What the fuck is this movie about...

What the fuck is this movie about? All I hear is that it's based on the Bible but what actually happens and why is it receiving so much hate?

Is the writing and acting very bad?

Nah. It's a masterpiece. You're better off just watching without knowing anything. It is the most incredible feeling discovering this movie. Most people just couldn't handle what hit them.

I heard it's kino

It's very good, but you should get off of Sup Forums and form your own opinion yourself.

It's a hell of a ride from a director with a clear vision, even if it comes with a bit of pretension.

>but what actually happens
thread from yesterday talking about it

Best film of the year so far, without a doubt. It's best to see it not knowing anything beforehand. What a fucking ride.

from what i heard it sounds like tree of life, witch was shit, but fooled everyone not knowledgeable in kinolodgy

>deep pretentious movie
>cast normie's fav actress: JLaw
how fucking stupid do you have to be

It's a genius way to trick normies into watching pure kinography. There is nothing more satisfying than witnessing all the walkouts when watching a great film.

This, it was obviously intentional along with the misleading trailer

>Stacy to other Stacies outside the theater after the film: Which one of you picked out this movie?

Had to run into the bathroom because I couldn't contain my laughter.

The hardest part for me was watching all those faggots being mean to jlaw for no reason at all. Especially those two fucks who kept sitting their asses on the sink even though she asked them not to. What the fuck.

Get a load of these cůcks. Your wife's son needs you to change another diaper.

but thats how men treat women all the time. dont whine about, change things in the real world.

>why is it receiving so much hate?

Its very disturbing movie and if something makes people feel uncomfortable they automatically hate it.

What the fuck are you even about.

Women are getting so triggered by this movie it almost makes me want to go and watch it

wtf is wrong with women? This movie made me feel really bad for all the women in the world who have been trampled over since forever.

>It's pretentious therefore it's good
it's the least subtle and least interesting arthouse movie I've ever seen, the metaphor is so overt there is no reason for it to exist, it could have been a movie about God, mother earth and jesus christ directly and it would have made no difference
If you really need to watch an arthouse take on christianity I'd much rather suggest the last temptation of christ

Except it was about humans, god, mother earh and jesus were there only for the show.

Still no reason for it to be a metaphor since the extra layer is so thin and superficial that it has no reason to exist

Separate question for those who have seen it: in a couple years, do you think this film will be critically re-evaluated and all the criticism will be forgotten about?

There was no extra layers. It was stories from the bible mixed with more universal stories. Only reason people are talking about the bible references is because so many people seemed to completely miss it and not understand the scenes.


See: A Clockwork Orange

Ah okay.

Off topic but I watched A Clockwork Orange recently for the first time and I fucking loved it.

Yes I can see it becoming a modern classic once the dust has settled

Jennifer Lawrence is a shit actress and a shit person

Yes. It's a good movie. Might not be the modern classic, but a worthy entry in his filmography.

Whatever you say Darren

A horror movie is disturbing? Rahhhh that makes me angry!

that's such a fucking stupid interpretation of that scene. Like you're not even allowed to show violence against women which is allegedly a rampant problem in this supposedly patriarchal society? fuck off

I am seriously considering seeing this in the cinema at a late afternoon session due to all the anger I am reading about it. I am going to end up watching it eventually I guess and on the big screen I am sure would be better than on a shitty camrip.

What do?

Also fuck the poster for spoiling the ending for me but I still am intrigued. well all I know is that a baby gets snapped apparently

It barely is a horror movie though, the tone is very different. It's a movie that is design to make you feel bad and it very much succeeds.

See it in theaters. This sounds like a movie that deserves to make some money for being too edgy for dumb cunts.

I just watched the trailer and the bit where hundreds are running to the house scared me in a claustrophobic "nowhere to hide" sense. May be actual kino

>movie is about the terrible way women are treated (especially Mother Earth)
>women can't grasp this


For a fictional film, it's hilarious seeing all these feminists lose their shit yet when someone makes a film based on real events like pic related where hundreds of woman are raped and their babies snapped in half on a daily basis in Africa, no one gives a shit.

The scene with the baby is going to make most normies absolutely hate this movie

>movie is about the terrible way women are treated (especially Mother Earth)
WAIT so is this actual biblical or about mother nature's violence?

Haven't read all the spoilers cos dont want to ruin everything but supposedly this has an adam and eve feel?

It is a very nauseating movie, lots of closeups, no wide angles whatsoever, filmed almost entirely from the jlaw's POV who never gets out of the house in the movie.

I also loved the sound design. They clearly paid a lot of attention to that, considering there's barely any soundtrack.

Darren knows his shit, it's a very solid movie.

>"What is the point of a horror movie if it doesn't challenge your perspective"
I will always remember these words an user said here a few days ago. He's unironically right you know.

What's the point of a horror/thriller feature if it doesn't challenge your morality?

Sucks to see a movie which sounds like it is finally doing something Hollywood never does and of course everyone is hating it because they are so used to the usual formula.

Apparently Kubrick's The Shining got negative press when it was released and I am not surprised.

Americans are so pathetic when it comes to horror cinema. You are better off moving to Europe if you want to live around actual artistic people.

Is it supernatural at all? Please no fake flying and jumpscares. Annoyed of those

There's a bunch of allegories all thrown together. Some of the allegories deal with Genesis and then the New Testament. Some of the allegories deal with the way humans treat the environment. I guess at its base it's about how humans rebel against and then destroy their creator, whether that creator be God, their mothers or the earth itself.

The sound design is lowkey one of the best parts of the movie. Some of it is so exaggerated and comedic (in an absolutely pitch black dark way) that it kind of reminded me of Tim and Eric's sound design, and I mean that as a compliment. It's very unnerving.

No jumpscares or violins going REEE suddenly whatsoever. It's not a horror movie, if anything Aro made a big budgeted edgy parable yet again.

What the fuck are you doing in this spoilerino thread anyways.

Its the history of humans being dicks. Starting from genesis and ending somewhere in the future.

>Jennifer Lawrence
No thanks

>What the fuck are you doing in this spoilerino thread anyways.

Jesus makes a reference?

Aronofsky is boning her, that's why he cast her.

Jesus gets killed

It's definitely a horror movie. In the same way Rosemary's Baby is a horror movie.

>mfw horror is starting to become kino again

HOLY SHIT HOW COULD YOU SPOIL IT... i suppose he is the baby? nahhh I think u misinterpreted the movie wrong since everyone has their own interpretations on what's happening

There's a baby that JLaw gives birth to that is supposed to be Jesus and the people in the house snap its neck and eat it while it pisses in fear

>while it pisses in fear

Also, how is this movie out yet? it's not out in my country until tomorrow and also if it just came out, how do u know all this unless u saw it which I find surprising since I thought Sup Forums never watched movies

It came out Friday in the US, or at least in major cities

It's a redpill on 3rd world immigration into 1st world countries.

Saw it yesterday in theater. Duh.

The acting is shit esp by jlaw. I think this is a shill thread Sup Forums never cared about movies getting hate this much.

>CinemaScore gave it an F

Fucking triggered plebs

Plebs on redditbox are praising it.

Because it's actually a masterful film that reactionaries can't appreciate because reactionaries have historically never been able to into art.

>veteran actors doing their best
jlaw was just her usual jlaw. If anything this is her best role in years.

This seems accurate.

>Let one guy in
>Oh no he has a wife? I didn't know that
>WHAT HE HAS FRIENDS? Thought it was just him
>Oh well
>Oh no they are raping me now and killing my child

>The IMDB Reviews & Ratings page

No not really its getting a mix

>mother represents the average European who looks on in horror at the chaos brought by the immigrants but is too limp wristed to actually do anything about it until it is too late

>Well, for one, I DID NOT want to see an infant child (literally born 2 minutes ago) get it's spine snapped and then viciously torn apart and eaten by a sobbing/angry mob
>This movie gave me a migraine just trying to figure out what was going on
>It literally explains nothing and gives you a constant sense of confusion that never leaves
>If you hate loud noises (I.e loud ringing, screaming, scratching) to the point you feel like your ears are going to bleed, then you'll 100000% hate this movie
>It does not scare you, it does not give you a feeling of dread. If anything at all, you'll just want to throw up in a box and mail it to the director

kek normies fucking hate it

>why is it receiving so much hate?
anti-marketing campaign.

>Well, for one, I DID NOT want to see an infant child (literally born 2 minutes ago) get it's spine snapped and then viciously torn apart and eaten by a sobbing/angry mob
That is symbolic of cannibalism back centuries ago

...also because it's a movie telling Christians that their God is a psychopath and that humans are raping the planet to death.

>...also because it's a movie telling Christians that their God is a psychopath
Well God did completely kill millions of babies in the flood, he condemns billions to burn forever in hell with no forgiveness as God and Jesus watch their flesh burn off in the fire and then their flesh regrows and the process repeats.

...and yet Christians say Satan is the bad guy.

I forgot the name but there is a group of people that believe God only selects a certain few to save whilst majority will go to Hell. These people believe from birth God has chosen a select few so no matter how you live, you will go to Hell.

Oh yeah I remember now... Calvinism is the term for this barbaric horrible belief system.

Pretentious nonsense
Aranofsky is trying to sell you "DUDE I'M DOING ART LMAO" so you buy that to make yourself seem clever or you don't.

Or you could just go the Gnostic route and say that YHWH is actually an evil space demon.

Basic gestalt -
>Javier Bardem is God, JLaw is Mother Nature or Earth
>God creates Mother Nature/Eden
>a guy who's a fan of Bardem and his wife (Adam and Eve) come to their house
>Piss off JLaw and break God's crystal they weren't supposed to touch
>more and more people come into the house, including the couple's two sons (Cain and Abel)
>fucking references to hell and plagues and shit everywhere
>house is full of people worshipping Bardem
>JLaw has a baby (Jesus) who the guests kill then start eating
>JLaw loses her shit and burns the house down
>Bardem takes her heart to create a new Mother Nature.

tl;dr if you have the most basic familiarity with bible this shit will hit you over the head like a sledge hammer.

>the Gnostic route
I don't believe the Gnostic Gospels paint Yahweh as evil. You are thinking of another book written after 1st century or maybe I am the one thinking of the usual Gnostic Gospels like secret book of John.

I do remember a book written saying how Old Testament isn't from Jesus but forgot what it is called.

There was a short book written a decade ago by an anonymous guy called "The Old Serpent Chained" where he argues that Jesus rebukes the Old Testament God.

All Christians believe that.

>All Christians believe that.
No they don't. Some Christians believe everyone is saved no matter who you are but Calvinists believe only a select few are saved.

I've seen Christian debates where Calvinists (with their evil vile beliefs) try to argue that God doesn't love everyone.

Fucking horrible people

I went to a Christian church where the pastor said God loves everyone and he even gives sinners and non worshippers gifts of their own.

That really got me thinking

>>a guy who's a fan of Bardem and his wife (Adam and Eve) come to their house

Don't forget that Ed Harris shows up first and we get a shot of a scar on his ribs while he is taking a shower. The next day Michelle Pfeiffer (his wife) shows up and breaks Bardem's crystal.

>Don't forget that Ed Harris shows up first and we get a shot of a scar on his ribs while he is taking a shower.
What's this meant to mean?

Depends on the Gnostic sect. Some think the Demiurge created evil itself. Others, like Platonists, don't think the Demiurge is evil but rather that the material world it created is the way it is because it only had pre-existing chaotic matter to work with or some shit.

God took a piece of Adam's rib to create Eve.

>Some Christians believe everyone is saved no matter who you are but Calvinists believe only a select few are saved.
All Christians believe that a select few are saved by God. It's in the Bible. The term used is "the remnant" or "the elect".
>I've seen Christian debates where Calvinists (with their evil vile beliefs) try to argue that God doesn't love everyone.
In the Bible, humans have rebelled against God. The reason Christ was necessary was because Man committed a crime against God.
So firstly, God's love in Calvinism is affirmed - God gave everything to people who deserved nothing. He saved the guilty. Secondly, why does God have to love everyone? Do you love everyone?

you can just watch narnia for religious allegory and then you don't have to watch aronofsky beat up his girlfriend

That's right. I forgot to say even the characters' names is a massive hint, Bardem is Him, JLaw is Mother, Harris is Man etc.

Tbf it blows my mind that this film could go over the head of any westerner.

>Tbf it blows my mind that this film could go over the head of any westerner.

I'd wager that most European audiences will get it. Mouthbreathing, poorly educated Protestant American audiences though? Not so much.

Paradise Lost explains the ways of God to men. Or tries to, anyway. It is so fucking ripe for a movie it hurts. But the tech still isn't there to do eitger the war or Eden justice.

>uwe boll

This. Would have been better if it was more subtle and had a single ounce of originality.

Nope. Everybody will forget about this movie in a year.

This is embarrassing. If you think "Mother!" Is a deep film your standards are painfully low.

>immigrants are brought there because of his husband which represents the literary leftist elite


Yep, it's drumpf.

Nothing is deep. And he said masterful.


Can't fool me, cryptoshill

If you want masterful watch The Fountain

David Lynch lite...nothing impressive here.

Except jlaws thiccness and nips.

I actually liked it. The first half is pretty creepy and it goes crazy in a good way in the second half.
Only the last few minutes were kinda shit with terrible CGI. Also JLaw's tits.



Sup Forums has an erection for Lynch. Lynchfags are a virus on Sup Forums now.