>tfw the Frasier forum is dead
Can we resurrect this kino website?
Tfw the Frasier forum is dead
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I would unironically like if you did.
I get sad by dead forums. That sense of a community lost.
The last few posts are usually from spam
wtf is a forum
>that 2000's vbulletin style
I always thought the show was called FRAISER, not FRASIER.
Mandela effect whoa
>Frasier forum
In the future there will be jobs that are along the lines of internet archeologists, who scour dead websites for data and info.
Honestly that sounds really cool. Personally I'm really interested in archivism. There are several places out there dedicated to the preservation and distribution of old media.
>frasier forum is ded
>fraser career is ded
Lets do this this: frasieronline.co.uk
youre on one you dip
Not unless we can turn it into the Fraser forum, no.
>ywn experience that mid 2000s forum feel again
how do i make an account?
lets all use this instead of Sup Forums untill they have to take it off the internet
Hi all
Frasier Online has been going for over 15 years now, but I have decided the time has come to freeze the site and leave it in an archive state as I want to move on and do other things
This will take effect from 29th June
From that time, the interactive parts of the site - the forum, review section, etc - will be locked and no new posts, user accounts etc will be possible after that, so what is already there will remain but nothing new will be be able to added.
Obviously I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to the site in some way over the time the site has been online
They probably all came here.
I knew there was something fishy about the rise of Frasierposting.
Thank god for that honestly. The hierarchy of registration date and post count users that set the bar for which opinions were allowed or not allowed is stupid.
Having the wrong opinion in a debate would cause a flame war against you and if you didn't leave it would be brought up against you over and over again because you had written it and people could point back to it.
It was just a circlejerk were some people had established themselves and any newcomer had to adhere to their rules and opinions, if you didn't lick ass you were thrown out.
Thats fucking bullshit OP is a faggot
Just say you'd like it you stupid faggot.
>tfw u get flamed by the guy that registered in 2001
Inb4 Frasier threads get ruined by some obnoxious meme.
Sounds like you were probably just some red insect with no rep power/karma points
I actually used to post on this site back in the day but it's been shut down for years. The closest thing is /r/frasier, but that's not as good.
It stinks because I feel like there's slightly more of a Frasier presense now than in 2014.
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
>A new forum setup by a former forum user can be accessed at: www.frasierfanclub.net
>It's dead too
>Can we resurrect this kino website?
Is sitcoms online still around?
Even worse is forums that have been outright deleted like the massive Adult Swim and IMDB ones
>imdb forums are gone
Anyone ever frequent the Malcom in the Middle Voting Community forums?
>Bulldog: "Who took my power bar? Who stole my power bar!?
>*glowing red eyes*
underagefag detected
The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy's community, to drive him out of the forums, to see his posts reduced to ashes, to see those who upvoted him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his stickies and favorite forum boards.
Reddit has a Frasier subforum, I believe.
Really how much can you discuss a show that's been off the air for like 15 years?
This is already happening
>tfw born too early to discover that Unix time isn't based on when man set foot on the moon
This, chan format is superior,net is anonymous not rep whore place.
>Black text on grey background
It's kinda amazing how much ui stuff the early web got dead right that has been forgotten
user, we are all dead. most of us here just do not know it yet. this is our purgatory. to forever browse and post on 4chin.
Does anyone have that comic of the guy sitting in front of the computer, thinking back of like 2012 where he was sitting on the computer the exact same and shedding a tear?
I think that really fits here
I really hate that the IMDb forums are gone. Not only that they've stopped supporting new posts, but that they've wiped out all those thousands of posts over so many years. That forum hosted and preserved decade long arguments between users. You could find the weirdest and funniest arguments and discussions on the most obscure movie boards.
the forums also provide info not found in the supposedly informative main imdb pages. i usually go to the forums because usually someone already asks a question that i want to ask and someone else has already given the answer.
That's a bit matter-of-fact isn't it? Not a lot of heart in his post. Fuck you Stuart.
>200 "what do you call this hairstyle" posts later
Well we're in the planning stages of FrasierCon 2018 for starters. Trying to decide if we're going with a tossed salad or scrambled eggs theme.
How about both?
Have they ever given a good reason why they did this? It seems like such an obviously bad decision that has to have driven a ton of people away.
No, because that can be interpreted as disingenuine.
People made fun of Ghostbusters 2016
That shit was honestly a tragedy. That was a piece of Internet history
Where the fuck is the registration though? No wonder no one posts
It was getting too political and controversial. For instance when Finn from star wars was first shown people flooded the comments with NI**ER
I'm still so mad about this. I want it to be revived so bad.
It died because you have to contact the administrator just to join. God knows if he is even alive or active. It didn't die due to lack of interest in the show
Quality post, checked 'n' kekd
can someone make a 'what do you call this hairstyle?' post?
Only if we convert it to a de facto Brendan Frasier forum
>went to several forums for 3-4 years or so years
>come back to find community drama had caused half the users to break away to start another site
>eventually leave again
>return again
>both sites are shut down
Also, Anyone remeber the flood?
It's sad I know exactly what internet community your talking about Furfag.
>The flood
Good fuckin times
That's the British stiff upper lip m8.
The flood was Sup Forums lite back in the day.
Does it still exist? Since bungie doesn't own halo anymore?
>afraid of click .co.uk
the flood just happened two weeks ago, you brain-damaged adhd maggot
tfw the naruto forum i started going to in 04 is still alive
havent watched anime in ten years
sounds like kino viewing to me
>the flood
that brings me back