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Trump is just a beast. Unstoppable now.

Hahahaha. Sempai noticed us :3

We live in interesting times..

How will king nigger even recover?

He is finally up in the polls and he has to ruin it by repeating the disgusting things the racist Philippine president said.



me oui!


That's a pretty accurate description desu

>finally recovers in the polls
>immediately tweets something stupid

They will still turn it to a negative about Trump since he posted it.



He should fly there by himself and celebrate a huge ceremony when he arrives. I bet the chinese would do it just to btfo obama

How is this bad? He's highlighting the disrespect from other world leaders he wouldn't stand for.


>football faggot disrespects America by not standing
>Obama says thats his freedom

>Obama gets insulted by freedom words
>Obama gets so butthurt he cancels meeting

Why is he such a massive hypocrite?


based god emperor browsing Sup Forums and tweeting at 5AM?

Press will go insanse over son of whor comment...

> 'something stupid'
Maybe Obama's O-mama shouldn't have been suckin' the dick.

What an amazing year

I think OP's agreeing with Trump and laughing at Obongo.

it's almost 8AM in American time

>live in America
>not know about time zones

>the son of a whore
Well, they aren't exactly wrong.

West coast isn't America, friend

Could Trump get backlash for tweeting it?
I mean that's literally what happened, but how could they spin it?

eat shit cunt

Shut up retards, this is not controversial lol.

He just highlighted Obama's week, that's it.

Nothing is worse than that tweet about Wade's cousin.

I dont get it. whats red carpet for air force one in china?

what does it do with philipinos insulting obama?

>Obama called "Son of a whore" -Trump's tweet

Trump can get backlash for anything whatsoever.

sure you are right, its 8AM in NYC
overhere it's 5AM- but still impressive

They aren't even his words, so any attempt to spin will appear weak.

what exactly happened with hussein obongo in china?

Obongo jungle boy didn't get a welcomed reception in China, while everyone else did. Then the Flip President insulted jungle bunny boy

Oh yeah, I can totally see it happening.

Obama landed in China for some world leaders meeting and everyone else got red carpet except him. The Chinese wouldnt provide him the staircase to descend his plane and US diplomats and Chinese diplomats had some sort of fight on the tarmac. Then they made Obama exit out of the back of the plane or something with no red carpet

well its fact that it happened. why are everyone shit storming about his tweet?

The Chinese didn't put out a carpet for Obama and Obama had to get off from the back of the plane and pretend it was a mistake.

Then this other dude called Obama a son of a whore and told him to fuck off.

Obama's having a rough week.

Wades cousin?

Because libfags get their panties in a twist over anything Trump says

Is Trump shilling for Obama Bin Laden now?

What did he mean by this?

No he can't what the fuck? Are you people high or what?

He was quoting president of Philippines, that's it.

You guys are too paranoid.

god, films and comedy are never as funny or strange as real life.

9AM reporting

>Trump's economic policies force globalist corp international to begin opening factories in USA again
>China collapses into massive civil war because the Communist Party leaders have been claiming all the shekels the nation has earned on the back of their slave labor

we predict todays/tomorrows CNN headline
"Trump says 'son of whore' in his tweet about Obama"

Yeah, after Dwayne Wade's cousin was shot 10 days ago, Trump tweeted something like

"Dwayne Wade's cousin was shot and killed in Chicago! I told you, African Americans will vote Trump!"

It can't get worse than that IMO.


>This is our country, our airport,' shouts Chinese official as Barack Obama lands for G20 summit

you called it

No one is shit storming, just some retards on Sup Forums being paranoid fucks.

kek, why so butthurt?



Your leader is so based. D.A.R.E. program 2.0

i heard his reply on the radio. it was weak as fuck. not diplomatic, or disarming. just, well, weak.

>i, uh, have no problem with, uh, talking to people and communicating, uh, but i like to, uh, know that it's going to be, uh, a productive visit before I go there

jesus. he could have said anything else. even when asked to comment he could have simply said " I will not justify his words with a response"

Lol trump calls him son of a whore without actually doing so

Top bantz

Wow, Trump is calling people sons of whores now?

He is unfit to be president

Its the kike that cried nazi, eventually people stop listening

JAJA, too be fair Obongo's "journalists" were probably CIA or some kind of agents

How is this stupid? Fucking ausniggers

Trump calls Obama the bastard son of a filthy whore (he's not)

Can you guys feel it?

>implying he can't spin "terrible" to refer the gook's treatment of our president if there's backlash
12d chess

>eventually people stop listening
maybe that's the goal :^)

Funny part is, what does Obama do?

He looks weak letting it slide
But the left couldn't bear to say anything bad against a "minority" country

>Trump harasses Obama on Twitter, calls him "Terrible!"

lost in translation

Duterte's word in english:

If president Obama brought up the human rights issue again, putangina

I will really say bad words/ bad mouth him (face to face).

Technically he said "Putangina" as an expression not a direct insult to Obama, not yet...

(putangina is mother whore in literal words, Du30's context here, is an expression which is equal to goddamnit)

Therefore I think it was lost in translation

I hope Trump will read this message.

kek underrated

screencapping this in case it actually becomes the headline

>hurr how will the media spin something negative about Trump to cover up his big poll gains

I dunno murrifat, maybe because it's happened like 6000 times before?

Trump just needs to drop twitter in general, he always does best when he shuts up and allows Clinton to sperg out like he's done for the past two weeks

Obama gets his fee fees hurt by meanie poo poo head Trump

By saying it's terrible, dumbfuck. Thanks for Correcting the Record.

thank you flipbro

now gtfo Sup Forums and murder some druggies for me

Doesn't matter. The english world will only know the son of a whore part.

This is a very well worded tweet. It can be taken two ways; one is Trump is laughing at Obama, and the other is he is being critical of China and the Philippines. He can say he meant it either way, depending on how the media reacts.

ding ding ding ding

Maybe we can beat them to the punch by warning Trump of their impeding treachery

how much would you bet on it?

he was scanning the horizon.

they might be right

He is literally repeating exactly what happened to Obongo

Who cares what the media does? If they try to spin it the smart ones will look up the tweet and realize it is nothing and that could flip their vote.

I say let the media do whatever stupid shit they want to pull. It can only help Trump.


Trump would get backlash for saving a child out of a burning building

Well Obama's mom did fuck a nigger so...


>yfw this tweet gets people interested in who obama's parents were
>yfw this is another 12d interplanetary uno trick by Trump

You clearly haven't been paying attention at all. Twitter is what is going to win Trump this election. He's following the exact same formula as always here.
>Bait media
>Media jumps on the bait, blasts Trump's message everywhere
>Normies actually open their computers and look at what Trump said.
>"Hmmmm ... Trump...was... just kinda... saying what happened here...I kinda... agree.... weird..."

He did the same thing the other day by mixing up "classified" and "confidential," when discussing Clinton's emails. Trying to bait them into it, so that everyone will find out that Clinton didn't know what the C meant.

the thing is Obamas mum was a whore

All news agencies are reporting that Duterte called Obama son of a whore.

Obama gonna cuck out and say some shit like he wasn't offended by being called the son of a whore.



>be me, Obama
>People thank me every day sarcastically
>Arrive in China, get called son of a whore
>Cant even get out of my plane.
>Putin laughs at me
>Make no progress with Putin
>Go home to USA, next president insults me
>Tfw just want to golf and spend special interest money

>normies see headline
>check tweet
>research subject
>"Huh, he was right, that's what they said. Man, America has really fallen in terms of world standing under Obama, and Hillary would just be a continuation of those policies. Maybe it's time for a change."
And that's how the normie joined the Trump Train

oops wrong thread soz

>Hillary: "Trump cannot be President because will get no respect from foreign leaders."

remember this one playing during all the nrl games

Good one.

His supporters can't as well