how many kids will you be having Sup Forums?
I can't wait to be a dad and raise my children to my image and likeness.
how many kids will you be having Sup Forums?
I can't wait to be a dad and raise my children to my image and likeness.
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I'm mixed, so fuck that. My muddied bloodline ends with me.
4 eurasians.
That's a lot of self-hate there man. You can's let that stop you from living a long and prosperous life. Hope you'll be able to work past your self-esteem issues
go fuck some nigger or arab women, go breed intelligence into those monkeys
Thank you for doing the right thing.
At least 5, hope to get 15, wish to get 20
That's a shitty attitude. You should never be against yourself, even if you were a full nigger. Maybe through some evolutionary magic you have managed to actually have superior genes to both of your parents. It's unlikely, but you still owe it to the 4 billion year old unbroken chain of your ancestors to try.
Just fine someone as mixed as you, or maybe a bit less.
I'm a kissless handholdless virgin and I don't want to pass on my shit genes anyway.
>you still owe it to the 4 billion year old unbroken chain of your ancestors to try.
had my 1st kid on the 2nd, idk how to feel about being a dad
I had a daughter
i want to have 5-8, but how do i find a woman who wants that too?
In almost all cases, the mother chose to end her genetic heritage right there and then. The kids are the victims, why perpetuate the suffering. Mixed kids are just unhappier than everyone else unless they are filthy rich. The stress of not being socially accepted by any group in society is causing health issues for them. They can lie to themselves or even claim pride in their mixed heritage, but they know.
Hopefully more than two. I want to be able to give them a better life than my parents or I did growing up.
Taking care of my nephew and niece
*my girlfriend is pretty much of the same opinion on the topic.
3 or more ideally
Where's that pic from? looks comfy. I'd love to live somewhere like that.
I can't imagine being a father. It terrifies me. But I'll never kiss a woman let alone impregnate one so why worry?
I want 4-5
As many as my husband wants, but I want at least one.
Hopefully at least 2.
Can somebody explain the appeal of reproducing?
Yep, mixed mutt here who can't be proud of any heritage. Fucking race-mixing grandparents, although I'm a euro mix so maybe I shouldn't really be complaining but still a mix is a mix.
I will establish a cloning facility in a remote Arctic Ocean island. There I will produce thousands of identical me. I will teach them to value pragmatism and power and their unity above anything else. Their population will increase exponentially as their collective net work will boom because of their superior intellect. Eventually, when there will be enough of us, we will start a nuclear war to wipe out our enemies. We will survive because of thousands of underground nuclear shelters built before and then finish of the rest of the Earth using our unity. One face will rule all.
Your children are going to suffer the consequences of your action you choose to determine their future
I've got at least 7 confirmed kids around the world. 4 of them are being merrily raised by the cuck father, another one is 14, german rich asf mother, rasied by his grandparents. One daughter i've never heard about after the mother gave her birth and one potential supreme gentleman from a singaporean mother (she is loaded so meh).
I am rich myself, will probably choose the most capable heir amongst the bunch and give him all of my shit before retiring
>i just hope it's not gonna be Elliot II
Until I get a daughter, because only girls would take care of their parents when they get older. I have 5 other siblings and they are all male.
I decided what vn to play next, thanks op.
>Complaining about being euro mixed
If you were half shitskin I would agree. But come on nigger
What children? I told you I'm a virgin
White here. I have two kids, a boy and a girl, because that's all I can afford. Anymore and I would consider myself financially irresponsible.
Niggers have kids like rabbits. They grow up without fathers and are dependant on welfare. The problem is, I can't in good conscience sink to their level. I want more whites to be born, but if I breed like a nigger, will they turn out any better?
Minimum of 3. Replacement +1. Depends on my economic situation. Quality over quantity, but 3 is my minimum, no matter what.
There's nothing wrong with using welfare. It's why you pay taxes and social care is necessary for a society.
Get Love at first sight user, from the same author.
Going with three. i would hope for the oppertunity.
That's the entire appeal of Reproduction. Your children suffer the consequences of your actions while you just sit back and watch the world burn
I want to decrease the world's population, so i'll only be having one child
Well i'm 1/4 Maltese, so that's kind of dirty right?
My bloodline could hardly be more mixed (both sides of family had a habit of not spending more than a generation anywhere), and I'm genetically great.
>whiter than my parents, but not ugly-ass blonde like a lot of people with my skin tone
>erratic and slow growth pattern but close to and could pass 6'
>lightweight and strong body despite having the eating and exercise habits of a fat fuck
>cunning and creativity improved on from my father
>decency and subconscious affinity improved on from my mother
>vocal pitch range has the combined ranges of a deep voiced man and a somewhat soft voiced woman
>uncanny temperment for an aspie
Embrace being a mixed breed, assimilating a new range of beneficial traits with each generation.
Based mixed. I'm myself a mixed fuck too, even if I'm more white than black. I'm ugly. And I don't want my kids to look like me.
Just picture a white man with a big nose (not that big, but kind of big), big lips, curly hair...
I'm an abomination. And I accepted it.
My kids will never even know what Sup Forums is, and won't be getting cell phones until the age of 14, unless they have straight As and play a sport.
> le overpopulation meme
childless whites are no use if every other race puts out 8 children each
I don't see what the world offers me
>Just picture a white man with a big nose (not that big, but kind of big), big lips, curly hair...
so a Greek/Turk
You are 1/4 dog?
At least three I hope. I'd like to have five or six. Depends on how many I can afford to have.
>I want to decrease the world's population, so i'll only be having one child
>parents have only 2 children since they're against overpopulation
>meanwhile third world countries breed like rabbits
>receding hairline
>not intelligent enough to be a programmer
dont think i wanna pass on my shit genes desu
I don't want to be dependant on welfare. If I lose my job, (I have) I would go on unemployment benefits for a few weeks until I get a job again.
Having 100% of my income, food, and obama phones come from welfare handouts all the time would be degenerate.
I'm still white on the inside.
>so a Greek/Turk
No, uglier. I don't want my kids to suffer like I did.
And I have skin problem too...
I can't have kids, my half-brothers (white af) will do the job for me.
>Mixed kids are just unhappier than everyone else
I'm 1/8 injun and I would wager I have whiter skin and a better mental status than you. You stormniggers are something else.
> using "my genes" excuse to justify being a lazy bum
You are on the same level with the land whales who can't lose weight because of their thick bones.
I'm going to mix with a Chinese woman and have 3 kids
you a virgin desu?
Either 1 or 3. Depends on the girl and depends how the first kid is. Fuck having 2 though
>tfw no Sylvia or Hanako gf
Is having a scar fetish degenerate? I just want to cuddle up with a cute, scarred girl, trace them with my fingers and tell her she's beautiful.
But yeah, at least two kids, but other than that as many as i can afford.
>1/8 something
> all those people saying 1-3 kids
i don't know if you are shills, but everybody needs at least 5 if we want to compete
You really do not need any intelligence to be a programmer. If you can speak English and do very basic math, you can program. Start by making yourself a homepage using HTML + Javascript. After that you already can program to some extent using c++, java, python and others. All you have to do is start.
Being 1/8 means my ancestors were half at one point. Yuropoors are lower IQ than American, though. Sorry, I forgot.
I'm ugly so yes
>Yuropoors are lower IQ than American
Top kek. You're talking to one of the purest, whitest people in europe, mystery meat.
Ya, we white now.
>not having superior genes to both your parents
It's like you weren't even trying as your zygote formed.
No. You don't need any intelligence to be a web developer or a script kiddie. If you want to be a real programmer you have to be smart. C, algorithms, program design and project management takes a lot of work.
>raise my children to my image and likeness
You will be so disappointed.
Has less to do with intelligence and more to do with motivation. By the time I had gotten my programming degree, I fucking hated programming.
Mixed is fine for breeding. Your kids will be 3/4 of a race which means they'll fit right in. Just look at Keanu Reeves or Obama's daughters, they look pure white/black. 3/4 kids would also get a pass from many of racial identity issues that face halfers.
> he doesn't get his wife to take care of his parents
Chinks are the worst
4 I think is the civic minimum for any stable couple as we enter a time of instability and possibly warfare.
12 is gung-ho best case scenario and might be impossible but I'd be open to the idea of trying to aim for it.
C doesn't need intelligence either, you'll just have to be a bit more careful. Using algorithms doesn't require intelligence, since you just have to implement them, not develop them. And program design and managment on the small scale are quite trivial, and on larger scale not the job of a basic programmer.
Probably none, I refuse to be a single mother but so far all those I met were leftists or didn't want children, and I'm close to reaching the age where I'll just create autists.
> shekels have been deposited
>only girls take care of their parents
>wife is female
Ok, what the shit are you trying to say?
Is it a rule that the more kids you have, the less likely your wife will cheat on you? If so, 4-5.
>the less likely your wife will cheat on you
No, user. The less people you and she have fucked, the less likely you'll get cheated on. Don't be a degenerate. If you shame virgins, you're likely to get cheated on as well, just for justice' sake.
We're all autists here. Your children will find their place.
Thanks for the (You) :)
It's true, and breeding with the highest quality halfers can lead to a strengthening of the race's genetics.
Yeah, you gotta love programming itself. I don't think anyone could do it just for money. Sitting from midnight to midnight, just to get the fucking library working, spending hours on debugging and living your project requires a lot of motivation.
But for many things that require performance, intelligence is a prerequisite. I'm coding game engines, and they do need to be really fast.
for stuff like that you need a source
> Sup Forums
> source
probably zero
It's not really the programming that requires intelligence even in that case. The architecture needs to be elegant, and the guy who designs it doesn't even necessarily directly write any code. He might just instruct those who do.
i'm genuinely in love with sylvie. i had piggu gfs before but they just can't compete with the cuteness and kindness of sylvie. i would give one of my kidneys just to be with her, not even joking.
how are we supposed to ever settle down and have kids with a smelly 3D whore when absolute cuties like sylvie exist?
Planning 2, with my white wife.
Nah, senpai. Mixed ethnically and white culturally is the way to go. We're the allies necessary to the next step in taking down PC with the not your shield shit.
0 American women are awful creatures and there is no point in breeding with them. All that would do is bring another life into this world to suffer and be subjected to a Babylon like insanity sweeping the globe. Best just to drink until I die.
>Mixed ethnically and white culturally
This is the general idea, yes.
Oh come on I'm mixed white and asian, just choose one nationality or the other to mate with.
0, why would I have kids? Even if I'm pure white
you don't need to be married to have a family
0. Going to wait for the singularity.
Getting a vescetomy soon because I don't trust females at this stage in the game.
>encouraging someone to become a single mother
oy vey just keep chasing the dollar and take these antidepressants when you start realising what we- *#coughwithher* I mean you're doing to your life :^)
Sorry lad my bloodline is mudslime so I'm ending it here.
That's just adding to the worlds problems by creating another single parent child.
for you my friend. real life hanako waifu.