Would this guy be considered a psychopath or a sociopath???

would this guy be considered a psychopath or a sociopath???

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He would be considered a normal guy who is having a rare old day.

Geez, OP. Sometimes a guy just wants his meal. Doesn't mean he's a psychopath or anything

Two personalities: nicest sociopath you will ever meet and twisted fuxking psychopath.


He was more paranoid and psychotic than sociopathic

Im the bad guy?

At least he wasn't racist.

Is this movie good or is it just an edgy meme? I watched a trailer for it and it just seems silly.


Sociopath. His job, his daughter, wife etc they were all just extensions of himself. They represented his failure. He snapped from the shame of not being able to hide this any longer. If he cared about his daughter he wouldnt have done any of those things and sociopaths are incapable of caring for others. They just view them as extensions of themselves and in terms of how they make them look or feel etc.

just consider him to be right, whammy burger is total shit

Its a good movie, its p satisfying but its not some deep redpilled shit like a lot of people here make it out to be

Literally have no idea why people post this movie so much, I even see it on pol sometimes

Im an American, he's a sick asshole.

>psychopath or a sociopath
Whats the difference?
I thought its the same shit

He had a lovecraftian personality

Id even say Kafkaesque


Psych undergrad: Psychopath has no basis in medical/psychological literature. It's mostly been popularized by pop culture. Both psychopath and sociopath generally refer to someone with ASPD.

one is born that way and the other is #DAMAGED

I have a hunch this meme is getting forced to push that neonomicon book, this gets posted in every thread, and its just used as an excuse to post pages from that shit

He's a patriot and a hero for taking a stand against the eternal onslaught of white western culture.

He only killed one guy and it was self-defence.

what about the old man on the golf course

He's schizoid

he just wanted his food to look like the picture, it shouldn't be considered crazy to want truth in advertising

Can I get welfare bux for being schizotypal?

You spend too much time on Sup Forums

I'm one

Your post should read "sorry no meat touching"

I most definitely do, but that doesn't invalidate the fact that I can tell viral marketing when I see it

Yep. The trope is that admen and lawyers and such have to be sociopaths to be good at their jobs.

we all are user, the only people that are not sociopaths are the women that try to push this meme upon us men.

He wasn't. He represents us all; a few steps away from breaking.

In an odd way, he was more just that the system surrounding him. The movie is even more relevant today than it was back then.