Why didn't they cast Brie Larson as the New Lara Croft?
She's got the signature diamond jaw, big boobs but not too big that will freak out sjws, and she's not entirely a toothpick and can do action while still looking feminine.
She was pretty much reboot Lara Croft in Kong:Skull Island.
Why didn't they cast Brie Larson as the New Lara Croft?
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She might have tits, but she also has a man face, at least the flat chested bitch looks like a woman.
Brie has small>medium tits.
What you're looking at here is a padded bra.
Turn off the TV and go do your homework. You have to 18+ to post on this board
>flat chested bitch looks like a woman
Flat chested bitch also has a forehead size of a football field
As does Brie.
Because Alicia Vikander is sucking and fucking to get into the movie - the same way it has always worked. Don't be so naive.
With the way the Hollywood box office is declining, they are going to have to put ads on those foreheads. Maybe (((they))) are planning for that.
why can't they stop making movies about video games?
Brie has bigger head though. But to be frank, I like neither as Lara and I haven't even played any of those games.
Was Lara smug?
Because all of the major comic book rights are all taken, and public domain characters are proven to be non-starters for franchises.
old core lara was, she's pretty much what modern female characters are nowadays, just without the feminist agenda baggage like most modern female characters.
>man face
what? she's a total babe
and she's no super model but not average either, so she flies under feminist's radars
>signature diamond jaw
Lara never had a manface, even in the new games
It's a shame what was meant to be an aristocratic supermodel genius aventurer is now a plain Jane
diamond jaw is not man face, user, and she always had a diamond jaw, look up any picture of core lara, cd lara or reboot lara.
yeah, lets cast an even uglier actress to play the 2 decade old video game sex symbol
Because Brie is a literally who and Alicia is a Oscar winning actress.
She literally looks like a friend I had in high school. So either my friend looks very feminine or Brie has a man face.
Well, she's not pretty
so very supple
your friend is feminine, and she was obviously still developing since you said she was in high school, and I really doubt she literally looks like her, use another benchmark that's not a friend from high school.
Diamond jaws are signs of good genes, and are not man faces, she always had a diamond jaw and it's always been part of her, man.
I honestly don't know where you're getting man face from this.
pit whore
>he hasn't seen the leaks
kys kiddo
Because Brie Larson has ugly fungi infected toenails.
Most likely you are faceblind.
>Because Brie is a literally who and Alicia is a Oscar winning actress.
They both won Oscar in the same nomination.
Why are all movie and tv show archeologists fucking terrible at their jobs? People like Indy who destroy an entire tomb just to take one small statue.
Larson is so fucking average, no thanks
i will never understand why TR reboot is so popular it fucking bored me to death
because it is absolutely badass!
Brie is cute!
what a fucking slut
Lara who? Brie is a star. Why would anyone overvalue the Tomb Raider movie license this much?
You are obviously very young and do not understand.
The game series itself is a lukewarm commodity. I personally like it since it offers more gameplay than the Uncharted films, but the movie is not going to pull numbers. The first two were almost mediocre only because of Jolie's anatomy. Against capeshit it stands no chance. And when measured against video game films with actual fanbases (at this point Lara has supporters not fans) it's wholly forgettable. It's simply a shit property and I'm glad no actress I give a shit about is attached to it.
However if this is an excuse to post Brie then I'm sorry and continue.
Tomb Raider was one of the first huge titles when gaming became mainstream.
Lara Croft is an icon to millions of people and they will be drawn by nostalgia no matter how shit it is. Just look at IT.
I still can't get over that fucking U2 music video where they inserted themselves into whichever Tomb Raider movie it was.
is that edge? what the fuck. Must be the second one because I'm almost thru the first one and they arent in it
I genuinely enjoyed this film, second film not so much.
She was the perfect cast for core lara.
I see cords in the background so it's probably the first film where that bungee cord shootout scene takes place, could be wrong though.
They looks exactly alike, only one has bigger tits
Man I fucking hate Jolie's face.
Fucking kek
she's too busy getting blacked
This scene gave me mad erections when i was younger
10/10 if real
>you will never live in a castle
Brie is also a flat chested man, get some fucking taste.
Looks like a cool guy not about drugs, thots or terrible music who enjoys the finest things in life.
Not mad.
> black guy in a suit not obviously high
> "BASED!"
>absolutely no bouncing
What the fuck is this fake shit?
Nasty. They even put a suit on it.
He's not wearing a suit and is obviously high (Brie's weed). Are you retarded?
she's wearing a good bra. She bounces a lot towards the end of the movie
>no more tits
>no more DSL
What have they done to my nerd fapbait?
007 was in this flick
I dunno which movie. First one I think
>women trying to use tools
jesus christ
oh, yeah it is the first movie. I thought they were actually in the movie. Misunderstood what the other user meant
Because Alicia Vikander is actually attractive.
OP reading your post physically lowered my IQ.
>ywn protect her smile
No, please don't post skeleton Jolie photos from ((this year)).
ikr, she had such a cute smile
lol no
is that shrek and fionnas kid?
She would have been much better.
The casting is fucking terrible.
Casting a Lara Croft without big tits is utterly pointless. The entire fucking hook of the movie is now gone. What is the point of even making it?
She has leaks, dumbass.
top cuck
She's cute. CUTE!
Jolie was perfect, but Denise Richards would have looked good doing it, and Liv Tyler might have been okay if she put in the effort.
Kirsten Dunst has nice tits, but is all wrong.
>the Natalie Cassidy trivia
Just googled her. Not sure if srs, and whether that's funny or sad.
>Brie Larson
Because she's not as good looking as Lara Croft and is another disgusting non-Brit actresses. Should have cast Poppy Drayton or Gemma Arterton.
What video game is this from?
Return this box to shipper.
Crying Game remake when
>ywn splash lara's face with sacred fluids
Body like a 13 year old boy.
She has no sexual appeal. Seriously why can't ugly omega male virgins realize that normal men with normal testosterone levels prefer sexy women?
Fucking hell I'd seen this film loads of times before watching GoT, but I never remembered Jorah being the bad guy.