I'm a full time wageslave, it took me whole summers worth of free time to make this little 2 minute video about pic related guy and pic related girl. I am posting it here because i really hope atleast few of you will enjoy it, because if you don't probably no one will.
Made a music video about pic related
nice job
you did good son
i really tried. definition of tryhard
wts is a sexual revolution?
i made it 7 seconds
its when slut shaming doesnt work anymore, religion dies out, no has any morals left, so everyone fucks everyone they can, like free for all. Tinder generation
the precursor to this
no one*
But, according to OP pic, men have become sluts.
>taking years to edit a shitty meme clip
pls mane
nice work Donny. i like the Queen vibes.
men just remained men
took ages to find decent looking hooker who agrees to be filmed , gotta respect that man lol
thank you man
>Everybody does what they want to with no harm to 3th persons.
Well done.
>no harm to 3th persons.
it damages society deeply
Isn't that just you being after attractive girls? I'm a lot worse looking than Pajeet in the clip and I have
ugly girls on me constantly.
having a hard time believing you filmed that. The quality drops from quality video clip to high school presentation credits
>whatever I do affects only me
the quintessential liberal fallacy
Tinder is precisely the kind of cultural apocalypse that the ancients dreaded when they made up religion and monogamy to control women. Their work is COMPLETELY undone. I imagine that one of main talking points of the cultural upheaval that will occur within the next few generations will be the banning of social media technology.
Exquisite kino.
The entire basis of western society was the male agreement to keep only 1 women, so that every male has near equal chance at reproduction. It's for this reason that organized and advanced civilizations have always needed to agree on the equitable distribution of women, so as to incentivize it's men to produce and have a stake in the society's health and well-being.
One word: Nolanesque
taigi kurva pepisim galva tau tuoj D:
Are you asking for some social justice? system of redistribution for those who lost in free competition?
>The quality drops from quality video clip to high school presentation credits
Sorry, what?
Bybi perpisi Donkratai :^)
p.s. pochui visai videjus
major props that you actually made something unlike 95% of the people here
however the cuts are far too rapid to really let the concept digest, the reverse hurt the quiet moment, should have just had the ambience of the night and cars passing by, at most a hi-pass filtered version of the song playing at low volume in the background, as if at a distance, and also I inherently dislike the 80-20 harping because so many men look at it as though it is women's fault when it weak men who allowed them to be like this in the first place. If you understand this then bravo, but its hard for me to watch something based on this without being reminded of the warped beta perspective of "FUCK ROASTIES REEE" when it is really men's fault to begin with for being so weak
Well done lad. Make a thread on r9k they love this sort of thing.
>socialism is the basis of western society.
you could argue that women raise weak men
No, Christianity is.
nice video user
(Just some minor details: the filter at 1:07 when the format changes isnt over the whole format, dont know if thats intentional, also the music stopping at 1:39 was too abrupt, and felt a little off)
>should have just had the ambience of the night and cars passing by, at most a hi-pass filtered version of the song playing at low volume in the background
actually this is what i tried at first, it didnt work for me, sorta destroyed the flow and then couldnt pick up itself properly to end nicely.
there is no contradiction here
>the filter at 1:07 when the format changes isnt over the whole format, dont know if thats intentional
yes that was intentional, tried experimenting with the shot, somehow this was effective for me so i left it that way.
ok nevermind, im proud of you
Forgettable, pithy, and downright gay. You've picked a subject for emotionless, bitter beta males while using a medium that appeals solely to wine moms and normalfags. What a blundering idiot you must be.
Free market is the entire basis of western society.
We just needs remove the pink column from the equation entirely.
Except to the degree that socialism invariably attempts to replace and destroy Christianity.
dude, i just heard this cover of the song, and the images came to me, it happens all the time with the music i like, but most of the time the images that come would require me high budget to produce, this was actually possible to make with no money and looked really nice in my head so i decided to run with it.
>everyone should have nearly equal chance at X
Literally SJW lvl of social politics.
I understand that, but it presents itself like a fever dream. There isn't a cogent story being told. Use that big brain of yours and improve.
weak men create single mothers
no matter what, it comes back to the sex that is supposed to be dominant and in control, losing dominance and control.
Where is contradiction here? Christianity leads as to make system of redistribution therefore christianity is socialist.
What the fuck was the story here retard
I cannot compete in a free market the thread.
Random non sequiturs flashing images, culminating in being lonely I guess lmao
>If you understand this then bravo, but its hard for me to watch something based on this without being reminded of the warped beta perspective of "FUCK ROASTIES REEE" when it is really men's fault to begin with for being so weak
the point i was trying to make that ultimately this shit damages both men and women, and the guy who gets no sex and the girl who can get all the sex are the same coin just different sides.
lower your standards, fatties
Is there any empirical evidence for this?
i was getting vibes of that, showing the lonliness of both sides. i just meant its hard for me to watch something like this without thinking about the mgtow losers who will whine about it only being one way. you took a fairly reasonable approach
>Losers don't reproduce
>weak men who allowed this
>strong men are alpha
>alpha men leave women behind by definition
>therefore alpha men created single mothers, which created weak men
check mate
>strong men
>create good times
>good times
>create weak men
>weak men
>create bad times
>bad times
>create strong men
Guess where we're at
By the looks of it we're in the "learning how to format a post" phase.
shitposting times
>responding weapons-grade philosophical insight with meme nu-male infographics
I can meme arrow all day long
we don't need "strength" anymore bigot, universal basic income is coming and we will live in a mixed race utopia with awesome superhero movies get with the times white nazi
We are at the begining of bad times and soon all become strong men?
There was no Chads in the past?
>alpha men by definition leave behind women
by yor weak warped perspective of what it means to be alpha maybe
once again, you have let yourself be a weak man by beliveiving a "strong man" doesnt maintain a family unit and raise a child and be faithful to his woman
stop trying, it ALL comes back to the sex that is supposed to be in control, losing control
whether to the jews, to women, to hippies, to the nwo, even nature itself whatever the fuck. You need to acknowlege that if things are going wrong for the sex once completely dominant and in control, they lost control somewhere along the way. its really simple
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, yet you still managed to sound like a limp-wristed alt-righter
i hate when retards respond for me. also lol
>weapons grade philosopihcal insight
okay renegade angel, check my actual response and not some meme spouting retard chiming in for me
Great filming, but I agree with him that your end credits are low quality. It's a noticeable contrast.
weed is legal but hate speech is NOT, you are SCARED of CHANGE
the train is leaving the station...last chance to get on or be left behind...wubba lubba dub dub...
T. Weak men bringing bad times
You won't be strong, but you'll contribute to a hellscape that will create tough individuals who are determined to make the world better. Think America at the turn of the century
more than 60% of males don't have sex. Theriously?
i think your vid is very well done, look good, but it goes a bit too fast to understand well what's happening. if i had seen it without seeing your post and knowing beforehand what it is about i doubt i would understand any of it
well its just something for the friends who helped, dont see the need to do credits like for a nolan movie.
>men are supposed to be strong and rule the world
>but they lost control so that means they're weak
so what created weak men faggot? some external factor made men weak and you never defined it, you just put men down for being weak and losing control. It was either caused by something or you're saying men spontaneously became weak, or were always weak. I feel like you're one of those people that sees extremely high rates of youth suicide, unemployment, isolation, depression and just tells them to man up.
that was the most non argument post ive ever seen in my entire life
wanna try again like a big soyboy and tell me how exactly its not weak to fall victim to propaganda that "alphaness" is failing to form a cohesive family unit? you're still in your shortpants kiddo. Come back in a few years then try to ramble with the big chompskyhonks.
i guess yeah, you really need to get into rhythm of song to keep up, probably difficult if youre just casually doing something on computer and then starting to watch the vid.
Did you miss the part about good times creating weak men? Shut up, weak man and enjoy your good times
the jews made men weak, obviously
I don't know what your argument is and I don't care what it is so if you really believe in your argument, sum it up or suck it up
Looks great, but lacks a real knife-twist of a message. It just says 'everyone is fucking but are they really happy'. Everyone knows this, even the chads and roasties kow their lives are husks, but nobody is willing to rub their noses in it, because then nobody will fuck them.
Keep going OP. Hell, even make a vid showing the rest of that comic, with the nogf wizard takeover. That shit would be awesome.
dumb cunt, you're the one who started with the alpha/beta dichotomy in your original post. No one is falling for propaganda, alpha males always abandon their females whether you like it or not and they were the ones that created all the single moms. Your vision of a strong man(who sticks with his wife and raises his children) doesn't work in a post sexual revolution world.
it doesnt matter what caused it retard, the idea is that men lost control. At the very least you should understand that placing the blame on the sex formerly dominated and submitting is fucking pathetic and weak. Say it was caused by whatever the fuck you want, the environment, evolution, nature, shadow reptiles, it doesnt matter. My point is that pinning the 80-20 shit exclusively on women is something a phenomenaly weak man would do. And if a depressed person moped around all the time saying their own cyclical self hatred was the sole reason for their state in life and that they have no agency at all and the world is entirely against them, yes i'd tell them to either man the fuck up or give up entirely. what is the alternative here exactly? do you even know what you're arguing for or are you just attempting to pin me down for not explicitlity saying what complex chain of events lead to weak men who lose control of their women? That was never my goal in the first place. The goal was to drive home the point that women are not the sole party to blame for 80-20 nonsense, and are far from the sole party to blame. if The blame is to be placed disporportionately in one sex's direction, it would 1000% be in the direction of the sex that formerly controlled every aspect of their lives
holy fuck how is this hard to understand. you betas will do anything to pin your shortcomings on le evil roasties and not the fact that you wont go to the fucking gym or shower
Don't you get it??? Everyone is entitled to have at least a woman's affection, no matter how pathetic he is. How, those dirty whores, how dare they like the more attractive man!
It's only fair for men to scoop down to their level and punish as many of those voluptuous floozies as possibly with a good dickening.
>Your vision of a strong man(who sticks with his wife and raises his children) doesn't work in a post sexual revolution world
and what created this post sexual revolution world?
also lmao that appeal to nature argument, and even if it is true that your definition of "alphaness" is true to nature, we already dominate and control an insane amount of nature, why can we not efficiently shift our drives to create stable family units? hmmm sounds like something a weak man would give up on and say "th-thats just not the way it is!"
>what created this post sexual revolution world?
Unironically hippies, the original weak men. And yet you still went back to the "weak men, bad times," post to call it retarded, while landing on that conclusion using your own reasoning
ahahahahaha, oh wow
wait, when I think about it it' actually pretty sad.
protecting your shabbiness with an imaginary shield of made-up morales and groundless feel of self-righteousness is beyond pathetic
i think you agree with me more than you realize
also you didnt adress the second part where i btfo your pitiful appeal to nature argument
Neat little video, editing was very la novelle vague esq (espacially jean loc godard), i don't know if that was intentional or not.
Men and woman seeks sexual stimulus in different way. For any average looking woman she can have any man at her door with the click of a button, while the men that falls outside the dating pool turns to internet porn.
The womans relation might seem deeper, and more meaninful as she is actually connecting with someone real, at least during the sexual act, but at the end of the day when everybody have had their 'release' she is just as lonely as the skinny mastrubating tweak.
good video OP
weird how most of western societies modern leaps in medicine and technology line up perfectly with the west becoming more and more secular....
Christendom is the bulwark against Islam and general apathy, listlessness and moral decay. I'm not saying to go buy a Bible and become a preacher but any smart person would put points into Christianity for their civilization until they invent something more efficient. It's too late for this western society though.
You're in an argument with like 3 or 4 people want I'm not the one who made that post, stop smelling your own breath and get some fresh air
>I'm not the one who made that post
so why are you replying to me? what do you want goober? adress the arguments or leave me alone
No it isn't, churches are inherently a bad thing and keep people stupid on purpose. It's not a coincidence that atheists are always smarter and that all the world's great discoveries don't from atheist minds. If we could somehow eliminate Christianity and let humanity develop unhindered for all of our history we'd be a galactic species in 2017. Instead we get Presbyterian preachers and stupid church gatherings where people pretend to do good things
Christianity is a tool for controlling the likes of you - weak and pathetic losers who refuse to think by themselves. I sincerely doubt you've done anything "Chritian" in your life, besides whining about degeneracy and faggots and Islam.
Is it really that hard for you to be a good person without a prospect of eternal damnation for being a sinner?
>holy fuck how is this hard to understand. you betas will do anything to pin your shortcomings on le evil roasties and not the fact that you wont go to the fucking gym or shower
heh I actually wrote a big walltext trying to reason with you but I forgot to read this part. this shit is too tiresome
Very good
You can easily get millions of views if you post it on reddit, this is exactly the kind of thing that appeals there
Think twice before you do it though
>a slut and an incel are the same
Are you both retarded?
Yeesh, does it bother you that innumerable mouth breathers and pseudo intellectuals have uttered the exact same arguments and have all dropped them?
>tool for controlling
Literally word for word, do you set out to be a cliche? The Bible isn't a rote rule book, it's a response to big questions that humans have about themselves, a set of ancient laws and customs were wrapped up into it the same as Hinduism and Confucism, but I guess those are just tools to control retards as well?
Made a quality edit