Turks and muslims bashing thread
Turks and muslims bashing thread
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Gypsy hate thread.
literally everything wrong in the world right now
oh i see one butthurt amerifat over there.
yeah i wish i was the very vermin underneath his toes too >:(
oh there comes the australian, sorry did you say gallipoli?
next time bring your rubber duck.
Which kind of muslims?
Can't wait for next coup, 300 Turkish deaths isn't enough,
I hope you get buried under frogs amk
memes aside, can any turk explain the concept of turanism
is it literally just "we wuz oghuz n sheit"?
turkish women
not even once
A roach is still a roach even with makeup.
She actually looks very nice without the makeup.
They don't belong in roachland, why haven't they left yet?
do kid pics prove she's a girl?
>is it literally just "we wuz oghuz n sheit"?
agree to disagree
The statics posted on pages like jewpedia about the percentage of Turks that are faggots and/or mentally disabled are wayyy off. It's actually like 70% of the entire population. It's a good thing they have those devastating earthquakes in Ankara every few years to flatten out these roaches in their sub par dung heaps they call "buildings" or Western countries in Europe would be overwhelmed by these smelly parasites jumping the borders.
Thankfully based totally democratic Erdogan instituted oppressive internet controls so message boards like these ones are most free of the smelly Turk roaches.
>Aussie still butthurt about gallipoli
At least Turks are hard working people unlike you parasite fucks who beg for living.
Aussies may have lost the battle, but Turks lost the war.
type ctrl+f in your browser, this will bring up the search function. now look for that place name you mentioned and see how what flags are discussing it. bait harder m8.
Fuck off. Romania is a lovely country.
They know how to treat gypsies, if you know what I mean.
Sort your flag out, leaf.
Do you even respect Her Majesty? She is weeping for you French twats.
You fuckers had best sort your flag out.
For fuck's sake. Pic is the correct flag of Canada.
well the one half of Turks in Germany are hypocritic "pseudoniggers" who still say "ham is haram" while drinking,fucking,smoking weed, and going to betting offices.
And the other half are fanatic Erdoğan supporters.
i don't know which one are worse
yeah basically
Cant wait for the next emu war
Armenian genocide was the best thing we did tbqh
They are lesser jews
And dead jews are the best jews
>butthurt sub-roach.
>butthurt shat in the mart
then go say that in the street and see how many of your countrymen deny it.
cant wait for the bugspray nuke.
ataturk was a cocksucker you unhonourable pieces of shit.
From the Turks I've met most seem okay. Same with Iranians, they seem to be level headed people. The ones who are cancerous as fuck are the North Africans, East Africans, and Arabs. Man are they annoying fucks.
muslim blood will pour down the steps of the hagia sophia when we reclaim it.
The ones that deny it are the cucks
Im proud that my race killed those lesser jews
Also Ataturk handed his dick to you at the gallipoli so i can understand why you are butthurt
fuck off cenk
Turks are the worst arabs
turkey is a melting pot. you can find any etnicity in this country. my mother had turkic eyes but my father doesnt for example.
Butthurt about an emu war? Your argument is the equivalent to a 6 years olds.
>You're stupid.
>No you are!
Also its shart not shat.
You know it's true Achmed, it's one of the reasons Arabs have an inferiority complex with Iranians and Turks. If they left Islam, they'd still have a culture.
i headbutted a turk who tried to steal our clothes at a beach in bulgaria
what a fucking rat he was
i would gladly walk to rome today if it meant i could put you to the sword
Turkey is Greek, Armenian, Kurdish and Georgian territory
>2000 Australians die of skin cancer alone each year
Hahhaha. Careful, don't get beheaded in the sharia zone.
I'm afraid I need to agree with the roach on this one, the only thing you sand niggers really did wrong was not finishing the job properly.
Every time I hear about some sort of armo over in the US on the news or whatever, it makes my blood boil.
Of course he doesn't, just take a good look at his eyes.
i fucking hate this country. ataturk wouldn't bother if he saw these people right now. literally a fucking shithole. any possibility of optimism is gone. fucking hell.
At least we did not lose to A FUCKING BIRD
>d-deus vult
they all smell like shit and they all follow the cancer that is islam
even after they wash they still smell like garbage
they literally sweat shit
I'm actually curious how did Turkey even become Muslim? Seems like the only gripe with your country is the fact your Muslim. So can any turks explain how your country became muslim?
Wow wow we got a badass over there
Show me your sword and armor collection boi
I bet you sleep without a nightlight too
you know that "roach maymay" triggers literally no one amerifat right? call us arabs if you want to truly offend us.
Right ? instead of those dead walks they shoulda just executed them right there
Seljuk conquest of Byzantine Anatolia?
none exist
literally a meme. they spread posters and everytime it gets shut down
arabs killed us and forced it in turks. so the reatard muslim turks are proud of being oppressed into a religion and lfrgetting their old ways. mulim turks are the ultimate cucks.
Arabs came and said "Hey guise we hate dem pig fuckas too, letz work togatha niggus durka durka"
So before that they were Christian? So basically we all hate Turkey because they are muslim?
you are human garbage.
I mean be a bigger man and just accept it.
>7 billion people
>born a turkroach
are you proud of who are? I can imagine nothing more pathetic than a proud turk.
why the fuck do they flood europe if Erdogan is the top roach king they all adore?
we wuz ottomans
But Brits are ugly. I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Sup my Arab muslim friend
I think the religion of the Byzantine Empire was Orthodox Christianity, I'm sure someone knows for certain
Man I get this weird feeling that if Muhammad never existed. We wouldn't have, so much hate towards the middle east. They'd just be sand people doing sand stuff. I mean Christianity is a sand nigger religion that managed to cuck Europeans. It seems Islam wants that throne now.
Why are you such little roaches?
God I can smell those savages through the picture.
The Armenian Genocide was real.
There was a good summary yesterday. Shame I didn't save it. Funny thing is converting to islam was an advancement for Turks. They were literally living in their own filth before then.
Do turks even have a reason to exist?
They smell, they're ugly, they're not clever, their country is shit, everything they do is ugly, smelly and shit.
How does a turk live with himself?
Obviously it's with Islam, that teaches him he holds some sort of worth (lel) but other than that...
We should just shut all borders with the east and close them off. And take all their fucking oil so they can't pretend to be relevant.
Fucking germans, why are they such cucks, letting in millions of turks to take them over?
I love this!
That pic is all sorts of wrong. Turks are manlets though.
And I can smell that shart through your post
WTF, I'm 1.83.
Genetic test indicates I'm mostly South European...
my skin is white.
I am the superior being.
>german defending turkroaches
you need not say anything else, Mehmet.
Turks aren't Arabs. Persians aren't Arabs. Berbers aren't Arabs. Know your geography.
>non country
>landlocked little bitch
>not multi-terrained
>no military
>no nukes
Kek your jelly is mad visible
This is the summary of turkish history.
>live in todays altai steppes, fuck chinas shit up with your buddies manchurians and mongols
>one day make a huge empire called the celestial turks that include all the altaic races
>shit happens, the empire gets split in two people start migrating west
>avars find the avar khaganet in todays hungary, bulgarians find the bulgarian empire in todays ukraine, khazars convert to judaism and found the khazar empire in the pontic steppes, and oghuz (this is us the turkish turks) find the kangar union in todays khazakistan, also there's bunch of little turkish tribes all over the middle asia and todays russia
>time passes bunch of turkish empires get founded and fall and then kara khanids convert to islam, turks in middle asia start converting too
>seljuk converts from judaism to islam and invades persia founding the seljuks
>seljuks kick byzantiums shit in and find the seljuk sultanate of anatolia
>anatolian sultanate explodes turning into bunch of little turkish states
>ottomans grow huge and become the big empire we all know
>they fall and atatürk founds todays turkey
pasta i saved some time ago
first half is general turkish behaviour rather than islamic. some chinese sources say turks weren't into eating swine even before the islam.
also they don't argue that drinking, betting or fucking without marriage isn't haram. especially drinking just has much more roots in turkish culture that can be acceptable by society in moderate amounts. and why do you call them hypocrites, mr mohammad?
get your shit straight kiddo. ataturk was kind of a cuck about armos too. he had nothing to do with the extermination and he said it was such a shameful act done to armenians in his journals.
he was rather cool with killing radical muslims whether they be turks or kurds tho, which makes him not so much of a cuck.
I never pretended to be German in the first place, detective.
White skin is just a result of a lack of vitamin D3 due to less sunshine exposure.
I have white skin, too, but that's nothing special at all. I don't see how one could be proud of one negligible physical feature like that. You're still ugly though.
Ataturk did make you stop reading Dune Runes.
lads,i know a girl recently i found out she date a muslim from egyptian ancestry,i'm starting to hate her now,i always made fun of arabs/mudzlims in front of her she got mad but idk why,NOW I KNOW WHY!! and i'm fuckin pissed what should i do whites.
>take all their fucking oil
We don't even have oil. That summarizes your depth of knowledge about us.
>Fucking germans, why are they such cucks, letting in millions of turks to take them over?
Their birthrates would be even lower without turkish bull cucking them.
>(((I have white skin, too)))
true dat.
take all her fucking oil
and turkish :)
pic related
>no millitary
>not multi-terrained
You're fucking Pakistan man, why would I be jelly? You're a synonym for a poor, shit country.
>We don't even have oil. That summarizes your depth of knowledge about us.
I was talking in general about the east. Just take the oil and build giant walls everywhere
>Their birthrates would be even lower without turkish bull cucking them.
Well yeh, they are gigantic fucking cucks.
But a Turkish bull? A nation of fucking skinny manlets with unibrows?