how would you feel if they made Krueger a woman in the upcoming Nightmare On Elm Street re-remake?
How would you feel if they made Krueger a woman in the upcoming Nightmare On Elm Street re-remake?
I would want more erotic nightmares, if she looked like OP pic.
and she murders dudes during sexy dreams
mite b cool
I would cast pic related for the role.
Be careful the mods are banning lovecraft posters, back to BLACK posting I guess that's safer
Go to bed, your shitposting isn't funny. No (you)
For love user, for love
I would feel like it would be very progressive to show a woman burned alive and turned into a nightmarish aberration, go for it :^)
A Wet Dream On Elm Street
Very empowered. But it would be far better a genderfluid person of increased weight, lower stature, vaguely middle eastern to african descent and bearing at least one mutilation. I think that would represent the population better
I'm not sure you could make it really.
Women who are pedophiles get away with it at a far greater rate than men, and combined with the fact that women straight up can't rape people in some places (looking at you Britcucks), I don't see the same backstory working for a female Freddy.
I think it'd be stupid, but that's never stopped Hollywood before
Not quite sure how they'd work the murderous pedophile backstory that is part of the character
Now a female Leatherface, that'll be cool
Well when you put it like *THAT*...
Easy, she was raped as a child.
She would certainly not look like that.
The fuck you on about? Do you even know Freddy's backstory? He was burned alive by the parents of the children he molested, which is why he came back to punish them.
Yeah but women cannot rape so whatever damage she got it was obviously because she was raped herself, probably because of her abusive father. Which is why she goes into men's dreams and slices of their dicks
Wasn't Pinhead supposed to be a woman?
Now that best joke has already been made there's no need for a movie.
i would be turned on
Andro with feminine voice IIRC.
But of course Barker cast his friend in the role.
Wow u got talent we could use u in the big leegs t. Amy pascal
Why not a cute twink boy?
How odd
That could totally work. Succubi are sneaky and evil just like Freddy Kruger.
Jerk off to her and move on
Well we do know that women molest FAR more children than men do at this point in the current year, so it would actually be a lot more believable that fergi kruger was molesting a ton of kids
Sounds good to me, she'd have to be really hairy though, not like this dumb wax whore.
Are they really remaking it again?
It'd be fitting, blades as nails is more womanly than anything
A female Krueger would, in my humble opinion be refreshingly Lovecraftian, dare I say almost kafkaesque.
You mean a black woman? Fredrice Lashawnelle Kreuger
Would fucc. Any sauce?
>mfw she kills you but lets you cum inside first
Idris Elba
What like species?
I need this
Imagine getting a prostate massage from her.
would be incredibly hot if it was an old man fucking twinks instead twink-on-twink action
Scared the cum out of me.
I'd be scared stiff
>how would you feel if they made Krueger a woman in the upcoming Nightmare On Elm Street re-remake?
I would feel better if it was a triple transgender fluid abimigender who identifies as a cryptogender because EVERYTHING NEEDS TO FUCKING BE ABOUT FUCKING GENDER BOUNDARIES EVERYFUCKING DAY 24/7 HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING TO OUR SOCIETY
Taco nigger
Is this the alternate title for Nightmare on Elm Street 2?
Why not make an original movie about a ghost/succubus that kills men in their dreams?
I'm okay with this gender change
What are some good female slasher villains? There's Pamela, the one from Sleepaway Camp, who else?
I like to think they just do film parodies where they replay a word with"twink"
Smells like /ss/ to me
Slasher genre is basically about teen sex and Krueger being a rapist male with penetrative hands is a symbollic showcase of female fear of sex. I don't see how it would work as a mainstream remake to make the character female. Sure it could be an interesting spoof or a derivation on the genre tropes like The Cabin in the Woods but would not work for the same reasons originals worked.
Might be interesting. They could make her have died burned and disfigured from a Muslim acid attack.
>Sleepaway Camp
did you even watch the movie?