Guys, what do we do in the event that Sup Forums goes down for good due to an attack? I know Sup Forums glitching out recently could've been maintenance or anything, but what if it goes down because of an attack orchestrated by Hillary or something? What's the plan if our stronghold finally falls?
The final happening
Other urls found in this thread:
Without Sup Forums less people will be redpilled!
Idk, my mom can drive us to the mall
maybe someone who knows how to make websites could make one for pol?
that's not a terrible idea. But it would have to be really hidden. Like a safehouse for pol, we're talking like you click on a link on a fake cooking site and type in a password to get in
site could be called something like 'in the oven'.
Web developer here. I've been thinking about a similar idea but everyone would have to be aware on here on how to get in, as well as everyone being on bored with one agreed place to go
Newfags. The back up has always and always will be /mlp/
right right, makes sense. Good to have you in the thread user
The idea I like best is some sort of bunkerchan. It would be a website that always catalogs threads from here AND also allows posting new threads or even within those archived threads within the site. So if Sup Forums is down we migrate to bunkerchan as if nothing even changed
Agreed agreed. That's clearly the best solution. Now how does one go about building a bunkerchan exactly?
Better do the Samson option, we just take over /mlp/
>defcon 5
>nuclear explosion
what a fag
This is why we must attack Clinton, the CTR, and their allies with all our collective might
This is a fight for our very survival
Underrated post.
Setting up a server that can handle decent traffic in the event of a mass migration. Coding the site wouldn't be that hard, imageboards are relatively easy and the layout could be minimal and similar to Sup Forums (if not exactly the same). I'm currently a broke fag otherwise I'd start to set it up right now. Maybe in the next coming week once I have more cash to throw around I'll set this up. Or perhaps another user can get the ball rolling, I don't really care who does it but it needs to be done ASAP guys
>See this thread
>refresh Alex Jones topic where people call him out for his bullshit
>sites down
I bet if we set up a gofundme page people would chip in
Sup Forums was down too
I'm looking into gofundme right now, trying to keep this thread alive
What's your email address? Setting it up so you can withdraw the money.