>Le "fuck society" meme
>white hat haxor doesn't do it for the money
Is this show red pilled?
>Le "fuck society" meme
>white hat haxor doesn't do it for the money
Is this show red pilled?
I saw a trailer for this..
man the trailer just had him doing hard drugs that I started joking with my gf..
What if the twist is he isn't a genius hacker or anything, he's just some autismo that does hard drugs in his parents basement and starts hallucinating about some spy movie plot.
His fucking eyes give it away, they're so buggy it's disturbing.
In any case, why the fuck did the call it 'evil corp' lmao. I gave up on the whole show when that came up in the trailer.
The show is God-tier. It's called evil corp because it takes place from the perspective of
the mind of a schizophrenic. It's literally fight club: the show.
>red pilled
what the fuck are you on about, idiot
What is this show called?
>white hat
you're using that word again but i don't think you know what it means
I started watching this show but got bored with the "hack into wealth redistribution" meme season 1. Does it get better?
it is fucking amazing season 2, highly fucking reccomend, red pilled af but a lot of the 'hacking' meme bullshit is straight bullshit
the production team makes some cringe choices every few episodes but it's probably one of the top 10 shows worth watching on tv compared to everything else at least, decent if you have nothing else to sit through
The writing for this fucking show is horrendous. It also is the epitome of teen angst.
Does that haircut actually fool anyone into thinking you aren't balding hardcore?
At least he uses gnome, can you find a more volkish interface desu
Season 2 has been shit, they've been extending scenes with shitty music to kill time instead of writing a more direct plot.
I use GNOME :)
>autistic anxiety disorder lead
>fugs grills and does hard drugs left and right
Kinda killed it for me
I enjoy the show but you're right, I have no godamn clue what the point of the 2nd season has been other than Elliot looking for one guy and becoming even more unhinged. I was ok with the first few episodes being an epilogue to the first season as he puts the pieces together since it's all blank for him and you want to see what happened but it's just been a slog.
Since when do you guys consider Egyptians white?
Screenshot or it didn't happen fæm
its written by a kike
no its not red pilled you faggot
I've been toId I Iook Iike that actor.