Once Upon a Time in America

>Duration : 4h 11mn

is it worth it?

And then some

Too Lovecraftian for my taste

When I finally got around to watching it, I thought it was worth it. But now, I can't recall anything but the opioid smoking scene.

Yes, the runtime enhances the lovecraftian atmosphere

Bought this for my dad at his request on Father's Day maybe 10 years ago

We still haven't watched it

No, it's the schmaltziest movie I have ever seen. Tries way too hard. James Woods is hot though, I'd go gay for him and also convert if he asked me to

It's worth at least a single viewing. Sergio Leone deserves that much.

Convert from what?

back when i was heavily smoking refer, it was. haven't seen it but once though. imho, once upon a time in the west was a better flick.

Repressed homolust, obviously.

It's worth at least a single viewing, but you may have to watch it twice to really get a hold of what's going on.

How very Kafkaesque of you

This post tells a more compelling story than the entire film.

Yes it is.

I found it to be a tad dull
looks fantastic but I didn't care for any of the characters. perhaps my virulent anti semitisim played a part. I found it overly sentimental.
it needed trimmed by at least an hour

Convert to judaism

there's something about this film that feels odd, i don't know how to explain it...

Shit movie with a "it was all a dream" shit ending, definitely not worth the while it takes to watch it.

i have similar feelings about it.
it feels like Sergio wanted to make an American masterpiece.
All the pieces are there but they didn't mesh.
I think the characters are to blame, not very relateable also i can't think of any quotable scenes which is strange for a film with such majestic ambitions.

You get to see prime Jennifer Connaly tushie in it

>this thread

nuke this fucking board already

Leone's best.

It's a movie nobody watches more than once.

Script has some clunky lines
Treat Williams is pretty underwhelming as the labor union leader
Elizabeth McGovern was wooden as a dummy.
The whole labor union subplot really didn't amount to much but we got to hear Leone's thoughts on American Gangsters/capitalism/exploitation of the workers/corruption.

On the positive side DeNiro is good, Woods is better. A lot of great shots, sets and scenery.
The kid actors were pretty good too.

wew lad.

imagine watching a film for the story

Yes. It flows very nicely. And you get to see teen Connelly butt.

Is Duck you sucker any good either?

Who said I watched a film for the story? And you just proved my point anyway that you have to wacth this movie for something else other than the story because there isn't much to it.