Unironically one of the worst films of last year
Unironically one of the worst films of last year
Hey fuck you buddy I liked it
Fuck you OP, don't make me death process you.
I liked it, but you literally reminded me of its existence.
i bet you think snowpiercer is a deep, revolutionary movie
Along with La La Land and 10cloverpleb land.
Amy Adams has no talent and can't emote.
No, that would be The Man From Earth
What is this a picture for ants
You must watch only the best of the best films exclusively then
Not that user but The Man from Earth is complete utter shit.
I would even say it's an OBJECTIVELY bad movie.
Arrival is pretty fucking simple and straightforward, do you think a film has to be "le deep" to be good?
Oh heavens. OP made a post bashing arrival?! Whatever shall we do! Let us all bow before his patricianhood, for he knows about such obscure artists like Godard, maybe even Bergman! Good lord!
(Protip: we cannot stop laughing at you)
Lovecraftian film, you're absolutely retarded if you didn't know this.
It's an interesting well-executed film with huge plot holes and characters who make irrational decisions. It isn't great or terrible.
Yeah it's pretty terrible.
I enjoyed it. Decent twist. Good performances. There were a few things I didn't like but they're minor so I'll let them slide.
I wish they had named the aliens Bill & Ted though.
>I wish they had named the aliens Bill & Ted though.
whatever great grandmama
it's not?
You're the kind of pseud who hates Villeneuve because in your eyes he's a pretentious pleb, when in fact he is just one of the few remaining honest and sincere mainstream filmakers.
Actually most people who hate on Villeneuve don't hate him or his work that much, they hate the people who praise his work.
It's the same people who will call Fight Club a "shit movie" just because a few normies think it is the meaning of life itself.
>with huge plot holes and characters who make irrational decisions.
Such as?
I mean if you're gonna steal their ending plot device at least give them some kind of recognition.
I'm not him but one thing that bothered me is why the saboteurs would let them go into the room they put the explosives in.
They wanted to kill those alien lovers too?
But what if they saw the bombs and shut them off or threw them out of the hole?
La secuela "Abajol" es mejor.
As long as cape shit exist this will never work even as bait matte.