buying his merch.
when you consider the fact that they were literal fucking bushmen a two hundred years ago it's pretty impressive how accurately they can imitate humans sometimes.
that fucking pic
Dont be dumb, WC wont break away cause then they'd be invaded by Zulus
The jews will track you boet.
Don't get too triggered. My cousin also has n EFF hat that he uses to piss people off on jewbook.
>Standing in line at checkers posting this
>For the past 10 years
Good. Fokkers.
Just let the western cape and Namaqua land join Namibia. Glorious Extended South West Africa
>Won't break away because of zulu invasion
gotta lay off the kush for a while there Hans.
implying this man wont rape the WC
>voting anything different than soc dem / pure soc / communists
is this even possible?
Whats wrong DA-san? Aren't you craving my stability and ANC-free society?
The man can barely read a number. Just for the lulz I'll dig a bunker, give him a fucking kalashnikov fully loaded to shoot me, and the combination to the door of my bunker would be the solution to a fuckign seocond grade math problem.
Hahaha you haven't seen how deep the jew runs my friend, i know a bunch of white communist liberals who voted for the EFF.
>yfw there are Marxist cells at all the liberal universities, who spread feminist doctrine, incite mobs to hunt for rapists and spread shitty drugs (meth sold as mdma) (the pure stuff is taken by the jew himself)
Which unis in SA are liberal? I went to NWU and it was very right wing for the majority, TUKS and Shimlas as well as far as Im aware