How will Drumpf ever recover?
How will Drumpf ever recover?
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How has he not died from that infected hole in his gooch yet?
your country has internet?
Even better, people smart enough to be able to understand/write a language?
>Meme It Up!
>in his autistic mind he genuinely believes this is memeable
What is this country I'm on mobile
I'm guessing it's some nigger country
ctr shills are getting pretty desperate
Fuck off, Uganda
anything new since the gooch hole? I was reading the wiki for a while when that happened but now I've stopped caring about him again.
The fact that people like this exist makes we want to vote to MAGA even more.
Why won't he just die already?
Mobile here too, looks like Zambia, Zair or some similar God foresaken hellhole
When it comes to OPs picture, this creature needs some lessons on internetz
In the old days, we'd get a comic about Sonichu beating up Trump or something.
Fucking CWC, he can't even do the one thing people liked him for.
Have you been living under a rock, user? It's DR Congo now
On that note, why ALL niggers flags look so absolutely terrible with stupid flashy, non-matching colours, ffs just compare flag of Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, gives me a fucking cancer
Are you that white brit who lives in Uganda and fucks Ugandan negresses?
Yup. Jelly?
Nah you're allright, Im as far-right as yoy can get, but I dont care about racemixing as long as there are no kids involved, kids have to be white and thats it (2 sons here) godspeed dude
Poor Chris.
When is it going to end?
Nooooooo please don't user. He's disgusting.
Someone will post that webm of him masturbating with no dick, soon. I'm pretty sure that was him, or even just some trans person masturbating without a dick.
Thanks man, and don't worry - I'll sire no kids. Wrap it up before you slap it up.
>those levels of autism
fucking sage
I was thinking about the poster "Holy shit are you mentally ill or something!?"
Then I saw the name...
>Of living in Uganda
>And having to fuck the local fauna
I would say that's the situation in which men become monks.
he's still alive? I thought he was hospitalized for the self-inflicted wound between his legs?
> Implying English is not the easiest language in the world
You a nigger or just a sex tourist?
>tranny banter
Sup Forums, just shut it down! It's over! Trump is finished!