the tits tho
School was always shit. People who say otherwise just acquired a taste for shit.
Teacher's name is Kathryn Wippel
Haslett High School
Haslett, Michigan
Were you in the video?
lol no sorry bud
Teachers have always been retards desperate to compensate for their shit youths by fitting in with/controlling the lives of other peoples sons and daughters.
Can someone summarize that video for me? i get bad cases of second hand embarrassment.
why school, specifically my year were little shits and would've destroyed this teacher. If they didn't force her hand to abandon class or change schools they'd at least make her cry.
She sings for the students then sticks the mic in her asshole so you can hear her farts before they escape
>checked her real youtube which she uploaded the singing classroom video
>it's gone now
what did you guys do!
>american "geography" """"""classes""""""
Stop spreading this video
the teacher is gonna find it and read all the mean comments
she'll an hero herself. i'm serious
the blood is on your hands Sup Forums
> Ms. Wippel
> (((Ms.)))
Why have none of you sad fucks married this thick qt yet?
im sorry...what?
You heard the man, now start masturbing, ya happy kike McFuck.
It's now normal in the US to use Ms. in place of both Mrs. and Miss. Mostly because people were tired of guessing which one someone was, so everyone just sometime in the past 20 years went "fuck it, they're all Ms."
You right bloody minda. So how do you tell which ones are available then? You ain't the sparkiest synapse are ya, chief?
she's preggo
And soon it'll be illegal to assume if it's Mr. or Ms.
do these people just forget what it was like to be teenagers? Even if this wasn't completely cringeworthy you'd never get a response beyond contemptuous apathy from a classroom full of high school students. Fuckin' ridiculous.
I never new it was Rihanna singing that song.
They clapped
They all fucking applauded her at the end.
What hell am I in?
At least she's enthusiastic.
Most teachers in America don't give a shit because their whole industry is unionized to hell and they couldn't get fired if they tried
they don't call us americlaps for nothing senpai
Imagine being Ms. Wippel in that scene and having to be all like "damn, American Students, you fuckin' fine, all smart with your fat bodies and horrific mix-raced mongrel faces. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old Tyrone in her teacher's lounge. Like seriously imagine having to be Ms. Wippel and not only pretend to like math while American Students flaunt their disgusting intellect in front of you, the favorable Common Core barely concealing their retardation and brainwashing, and just stand there, song after song, class after class, while they tried to learn basic math. Not only having to tolerate their monstrous fucking visages but their haughty attitude as everyone in school tell them they STILL GOT IT and DAMN, AMERICAN STUDENTS LEARN LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch their moronic fucking homework contort into types of stupidity you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been teaching nothing but a healthy diet of AP students and Asian kids and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Teacher's College. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on their pimpled faces as they hold back laughing at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and educate their "4.0 (for what they call themselves)" GPA, the GPA they worked so hard for on their Instagrams for 5 hours in the previous night. And then the principal calls for another semester, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the Math department security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ms Wippel. You're not going to lose your future Classroom Karaoke career over this. Just bear it. Sing your song and bear it.
>marrying someone from michigan
get those filthy Sup Forums memes out of here
Is this the next level feminism? Being smug about her own superiority and knowing nobody will ever complain in fear of lower grades. So they just have to hang in there and embrace hell.
This is it i've fucking lost my keks
oh my fucking god. i can't even get a minute in
>open video
>5 seconds later
>close video
nevermind i just checked and i was only up to 15 seconds. longest 15 seconds of my life
i couldnt keep watching when the nigger song started, i mean think it was a nigger song since it sounded like one.
you expect us to read that obamanation of a wall of copy pasta text you just posted?