>I-I swear we were the g-good guys
What is going on in the heads of americans?
>I-I swear we were the g-good guys
What is going on in the heads of americans?
We still like ourselves.
Was two too few?
Nuking Japan is what caused anime to exist. We did the world a favor.
War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.The United States of America.
War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. The United States of America.
>What is going on in the heads of americans?
more people would have died in a conventional war, also facists regimes must fall for humanity to progress I hope you are aware of it.
Here's the problem, OP. The Japanese ethos was warped forever by the atomic bomb attacks during WWII. Millions of Japanese men, women, and children were forced to come to terms with the idea of an overwhelmingly powerful entity outside of their control that could wipe them out of existence without warning using unspeakable weapons. They did this, for the most part, by exploring the idea in fiction.
Godzilla is one example. Anime is another.
If the United States of America were to deploy nuclear weaponry against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and France, chances are the same thing would happen again:
More Godzillas, and more anime.
Do you think the world can really handle six animes?
In the 1980's, United States President Ronald Reagan developed an idea known as "Mutually-Assured Destruction" (MAD). This philosophy stated that war with Russia would not happen, because there was no way to wage it without both countries being destroyed. I see this same situation today. We cannot nuke more countries for fear of mutually assured destruction because they create more anime.
Thank you for your time.
Nuking japan was good. America fucked up when they stopped at 2.
We managed to get the stubborn japs to surrender and preventing the soviet union from taking over japan.
Great book.
Dont you have a bull to prep at diversity class hans?
We made so many goddamn Purple Hearts in preparation for a conventional invasion of Japan that we STILL haven't run out. The slanty little bastards had it coming.
america is a good boy he dindu nuffin...he was on his way to church an sheeit
evil japs jumped in the way of them nukes
What's the problem?
In total war, the workers and civilians are just as guilty as the soldiers and leaders.
One makes the weapons
One educates the future soldiers
One makes the food for the system
One leads
One fights
Easy answer Muhammad, a conventional invasion would have cost more lives, also we underestimated the bombs.
lmao. did you even read a wikipedia arcticle about WW2?
If you boys had been able to hang on for long enough in WWII, we woulda dropped one of them fuckers on you too. America will straight up liberate your ass with fire. Emperor wasn't so divine after that shit.
said the germany who killed more than 80 million people.
Why so you lose everything but take out a few cities in the process?
a bit of residual radiation
High command projected casualties at 500k, while up to this point some 380k amurricans died total in war.
No wonder they tried the bomb
i know they were some sort of authoritarian.
Say the shit about what the japs did.
I cant understand problem with nukes at all. This is the fucking war, you drop bombs at your enemy during war, biggest bombs are not exception.
Bombing civilians? Everyone did this in WW2, nothing special about USA doing it.
Sometimes you will have people who reject any sort of cooperation so you have to make them cooperate
Also more people died in conventional fire bombing of tokyo than in Nagasaki + Hiroshima combined.
If anything this show of force was the humanitarian way out for the japs too.
This, the japs were going to fight to the last man woman and child needlessly. Dropping the bombs was a humanitarian act
All these people who says it would have costed more lives.. War was already over it was just a way to show Stalin you had the atomic bomb
You obviously dont know a thing about the pacific theater or the fighting that went on there
We're not cucked enough to turn our nation into a caliphate, that's whats "wrong".
Hirohito claimed tho, that they were on the verge of surrendering, even without the bombs. "Till the last unborn kitten!" is only baseless justification. I'm not demonizing America, war is war. Atleast don't try to paint your self a saint.
Nice logic there poopyhead.
At this point our level of shame of the leftist agenda attempting to destroy our country has not risen to the absolute degeneracy of germany.
Its not painting america as a saint, its how fucking hard the japanese fought. Nobody wanted to send more kids to the meatgrinder. Plus after shit like the rape of nanking and the bataan death march fuck em turnabout is fairplay
The winner writes the history. That's why they celebrate Lincoln and that's why they celebrate the "good war".
Nope. You will settle for turning it into Mexico 2.0 instead.
Our lives were worth more than theirs. (To us.)
i dont think you understand what favor means
>Be Germany
>Getting fucked daily in the ass by refugees
>Go talk shit on an American image board about the world war we lost
Tell me more hanz
The same thing that goes trough their mind when invading countrys for destabilsation and oil or when financing terror organisations.
They want full control and a one world government shadow democracy under the rule of the UN aka USA.
They dont care about anything remotly humans as long as the pedro dollar and their global supremacy is under decline.
100+ years ago as the USA were a white country under the rule of german and french decendents the USA had a foreign policy of "I dont give a fuck" or "freedom of the people and their states" but then they discovered how much many they could earn with war and related industries, hence since then they torn war upon the world.
There wont be peace with the corrupted government they have at the moment in the world.
AMERICANS and true patriots I say DARE to use your constitutional rights to abolish your evil and corrupted government. Your democracy perveted as did your leaders long time ago. You were once a country of felicity and greatness but now there is nothing left but a sophisticated scam.
Free yourself, your founding fathers foresaw that this would coming and granted you the rights to stop it.
Japan accepted their evils, apologised and regretted it, while Americans still parade their civilian microwaving. That is the difference.
America would have lost of it wasn't for their nukes. If you're interested, the Einstein kike mailed the president saying they should use nukes then was "OMG IM SORRY I SHOULDVE NOT DONE IT".
reminder japan was willing to negotiate an end to the war if they got to keep their emperor as the head of state, but that wasnt enough for The Great Satan who went ahead and dropped two nuclear bombs on civilian cities
Finland am I right ladies and gentlemen
>America would have lost of it wasn't for their nukes.
Lost what?
[spoiler] NOT AN ARGUMENT [/spoiler]
>Nice logic there poopyhead
Proper intellectual discussion on Sup Forums.
Thanks Finland.
How could USA lost when it was Japan that had no resources for war?
Why do I need an argument for your baseless statement faggot? Go back to Sup Forums or put effort into your shitposts
Stupid statements receive stupid replies.
The war. They were using good tactics rather than wasting resources. If they got Americans on their land, they would have easily killed them all.
There is nothing to argue? Hirohito gave an official apology for the japans war horrors, while Obama refused to even concider. Same mindset seems to be with American citicens. Or atleast shitposters of that origin.
>Having ANYTHING to do with WWII
>its how fucking hard the japanese fought
>20k american died
>77k - 110k japs died
>up to 50% of civilians died
And Japs were having the defenders advantage, and massive fortifications.
If anything they did not fight hard enough, If Okinawa was defended by the Germans american losses would be much worse.
The vicious fuckers just declined to surrender. If anything, since 1944 they were a nation equivalent of black knight from monty python.
I can't really argue with that, but you're lowering yourself to the level of that BoDangus.
try to destroy/enslave us again.
> good tactics
like kamikaze that was ussles but they wanted to show how badass they are, kek.
>The war.
You mean Japan would have defeated America?
>They were using good tactics rather than wasting resources. If they got Americans on their land, they would have easily killed them all.
Fire-bombing cities or nuking them is great stuff. Here is another trick for not wasting "resources": Stay home!
No American official has ever aknowmedged Americas warcrimes that have happened and are happening. I understand America's overly patriotic mentality, but it blinds you from critical thinking.
>I'm just gonna keep cranking that projection crank
It's 3 AM, I'm going to bed.
Enjoy being a fin
> anime
> favor
So, it was you bastards, who brought this curse upon us
War is the health of the state. You can't just stop the propaganda.
well to be fair that's more than an anime fan, there's fucking ponies in the background
>good tactics
Like what ?
>Kamikaze charges
>conscripting every man and most woman
>using children as suicide bombers
>forcing civilians to commit suicide
i knew it. I knew the bombs created anime. We should've wiped those slanty eyed chink bastards completely off the map. If there was no anime, there would be no Sup Forums, and then we would all be contributing to society right now, instead of shitposting incessantly.
Ok, here's no-pony version
Unit 731
should have listened to our leaflets and evacuated their cities if they wanted to live
Not a projection. Finland has paid reparations for russia after lost war, never received ones. You have only bantered and dodged every point i've made. Be a blind patriot and eat more GMO's [spoiler]:^)[/spoiler]
Army forbade them, they conscripted all man, many woman and a lot of the children, and then forced many to commit suicide.
In 2007 Japanese government tried to change history by saying that army "only gave civilians granades" and did not force or encourage anything. What resulted was 120k people protest, largest in Okinawa history.
Okinawians are more salty towards their own government over this then towards americans in the end
>should have listened to our leaflets and evacuated their cities if they wanted to live
The ones that were dropped after the bombs?
time to drop a few more
Most Americans are not concerned with the nukes. Those that are generally know that it was the right decision. Hell, even many Japanese know it was the right decision. The racism of liberals never ceases to amaze me. They actually perpetuate the myth that the Japanese were weak and would surrender. That is racist. The Japanese would not have given in.
Nevar 4getty
>nukes are bad
>fails to mention the ruthless firebombing that killed more than both nukes combined
The nukes weren't that bad desu
>y-you should have k-killed them my way it would be better
At least with nukes it was all over in a flash
better to be unapologetic than cucked 4ever like germany
Two nukes gave us anime.
Honestly, we might have not gone far enough.
Yes, berlin is waiting.
>fund the communists
>bankrupt your allies
>commit war crimes on your enemies
American """""people""""""
A shame you piss weak losers lost before murica had the tech to nuke you
>niggerjaps attack glorious Freedomland first
>wahhhhh y r u nuking us?
^_____^ lmao get rekt slant eyed faggots
>Use the only two melted nuke survivors as propaganda.
>Forget about 100k+ wounded veterans with PTSD and missing legs
this gave me a good laugh
What he said. Only after I return to my grandparents
shoulda nuked em one more time
They had their chance to surrender. Its like the Battle of Berlin.
Two bombs were needed.
Japs were the ISIS of the 20th Century
I see nothing wrong, this is how you win against an empire, an almost guaranteed win is never give up, and all out force and tactics.
Although I really have respect for the japs, takes a lot of will to, what was it?3 days? For them to surrender, as well as their national pride, very remarkable.
And to go off trail a bit, the Christmas truce was bullshit, if they were smart they would've tricked the other side into believing they were being peaceful for the day/night and just fucking slaughter them while their guard is down
If we had not nuked the Japs and tamed them, the Chinese would have exterminated them
Two nukes put the God on a leash
The way you treat your veterans with problems, while fanwanking armed forces ti 11, is probably the most dishartening thing about you America senpai
>italy with a dildo
makes me chuckle every time
They aren't going to have a legitimate reply to this.
>Rape of Nanking
>Unit 731
>Use of chemical weapons
>Torture / Executions of P.O.Ws
Probably a few more things in the broader aspect I forgot to mention.
Nukes were a necessity to break Japans warrior code in case of mainland invasion.
tl;dr Go fuck yourself