How do we stop Russia from destroying the EU?
How do we stop Russia from destroying the EU?
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R e i c h
Make the EU great.
>Russia supports each country's right to preserve its heritage and protect itself from unchecked immigration through nationalist parties
Russia is evil you goys!!
By 'destroy' do you mean rid itself of the American control you've had on it since 1945?
>He lives in a NATO-member country
>He supports Russia
>He thinks Putin is some kind of white race saviour
Useful idiots, as the russians say.
>Russia doesn't care enough about us to build a fifth column.
Let them.
The EU is a pile of commie shit
By allowing Russia to invade and eliminate Merkel
>Modern Russia is product of old KGB deepstate reasserting control with former operative Putin
>KGB deepstate turned out to be the good guys defending European nations from cultural Marxist degeneracy, homosexuality, transsexualism, anti-Nationalism etc.
Did Yuri predict this?
Nice image. Doesn't prove jack shit.
I know that even going for a compromise with Russia will make you look like instant KJB agent.
How would you imagine peaceful cooperation with somebody? Slamming a sanction every week?
It's people who treat them like a boogieman that are phobic not people that fear immigrants.
russia looks big but its all jus wilderness, basically mongolia tier, they act all fucking chad cuz they got nukes, bunch of pussies as far as im concerned
Nuke 'em
>good guys defending European nations
Literally every time since 1900 that we've walked away from Europe you shitbags have started another major war. Accept your permanent status as vassal states.
Let it happen. Please god.
We can't America is going to fuck us
If hillary is voted in
I'm just saying that the answer isn't always RUSSIA IS EBIL
Also, do you want bad relations with Russia? Does another Cold War sound like a good idea to you?
>USSR funds all the shitty communist parties
>Russia now funds the opposite
Credit to them trying to fix up the mess their predecessors created.
relax shart in mart
>Not supporting them = bad relations
Import more Muslims of course.
Islam will stop them heathen communist, basically we turn EU into Afghanistan.
Fucking commies won't stand a chance.
just stop Hillary, from starting a war with russia
>vote for a woman
>woman boss
>woman President of the country
>old woman with shaking head
I would rather kill myself
One day Russia will be arming white revolutionary movements in Europe maybe America if Hillary wins.
This chart is nonsense. If Russia would lobby for NPD I would literally eat a broom.
we don't
How do we stop the EU from destroying the EU?
We don't.
>The irony of the Slav being the savior of the white race
or because you are obsessed with your hate towards russia, enough to ally up with satan and his union of death, nato.
Why would we STOP it?
>All other parties in Europe lobbying for the USA
>Implying the EU being destroyed is a bad thing
Cmon shart, you can do better.
Make a compromise and give them half of your country. After all Warsaw was a Russian city once. They just need more of the buffer zone between them and evil NATO, that will attack them soon, nothing personal.
Can anyone explain why Russia is the "enemy"?
I feel like I'm in this scene.
How do I get in contact with the Russkies so that I can make a rightwing party to shill for them?
We don't, also we should thank them instead
Wait, is that bad?
Russia is not the enemy. The leftists are the ones who make Russia out to be bad. Russians are just based and the left doesn't like that.
Plus I want some sweet Russian AKs, but king nigger obungo banned imports of Russian surplus a while ago.
hungary, anex us now we only have like 10k troops
What are you, a russiaphobe?
why is there still a narrative in 2016 which allows liberals to blame the russian boogyman for anything they don't like?
As a fellow burger I'd like to ask you why you give a fuck?
gotta agree with the bong here.
Time for the training wheels to come off.
Most Americans realize russia isn't that bad. Its also apparent that warring over the borders of tiny irrlevent nations is dumb.
Russia can keep on trucking, US should leave NATO, EU grow a pair.
America's got better things to do.
Destroy it first
We need a one world nation, no borders; that, would give us world peace
Except russia, because fuck you that's why
>How do we stop Russia from destroying the EU?
Fuck the EU
>Ban all parties that disagreeing with our policy! They are Putin's and Russia agents, all of them!
You know it will happen eventually, like it happening in Ukraine already.
>implying the EU is not destroying itself even without Russia's help
Russian shills on suicide watch
>Putin is the nice guy, he wants to save the white race
>Russia wants to save western culture
>Based Russia
I can confirm OP's pic
Ataka and Golden Dawn are identical parties, don't know about the rest, haven't looked into them. Their talking points are:
>Brussels imperialists
>We are not free anymore
>They take our resources(gold in Bulgaria and Greece)
>We have to leave the EU
>We have to go with Russia
>Russia are good
Those 2 parties attend conferences in Moscow every year or so.
They are %100 russian operatives.
Left wing faggots stopped exports to Russia thinking they will destroy Russia. We saw Russia will survive with or without Europe. Right wing at least sees this.
>one world nation
Yeah no
Just like with Napoleon, the Kaiser, Hitler, Russia is the liberator of European nations.
Russia doesn't fund UKIP.
If does fund PVV and NF
They are literally at war with Nazi Ukraine
>Everything I don't like is Russia
I call that bullshit. general population here doesnt even know what my little pony is. And the yougsters dont know it besides its joke\meme value.
>How do we stop Russia from destroying the EU?
if only he would do that, also its mainly left-wingers siding with Russia, RT is a left wing channel.
Is easy, comrade. Type in this thread "Crimea is Russia!", Putin will contact you in 24 hours.
>Destroying EU
Will literally do nothing for them, there main issue right now is the trade embargo which is backed by the USA.
If they somehow think the fall of the Eu would end this, they're wrong.
It only gives them a slight ease in terms of military pressure on smaller eastern countries, but thats it.
why does anyone care if Russia takes over any more? they aren't communists anymore. France at this point is more communist than Russia.
Sure and they do not finaze afd and f national and so forth.
user pls.
A heavty shoot in front of there bow and lots of war threats. Maybe a huge proxy war rigth at there border.
The EU shouldn't exist.
I will encourage its destruction through any means.
>Godfather of global nationalism. (c)
We don't...
wtf i love russia now
how we stop americans from continuing their destruction of EU
the russians are hardly a problem. In fact they are an ally and if they remain reasonable, they understand that they have no claims to europe and no interest in its subjugation (not that they would easily achieve it)
>Sure and they do not finaze afd and f national and so forth.
evidence about AfD being financed by Russia?
FN got a loan because no EU bank would give them any.
Why stop it?
>Biggest mosque in Europe is in Moscow
>Russia has 10-15 million muslims - the largest muslim population in Europe
>1.2 million jews in Israel are russians
>one of the highest abortion rates in the world
>one of the highest alcoholism rates in the world
>second highest rate of HIV in Europe(first place for Estonia)
>second highest rate of opiates use in the world
>average wage of $430
Russia is not:
>saviour of European nations and western culture
Russia is shit and you know it
>second highest rate of HIV in Europe(first place for Estonia)
I wonder which group has the highest HIV rate in Estonia.
The 1 million dollar question kek.
Also yes Russia is fucked aswell.
Everytime i see maps like this i like Russia more and hate the EU, the US and their cuck establishment (democrats, neocons, merkel, hollande, eurocrats etc.).
If you want me to hate russia, you're doing a horrible job.
If it wasn't Russia, it would be China. If it wasn't China it would be Goldstein. We living in 1984
Hi George.
They already have Orban on their side, why would they use Jobbik?
>Golden Dawn
relevant? They're too politically incorrect to influence anything.
>That the EU isn't dead already.
Dr. Pavel I'm KGB
What does Sup Forums think of this photo?
>yes goy, support russia, they're your white goy friends after all, hehe
URSS finance all comie movements
No biggie
Putin finance some right wing pary
someone make a map with every single other party in europe and put america instead of russia
Let them do it. we can finnaly show the world socialism is a shithead idea once and for all.
two years ago it was Merkel who was on the payroll of Putin (because she didn't support Ukarine), now it is her rivals from the AfD... - where is the evidence?
Nigger being a nigger.
Russia should just fucking die. It has never contributed anything of value to humanity
>shit economy
>shit industry
>shit healthcare
>low living standarts
>paid shills
>corrupt as fuck
>putin is basically a dictator
The only reason why they are still relevant is because they pump money into their army. Literally worthless country
Putin looks like he's pissing in his pants.
Better post pic related next time, where Putin looks like a cartoon villain.
or this. But almost everyone looks tiny next to Depardieu
muh russia
of course its good for russia if this eu soros nato shit union dies and countries become nation states again
if putin says he likes coffee, your not supposed to like coffee any more?
That graph is misleading. Yes some far right parties have taken the side of Russia on some diplomatic issues (as is their right to do so), but where is the evidence they are funded by Russia?
Get your funding from a real sponsor goys, like Israel.
>not even on the list
feels good man