>Priyanka Yoshikawa smiles as she holds the trophy after winning the Miss Japan title at the Miss World Japan 2016 Beauty Pageant in Tokyo on Monday
Nothing is sacred anymore...
>Priyanka Yoshikawa smiles as she holds the trophy after winning the Miss Japan title at the Miss World Japan 2016 Beauty Pageant in Tokyo on Monday
Nothing is sacred anymore...
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Seems like the only people who care about this pageant are foreigners and women.
I would wife her, honestly.
She don't even look Indian she looks more Japanese
Racist and sexist much?
B-but this picture is from Korea...
dude theres some poo in loo in my class of like six people. she sat one chair away from me in the same row. im a virg but shes pretty fuckin qt and i would dick her in the b hole for sure. how can i break the ice? there also this german gril that sits behind me. fuk i wish i could get a thresome
anti-fecal is code word for anti-indian
she's ugly even by south east asian standard
In France its gays and old women who cares about that
it's as if Pageantry in Japan is only aimed at foreigners and (((western media)))
This shit is literally ran by a french jew in a multiracial marriage who pushes multiculturalism. It was a nigger last year. It's propaganda, but I doubt it'll affect japan. If anything, japan likes india. They've liked them ever since the end of ww2 thanks to Radhabinod Pal. But they won't ever fall for the multikulti bullshit.
so last year it was a half nigger and this year it's a half poo-in-loo?
wtf japan?
In sincerity, I prefer her very much to the halfbreed who won last year and I am a friend and brother to the Negro.
Don't have Indian children: spew in the poo
Indian here
If your normal white block that Indian girl will be hopping onto your dick
If your a Sup Forums tier user good luck
Indian girls like the very social, top Chad, funny dude
have you been to japan? She doesn't look Japanese at all. Okinawan at best. ばかがいじん
go home
I could post a picture of a Korean or Chinese woman and you would never know the difference.
This is a Chinese guy shitting in a train, but you get the picture.
Its no coincidence that a mixed race woman has won Miss Japan again for the second year in a row. The last winner was half black and didn't look Japanese at all. The Jews are working very hard to promote race mixing and multiculturalism on the Japanese. They've already ruined the West, and now they want to continue East.
Abominations like this ought to be put to death. Disgusting.
whatever, she isn't even the right skin tone and you can see the SEA features
the one on the right looks pissed as hell.
The jews have been working on the japanese for awhile, it's starting to work. Maybe japan will fall too in our lifetime
This is the lamest thing I've ever heard. Japanese liking Indians? LOL, they killed tons of Indians and made them slaves.
"My friend is black...but I'm not racist...but I hate niggers"
hmm shit. looks like no german indian 3some for me
She really does look Southeast Asian to me, like a Cambodian or Thai woman. (Girl in my pic is Cambodian) She has that flat and wide nose that you see in Southeast Asians, darker skin, skin that has a sun-damaged appearance, high cheekbones, and a very rounded circular face. Her hair appears to have an Indian texture to it, slightly kinky.
It makes a lot of sense that a half Indian, half Japanese woman would have a Southeast Asian appearance. Since Hinduism spread from India into Southeast Asia.
I think the Jews and globalists want Japan to be more accepting of Southeast Asians. That is where most of their foreign labor is coming from. Most foreign labor in Japan comes from China, The Philippines, and Vietnam.
The Japanese do NOT like Southeast Asians, and the globalists are trying to force Southeast Asian features onto the Japanese by crowing Miss Philippines as Miss Universe, and crowing someone with heavy SE Asian features as Miss Japan.
>The Japanese do NOT like Southeast Asians
It depends.
Indonesia - no
Vietnam and Philippines - IRASHAIMASE!
Japan loves em and would love to import a million in the near future.
Also, Philippines is now Japan's top destination to go to learn proper English.
It's funny how Japanese don't like Indians yet there ancestors prayed to Hindu gods
Cus of Buddhism
Are you retarded ? Look at christian Europe to see if having the same religion under an active religious authority stops them from waging war.
I can't fathom how utterly dumb you must be. Can you tie your own shoes you brain ded mouth breathing inbred ?
Just because the Japanese are importing Chinese, Vietnamese, and Filipinos into their country to work for them, that doesn't mean the Japanese people like them and want them as a part of their culture and to assimilate.
Its the companies that want to hire these Southeast Asians, yet the Japanese people want Japan to stay Japanese.
pinoy detected. you are the most hated migrants in asia, having the most illegal migrant in SEA, not even mentioning japan or korea. even malaysian and singaporean look down on you
you are not even asian, spanish rape baby
mexico of asia
this, keep japan pure
Nice try (((proxyfag))).
really makes you think...
>Its the companies that want to hire these Southeast Asians, yet the Japanese people want Japan to stay Japanese.
Japan has elderly care staffing crisis, day care staffing crisis, labor construction staffing crisis - all these industries have chronic shortage supple of healthy workers.
It's simple economics 101 fundamentals that will force Japan to open for immigration.
Just like you can't break the rules of physics, you can't break the rules of economics.
PS: Ordinary Japanese will just have to accept immigration whether they like it or not. They have no say since big business (KEIDANREN) has big influence in national politics.
The requirement for taking care of old people is ridiculous for the minimum salary they give.
I watch a lot of JAV and she is not that hot. Or even cute.
The girls behind her are hotter
at least we're not muslim
indog scum
not just that man, word is that salaries all over Japan are pitifully low and is stuck in the 1990s.
Why do they keep doing this? Is it some political thing? None of the halfie winners are remotely attractive.
Why don't they just get chinks? They're basically the same race, and their children will become japs.
They hate each other or think they other hates them back. They won't work with each other unless you put them in a closed space and give them enough time to realize they're not so different.
Wasn't the previous winner a nigger?
How do you know she's Jewish? I know she's French
>inb4 dailystormer link
Sup Forums literally cares about a beauty pageant in Japan.
Truly autistic faggotry.
>he came by to drop a post in this thread anyway
Southeast Asian here. You can still tell she has some strong Indian features.
Here is Chalida chan. Thai of Indian descent
That's same as saying Europs pray to an Arab god. Which is true actually
If a white-nip haafu won would pol be reacting the same?
were just typical brown south east asian
Nopassport detected
The two in the background are more attractive than her.