>May turns down points based immigration
>Sup Forums laughs at britbongs being fucked
>Next day introduces even tougher system
Why is she doing so well fellow bongs? Shes made all the right decisions so far.
>May turns down points based immigration
>Sup Forums laughs at britbongs being fucked
>Next day introduces even tougher system
Why is she doing so well fellow bongs? Shes made all the right decisions so far.
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Oh shit, she is actually going to make you leave the EU.
She's Thatcher 2.0 lads
She will make Britain great again.
Kek wills it.
Holy fuck based get fukt muzzies!
Does that affect Australians too? We get all you brits down here with a free pass basically so it would be nice if you did the same back
>still haven't triggered article 50
stay cucked britbongs
I was born in Wales and have dual citizenship. I can still get in right?
Soon we'll have a King and a Thatcher 2.0
The next few years are gonna be glorious lads, I can feel it.
>it will be more rigorous than points-based system
sounds like damage control to be honest lads
am i wrong?
alot of love for the anglosphere still in govt
Oh my god my dick is literally diamonds.
my dick is hard as diamonds over this...i feared she was cucking us but she is gonna do it the absolute madman!
canada needs to secure their borders before we let them do anything.
>doubting Theresa 'brexit means brexit' May
Dumb britposters
>King "Read the Quran at my coronation" Charles is going to be anything but a gigantic cuck
Darth May's power is.. Considerable.
This is a good start but for me, I want to see this law go back 10 years, if you live here without a job, regardless of condition, you have to go back.
No compassion- I've never been shown any.
>EU immigration is bad!!
>Let's hundreds of thousands of pakis and indians each year because muh commonwealth!!!
The reason she rejected a points-based system is because Africans/"Asians" will fail it; she plans to push the agenda that it was European immigration ONLY that people were concerned about - blocking that while making up the numbers from elsewhere.
now he'll tell you that literally every shitskin in Britain is a neurosurgeon and literally every European immigrant is a thief
This is good, If Britain becomes great again I can finally get off this god forsaken island
If I'm just a wealthy American, would I need a job before moving to Britain?
they're the ones who won't be competing for our jobs
>have a job before you get here
what paki is gonna have a job before they get here? if they get employed it's because someone's outsourcing to pakistan, not them being flown in
the issue with european workers is that they ARE competent.
Soon enough, the Royal Navy will appear just out of your coast, and you'll rejoin the Empire. Then, you'll help the English take Canada and crucify Current Year Man.
you'd need an income of some kind.
always a home for anglosphere colonials in the uk m8
>Paki intellectuals
>free movement of leafs into the UK
are you trying to ruin your country?
Article says those rules apply for EU immigrants. Nothing about non EU immigration (over 50% of all immigration)
>Nothing about non EU immigration (over 50% of all immigration)
If only you knew what you are talking about.
Most Non-EU immigration are on student visas, the rest are on work related visas and if you haven't noticed we have already set new regulations on work visas.
Nice try Spiros but Greece will have to suffer in the EU.
So long loser.
based af
unless you can earn over 35k a year you get no entry into the uk from outside of europe :^)
you MUST speak clear english and pass an exam also.
the eternal anglo has struck once more
we have finally stemmed the tide
This isn't happening anymore right? This is the scum that needs to leave Britain so it can be great again, i hate rapists with a passion
>these digits
I knew I was staying up for a good reason
Yeah right I am sure all those pakis and somalis in Croydon and Birmingham are multi millionaires and passed and exam...
While these towns are at the mercy of female Labour MPs they are fucked. Everything will be covered up, everything will be silenced, and when its discovered there will be no punishment and nothing will change. They all know whats happening.
Now just fix the problems with the trash you have.
God Dammit Britain
Even Canada doesn't get this much rape
>EU citizens wanting to work in the UK would need a job before moving
Now if only we could do this with people from outside the EU too.
already are, I believe
I remember it used to be easy getting into Canada. Now I need a passport. Thanks 9/11...
Didn't the woman responsible for the Rotherham coverup get a cushy job paying over 100k pretty much immediately after the scandal?
If you have any sources regarding that kind of stuff or know where I could get them that would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to get the word out since most Germans still know nothing about it.
that was before the laws came into effect in april
if we let in every tom dick and harry why is callais so bad?
>tfw have dual citizenship and can move to England post-Brexit anyway
Sorry Switzerland, you may soon be replaced as my backup plan if shit goes wrong here.
Oh nice, looks like you will finally start to fix things.
Good luck, Britbros!
>Didn't the woman responsible for the Rotherham coverup get a cushy job paying over 100k pretty much immediately after the scandal?
i feel like in any society other than today's, someone like this would/should be executed
surprised no one did it to make a statement
when the usa or the uk start doing such a thing...it becomes socially acceptable so the idea might spread
Making up the numbers from elsewhere is fine if they need to have a job before they get here. People really were concerned about total and unmonitored freedom of movement from European countries.
Fuck man, I'm jealous. Also, happy for you lads, good work.
Sounds good but to be fair this is total speculation at this point. She has said nothing yet other than hinting she won't go for a points-based system.
I'll believe it when I see it.
They would, but everything from rope and plastic knives to making a fist with your hand is illegal unless your skin is brown.
Now if we can just get a word on deportations for unprofitable immigrants we'll be sound as a pound lads.
The time for soft touch liberalism is over, we are entering a return of sensible conservatism,
We abandoned justice in favor of granting human life inherent value rather than having it draw its value from its contributions towards society.
>Implying the God Empress Elizabeth isn't clinging to life just so that cuck Charles can die of ball cancer or something before he gets the crown.
I pray to God he dies soon. If the Quran is actually read at his coronation for the rest of time we will hear nothing but "Well the Quran was read when Charles was crowned so Islam is British =)" from the cucks.
Too many wogs and wops in Aus tbf
And Americucks think women can't lead.
Can we help and raze Toronto to make up for 1812 and pave the way for the new Empire?
well done UK
Do you think I'll be able to go there? I'm almost finishing my Mechanical engineering degree lads. The UK way my plan all along. If so, what are the odds for me to avoid London?
Fuck off we're full Barbosa
I am set to marry a bong next year but I hope she tightens the rules on that too, or Aahmed will just get more wives and children in through that system.
Except for Canada unless they lynch DUDE WEED man.
The 99% would rather have me than a useless uneducated scum like you.
If you want, but take out the shittier parts of philadelphia, detroit and chicago too.
Nice one Britbongs, I wish you many uncuckenings in the near future.
I honestly think she was just trolling with the Sharia comments, or was being sarcastic.
Thanks n-no uhh Belgium
Honest hard working whites > hard working non-whites >>> white weed bros > cultural enrichment from EU
To be fair, Britain seems to get very lucky with female leaders as opposed to other countries.
Its genetic, we had Helen Clark for 9 years.
>Not asking them to prove they have a job and at least £3000 in the bank to look after themselves while they wait for their paychecks
You're gonna already need a job to immigrate if you're a white European.
No such need if you're any of the millions of Muslims from the former colonies though
>good goys
fuck no. I have a nz passport and dont want the rest of the fucking uk having easy access to it. they'll fuck up everything
>leaders ever
Dont do it kid
> Thatcher 2.0
So, what industry May is killing this time? Do you even have any real industries left there?
How'd you get that?
I'm in the process of collecting up documents so I can apply for a UK ancestry visa. I'm waiting on my grandmother's birth certificate to be delivered from the UK.
Seems to have done more in 2 months than Cameron did in his career
The same applies to the rest of the world Iqbal.
No industry xD so the only way to fuck us is letting in all the shitskins.... and she seems to be against this so far.
Points based system, while it sounds good on the face of it, will just be corrupted anyway.
We already have hundreds of bogus colleges and universities here and abroad with fake classrooms, fake teachers, fake students, and fake diplomas.
She knows this because she used to run the home office.
This is why we have hundreds of thousands of "students" here... all working in curry houses and sleeping in shipping containers, or enslaved to pikeys.
I was laughing at you all
But I must say I'm not laughing now, am I?
Her slogan should be "May Brittania be Great Again"
She's actually SAVING our Steel and Agricultural industires. We're about to fucking BOOM, and not in the Islamic way either kek
God Save
>being worthwhile industry
It was subsidised to hell and back with the government essentially putting everyone on the dole but pretending they had jobs.
Come home, Welsh brother!
We're going to be needing you and your loyalty. Now is the time.
t. England.
British women look like shovels so they get redpilled early in life which makes British women better leaders. Probably
>need a job to immigrate
so... the system we already have?
m8 a 10 year old was raped in manchester this week
Is this what it's like to be a fucking schizoid?
It's literally
Right fucking now. The problem is there's no guarantee she's going to land on heads or fucking tails yet, she can still be a total bitch and iron vagina and then be like "I've done all this...which is why you wanted Brexit...so fuck Brexit right, we'll stay in the EU, but with all these lovely anti-immigration things in place" and then walk it off like a cunt. Or something.
Well, she's done some great things including fucking over that pathetic frog about the UK/France shit with Calais and whatnot...but until she triggers Article 50, she's just a piece of shit woman who wasn't elected, merely picked out from a group of fucking baboons and babies playing adults, to me.
Nope our women are still coalburning sluts, despite all of this.
Can't cross town without seeing 10 interracial couples, half of them pregnant.
And you are a butt-hurt REMAIN wanker.
Nobody cares what you think.
you have 10 kids
2 are called mohammed
the other 50 are called peter steve chris scott wayne phil will allan etc etc
thus mohammed wins..they ALL call their kids that