Poo Cult

>poo in the street
>poo on their hands
>literally look like poo
>flag is a picture of an asshole about to poo
>curry looks like diarrhea poo
>poo is part of their culture

are indians the most dangerous people to ever walk this planet?

Other urls found in this thread:


Poo tier race.

>Lost Emu War
>Being a prisoner country
>Lost to a fucking bird

Not sure who is inferior mate.

> lets poos immigrate in huge numbers

Lets be poo together.

well look what we have a dirty fucking poo skinned cunt. poo in your ass shart haired you yellow poo diahreea curry mouthed poo licking little poo arse faggot. poo face cunt

Bro. You're being a cunt, and not in the good way cunt.

How is the call centre business working out for you? Also I know you all think you speak perfect English but no one can fucking understand you, that's why whenever you try to say anything to us we all just stand there trying not to laugh, which is tough when you also reek of poo and are simultaneously revolting us.

> Can't argue back
> Slow internet
> Basically 3rd world

> Aussie intelligence
> Calling everyone through stereotypes
> Can't win Emu war

The bant wars have begun

Gonna have to concede the emu war point to you there, that was pretty fucking epic fail. Then again, you guys worship a 'Guru' who slept with underage girls to 'test his power'.

poo symapthizer detected

Indian Intellectuals
Judge other countries that don't have >SPACE PROGRAM SUPERPOWER BY 2020
Can't win a war against their own colons

He's probably a poo in Australia. 85% of pol is pajeets in white man's Home

Weren't your Christian priests not paedophile and probably secretly gay?

Have an indian kid covered in diarrhea Sup Forums

>Can't win a war against their own colons

>basically a 3rd world country

m8 you fill your main water supply with shit and dead bodies, why do you think china is starting to cut you off it

Send us your food and North Indian women, poo.

Stay the fuck out of our trains. You're stinking up the carriage

How is the whole rail system thing working out for you guys? Still standing on top of them to surf to work and are you risking the open roads and dodging sacred cows? If only you had poo powered cars, I am sure you guys are working on that though.

You mean massacre. The aussies are going after the low hanging fruits. They are vicious: the Indians can't even properly formulate a sentence.

>gurpreet masala singh posts about indian superiority from the comfort of his walled complex while people are literally shitting and dying in the street outside

top KEK

Leave poo alone. Mexican girls and food master race.

Australia is getting home from work I see

Anglo shart-in-marts:
>severly low intelligence
>ugly pink skin
>terrible teeth
>disgusting faces
>worst food in the world

Is there anything worse than being an Anglo?

Indians are very clean and bathe daily. Pic related.

yet you immigrated to an anglo country


This article has always been amazing for seeing how bad India really is:
It gets worse the further down you go

I guess it is amazing what you can get used to, especially if you don't know any better. You couldn't get me in that water at gun point. I'd rather be shot.

Don't lie, OP, this thread clearly triggered you:

after posting that it really clicked that the Aussies move in packs, they truly have the manpower to overwhelm and decimate anything they want

Have you considered it's to rule over you? Anglos have such low intelligence that it takes absolutely no effort to take their jobs and make them economic slaves.

>legitimately ordered Indian for dinner
>Ahpoo comes to the door
>Tears are streaming down my face from laughter
>Now I have to try eat dinner
>It's Indian
>All I can I can think about is poo

The defecation nations battle it out head to head

The loo may work for you, but not for me I am free. I shit in the street, I am Pajeet.


indian servers disgust me. my local nandos has a full staff of indians. and whenever i get a burger there i just cant help but think these guys got poo in it somehow

havnt ate there in a long time. because of this factor. i dont trust indians with food

At least they have a space program.


The Poo in Loo meme was funny as first, now it's just stupid.

Think of some new insults guys - this is getting boring.

>inb4 somebody says I'm Indian.

Jesus fuck nuke India NOW

You're a Paki

I(t makes me wonder if some of these poo in loo memers are Paki themselves?


Only group of people I don't have any respect for

My buddy went TDY there one time and caught Giardia. Now he has crohn's disease and a full retirement from the Army.

at least the dogs get feed, right?

Jesus. Straya used to be good at shitposting.

Doesn't matter m8, they've already taken over your shitstain of a country.

That's demonstrably untrue, but whatever helps you cope with your lot in life 'm8'

Oh sorry my mistake, I forgot you've been taken over by saleems not pajeets.

Now he's going to post a picture of something from Tower Hamlets to 'prove' he is right!

I was right.

Sure, the sight of corpses. fine. but all along the same river that you bathe in and shit??

Just so everyone knpws there are many self hating Indians living in Australia who constantly post here. It was halarious at first but there are posting since months now i wonder if they are getting paif for this?

Yep, just did you one better.

Please by all means, sit on your bathtub and pretend that Britannia still rules the waves or whatever floats your boat, while pajeets and saleems run your country, and Akhmet goes boom boom in the streets.

did you memba to poo in the loo today?

Ignore spelling mistakes using a mobile.

Do you poo in loo, Mr NRI?
You can fool sharts and europ but i can still smell you from so far away rakesh

>60% white

Outside of a few major cities Britain is VERY white, it's like saying every town in America is like Detroit?

Or perhaps like your Capital city which is MINORITY white.

Here is a picture of the Mayor from your Capital.

The only problem with the Bhopal Disaster is Union Carbide didn't gas enough of you filthy degenerate Indian poo roaches and paid far too high a price in damages for the ones they did.

In a saner, more redpilled world, Union Carbide would have gassed a hundred thousand times more of you poo niggers and we'd have paid them money to do it.

Maybe if they did they'd be enough toilets in India to go around and you monkeys might be more civilized.

Its not a meme but a stereotype. Stereotypes are usually somewhat correct. Japs are usually better at math, niggers commit more crimes and yes, there's a lot of shit in the streets of India.

Indian social standards are inferior to Australia in literally every way

Sometimes i wonder what we, as a united board, could actually achieve if we would stop with all the bantz.

>Bring up emu war
>all of the replies are from buttmad aussies

You are not going to lead anyone directly this time.

stealth poo rekt by true poo